Life after 40. Comparison of methodsrejuvenation

Fri, 07 Feb 2014 According to a survey in
Britain, women reach the peak of their attractiveness
after 30 years. Male survey participants in the notion of female
beauty invest not only external data, but also the ability to
lodge as well as self confidence. It is after 30 women finally
begin to calm their attitude to their appearance, do not perceive
criticism is as keen as in youth, they know how to care for themselves and have
the opportunity to enjoy the achievements of modern cosmetology.

Time is still the main enemy of beauty. Wrinkles,
loose skin, age spots – all this is a tribute to the years lived and
accumulated experience.

You can delay and smooth out age-related changes by
hardware techniques. Currently one of the most popular
are laser and photorejuvenation, because they do not require
surgical intervention and give a guaranteed result. it
such procedures as:

  • DOT-therapy,
  • RF lifting,
  • deep thermolifting,
  • fractional photothermolysis,
  • combination of the above procedures.


The effectiveness of DOT-therapy

DOT-rejuvenation among others stands out for maximum
performance with the minimum required quantity

The basis of the effectiveness of DOT – dermal optical thermolysis –
Stimulates the growth of new cells and the synthesis of new collagen. These
the processes are triggered by laser-controlled application
microdamage. The radiation is formed in the form of a mesh (fractions),
so that the damaged skin areas coexist with intact
zones. This technology reduces the rehabilitation period, because square
tissue damage is minimal.

Видимый эффект от ДОТ-rejuvenation проявляется уже после первой
procedures. After a course in more than 90% of patients, the skin becomes
more elastic, small wrinkles leave, deep ones are smoothed.

The power of the complex effects

Until recently, in aesthetic medicine for
DOT-therapy was mainly used SmartXide laser. Not this way
long time ago the company DEKA released an improved device –
SmartXide2 DOT + RF, which combines the capabilities of the dermal
thermolysis with radiofrequency lifting capabilities. RF radiation
enhances the effect of the procedure, due to additional stimulation
cells responsible for the synthesis of collagen, and also shortens the term
rehabilitation. In the center “Laser Doctor” you can undergo the procedure
rejuvenation как на аппарате SmartXide, так и на лазере SmartXide2

The results of the procedure are indeed

  • improves the appearance of the skin,
  • restored elasticity, tone,
  • surface irregularities are smoothed (watch out for
  • wrinkles are reduced,
  • brighten or leave age spots.

Сравнение способов rejuvenation

Методики аппаратного rejuvenation различаются степенью
impact, rehabilitation period and duration of the course. More
мягкие процедуры — RF lifting, фототермолиз, термолифтинг — дают
good effect, but require a course impact, and therefore large
time and money. DOT therapy is more intense.
exposure, but the procedure is carried out one-time. By
If desired, it can be repeated after 6-18 months. In addition, pillboxes
has a wider range of solvable problems and allows you to cope
with many age changes in a complex – in one

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