Like facials with vitamin C at homeconditions return youth? Recipes best face masks withvitamin C

Пн, 29 янв 2018 Автор: Наталия Овченко

From school, we know how necessary our
body constant replenishment of vitamins. Thanks to them we
stay young and healthy. You can get vitamins inside,
using vitamin complexes, as well as eating vegetables and

But if there is a desire to preserve youth even outside
for example, to restore the freshness and elasticity of the face, neck, area around
eye and décolleté, it is possible at home to prepare masks for
лица с vitamin C.


Rules to keep in mind when using vitamin masks

A person can remain beautiful and fresh thanks to healing
properties of masks. That’s just you can often hear about
ineffectiveness of their use. WITHлучается, это по той причине,
that during their preparation and application the main
rules about which we will talk further.

Rule one. To prepare a vitamin face mask with
vitamin C в домашних conditions, следует воспользоваться капсулами
for injections that are sold in pharmacies. But store opened
the capsule in the refrigerator is impossible, otherwise vitimin will lose its
property. WITHледует помнить, что витамин WITH содержится во многих
fruits, berries and citrus. Therefore, you can get it from
currants, lemon, orange and kiwi. Богат vitamin C и шиповник,
therefore for masks it is good to use a decoction from it.

Rule two. Not worth while preparing masks with
использованием витамина WITH добавлять другие витамины, за исключением
vitamin A and E. This combination helps in the fight against small
wrinkles, and also relieves acne and acne. If vitamin A
(aevit) add to the night anti-aging night cream, you can from
such an application to obtain an enhanced effect.

Rule three. Витамин WITH прекрасно сочетается практически со
all compositions of home masks. These are both dairy products and
eggs, vegetable oils, bee products, mashed potatoes,
made from fruits and vegetables.

Rule Four. Before using masks you need to check, not
will an allergic reaction occur after an individual
intolerance to the substance. We carry out the test as follows:
apply a small amount on the skin of the arm and observe the reaction
body for 10 minutes.

Fifth Rule If you have just started applying a face mask with
vitamin C в домашних conditions, количество его должно быть
minimal. So if you use tablets, you can add no more.
half, if the vitamin in the drops, more than 10 drops add
can not.

Rule six. Before applying the mask on his face is necessary
pre-clean. WITHделать это можно при помощи избавления от
make-up, cleaning with scrub. Also recommended for
improve the action to steam the face. Then the remedy will penetrate deeper.
in the pores, then the action will be stronger. WITH этой целью на кожу кладут
hot compress

The seventh rule. Leave the mask on the face is not worth more than
25 minutes. It all depends on the composition of the mask. WITHмыть надо при помощи
warm water, then wipe the skin with an ice cube, apply
nutritious cream.

Rule eighth. You can use these masks up to three times
a week The course is 15 sessions. Also immediately after the procedure
recommended to go out, especially in frosty or windy
the weather.

Чем полезны маски для лица с vitamin C

Витамин WITH или аскорбиновая кислота зачастую используется при
cold or to improve immunity. Actually use
витамин WITH можно намного шире, поскольку действие его не
limited to the above. So how is ascorbic
acid acts on the skin:

– will have a rejuvenating effect. Витамин WITH — это мощный
antioxidant, able to rid the skin of fine wrinkles, strengthen
the formation of collagen, significantly improve the condition of the skin;

– protects against the negative effects of the sun. It’s not a secret to anybody,
that the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun have a negative effect on
skin Витамин WITH способен защитить от такого влияния, даже

– relieve acne and other rashes. This is done for
due to the fact that the amount of rash decreases as vitamin
cleans the epidermis, tightens pores and prevents harmful
microorganisms form new rashes;

– strengthen the blood vessels. Vitamin is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels
regulate blood clotting, resist formation

– improves the complexion. It is leveled at a fast pace.
age spots disappear.

Примеры эффективных масок для лица с vitamin C в домашних

Cosmetic mixtures for the face must be chosen deliberately, take into account
skin type problems. Proper and regular conduct of such
procedures help to significantly improve the condition of the skin, saturate it
necessary substances that will continue to work on
reduction of wrinkles, the skin will return its former elasticity and freshness.

WITHредства для масок, приготовленные с добавлением витамина WITH
can be applied as aged women to improve
mature skin conditions young girls as
prevention of various rashes.

Mask for all skin types

A similar mask of ascorbic acid will help support the skin.
persons in good condition. It serves as a prevention for the appearance

For the procedure it is necessary to open 2 ampoules of ascorbic
acid, add as much boiled water. Apply on face
следует кончиками пальцев, при этом слегка массируя skin WITHмывать
This mask is not worth it, as it is quickly absorbed into the skin of individuals.

Mask for all skin types

Initially, beat the protein, pour one tablespoon
olive oil, ampoule of ascorbic acid. In the absence of
аптечного витамина WITH его можно заменить соком киви в количестве 1
tablespoon. On the skin mask withstand 15 minutes. At the expiration of
remove the mask with a moistened decoction of chamomile sponge.

Nourishing mask

Mask can be applied to all skin types. To her
cook, you need to take a slurry of half a banana, mix with an ampoule
витамина WITH или соком одного киви. Add to this mixture
spoon of milk cream, in the end you get a thick mixture, which
should be applied to the face. At the expiration of 20 минут маску смыть
warm water and rub your face with a tonic.

Mask for dry and combination skin


– ascorbic acid – 1 ampoule or tablespoon
orange juice;

– almond oil – 1 tablespoon;

– sour cream – 2 tablespoons.

All should be thoroughly mixed until homogeneous.
masses. Inflicting on face, wait until completely dry, then rinse
warm water.

Acne mask

Relieves acne and at the same time helps improve skin condition
Mask made from the following ingredients:

– pharmaceutical clay powder (suitable green or white) – 1

– ascorbic acid – 1 ampoule;

— апельсиновый сок — 1 tablespoon;

– water.

All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, add water,
to get a creamy mass. Apply on face for 25 minutes,
then wash off.

Mask for problem skin

To prepare a peeling mask, you need to take one strawberry,
grind it in mush, add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal,
mix everything thoroughly with a vial of ascorbic acid. Behind
in the absence of the latter, you can squeeze the juice from half a cucumber.

On the face such a mask must be kept for 15 minutes, after which
wash off.

Маска с vitamin C и глицерином

The mask is able to eliminate fine wrinkles, deeper will help
make it visually less visible. The skin will become more elastic,


— глицерин — 1 tablespoon;

– mineral water – 2 tablespoons;

— витамин WITH (раствор для инъекций) — 5 капель.

WITHпособ приготовления маски следующий: из
cotton fabric we cut out a face mask in which there are
slits for eyes, mouth, nose. Mask should be moistened in cooked
смеси и наложить на лицо на 25 minutes. With regular use
the result will be noticeable quickly.

Homemade vitamin facials are a real find for
those who do not have enough time or funds for trips to salons
beauty. Our ancestors tried them for themselves, and the best recipes reached
so far.

Теперь вы знаете, как готовить в домашних conditions маски для
лица с vitamin C и вам ничто не мешает повторить не столь сложную
процедуру в домашних conditions. But do not throw the case halfway,
and then your youth and beauty will stay with you for a long time.

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