Kupaty in a slow cooker – delicious homemadesausages. Recipes купатов в мультиварке под соусом, с овощами, вsteamed dough

Ср, 03 авг 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

Kupaty are minced sausages made from natural meat,
that are baked, fried or steamed.

This is a great alternative to store sausage.

They are served as a separate dish, cooked with vegetables, or
as an addition to the garnish.


Kupaty in ultivarka – the basic principles of cooking

Kupaty prepared from coarsely ground in a meat grinder, or
minced meat, adding to it a lot of spices and herbs.

Ground meat for a kupat is used pork, beef, mixed or
chicken Chopped meat is flavored with seasonings and finely chopped.
greens. If desired, you can add mustard or finely crumbled
garlic The resulting mixture is filled with a natural shell, forming
небольшие sausages. Tied up on both sides.

Today, purchasing natural guts is problematic,
but there is always a way out. Buy seasoning for sausages,
with which comes the natural shell with which you quickly and
without too much trouble, cook kupaty. The seasoning itself is better not
use, because it adds flavor enhancers and

Prepare kupat in a slow cooker in different ways: bake, stew,
boiled or fried.

Kupats can be cooked on your own or purchased at
supermarket, it’s up to you, but better, of course,
do homework. So you will be confident in the quality of the product.

Recipe 1. Kupaty in a slow cooker


  • 1 kg 300 g chicken breasts;

  • Bay leaf;

  • bulb;

  • nutmeg;

  • egg;

  • ground coriander;

  • two cloves of garlic;

  • 5 g dry spices;

  • salt;

  • ground black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Use lightly frozen breasts so it will be easier.
cut in small pieces. Cut the skin off the breasts, rinse and very finely.

2. Mash leaves in hands. Add to shredded meat
salt, spices and crushed bay leaf. Thoroughly knead.

3. Peel and chop the onion into a bowl.
blender. Kill to a state of slurry. Garlic melenkoh crumble.
Add onion and garlic to meat. Beat in the egg and carefully
mix it up.

4. Pour three glasses of boiled water into the container. Above
place the steamer.

5. Take the package, cut it lengthwise into two parts. In each
put the stuffing and roll sausage. Twist the ends and tie

6. Put the sausages in the steamer bowl. Activate the mode “on
Steam “, close the lid and cook for 25 minutes. Then take out the bowl with
sausages and put in a large bowl so that they stack the juice.
Remove the film.

7. Drain the water from the tank, wipe it dry and pour in the oil.
Place the container in the appliance and turn on the baking program or
�”Frying”. Fry kupaty to ruddy on all sides. Serve with
a side dish of vegetables or cereals.

Recipe 2. Kupaty in a slow cooker in a mustard cream sauce


  • kupat packaging;

  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;

  • 80 ml sour cream;

  • 50 g of mustard.

Cooking method

1. Kupaty, without defrosting, lay out on the grill steamers. AT
the capacity of the device pour half a liter of boiling water. Install the grid and
cook sausages for 25 minutes.

2. Drain the water from the tank, wipe it dry and pour the oil.
Activate the function “frying” or “baking”. Fry sausages with
all sides until delicious crust.

3. AT отдельной чашке смешиваем сметану с горчицей. Fill
the resulting sauce kupaty and cook in the same mode for another minute

Recipe 3. Kupaty in a slow cooker in dough


  • milk;

  • four kupatas;

  • parsley;

  • 250 g puff yeastless dough.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the parsley, lightly dry and chop finely.
Roll out the dough rectangle along the length of the kupata. Next put
the same rolled dough. Powder finely chopped
зеленью и выложите параллельно две sausages.

2. Twist the rolls to meet each other. Grease rolls
sprinkle with sesame and cut into slices as thick as

3. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker. ATыложите купаты в тесте и
Turn on the baking program for 20 minutes. Serve with молочными

Recipe 3. Kupat in a slow cooker stewed with vegetables


  • Half a kilo of chicken kupaty;

  • black pepper;

  • 400 g of frozen vegetables;

  • salt;

  • carrot;

  • vegetable oil;

  • two bulbs;

  • 200 g sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Kupat cut into four parts. This should be done very
a sharp knife, as the sausages are very soft. Can they slightly
freeze to make it easier to chop.

2. Remove the vegetable mixture from the freezer so that it is lightly
thawed out. Put the kupat pieces in a crock-pot and fry
them in vegetable oil for 20 minutes, without closing

3. Лук и морковку очистите и мелко slice. When kupaty
Redden, add carrots and onions to them. Stir and
fry for another quarter of an hour.

4. ATысыпьте овощную смесь к купатам. Stir, slightly open
cover and cook in quenching mode for another ten minutes. Spice up
salt and spices. Add sour cream, mix and cook, do not
changing the mode, half an hour. Serve as a separate dish,
either with a side dish.

Recipe 4. Kupaty in a squid cooker


  • five squids;

  • spice;

  • bulb;

  • barberry;

  • salt;

  • garlic – two slices.

Cooking method

1. Squids clean, wash and twist in a meat grinder with onion
and garlic. Twist the barberry in the stuffing.

2. Fill the natural casing with minced meat and form small
sausages. Tie them on both sides with a thread and pierce them in several
ground needle.

3. AT емкость прибора влейте пол-литра кипятка. Above поместите
bowl-double boiler. ATыложите в нее купаты, закройте крышку и готовьте
for a couple of five minutes. If you wish, you can fry them.
Serve with рисовым гарниром.

Recipe 5. Kupaty in a slow cooker with new potatoes


  • 12 kupaty;

  • 80 g butter;

  • 1 kg 200 g young potatoes;

  • a small bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking method

1. Wash new potatoes with a brush. Put it in the pan and
fill with drinking water. Salt and set on top
container double boiler. ATыложите в него колбаски, закройте крышку и
cook in steamed mode for half an hour.

2. Rinse greens and finely crumble. At the end of the program
выньте контейнер и остудите sausages.

3. Fold the potatoes into a colander and place them in a deep
the dishes. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill and pour over the baked dill.
butter. Cover the dishes with the potato lid to
keep it hot.

4. Wipe the capacity of the multicooker with a napkin and activate the function
�”Frying” for half an hour. Add a spoonful of butter and fry the sausages with
all sides to ruddy. Serve kupaty with young boiled
potatoes and vegetable salad.

Recipe 6. Kupaty in a slow cooker in tomato sauce with beans


  • six pork baths;

  • paprika pod;

  • 400 g boiled beans;

  • parsley;

  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;

  • 100 ml of broth;

  • 3 cloves of garlic;

  • 200 g tomato paste

Cooking method

1. Adhering to the instructions on the package, boil the beans to

2. Дольки чеснока очистите и мелко slice.

3. Wash Bulgarian pepper, remove seeds and chop

4. AT чашу налейте масло и разогрейте его в режиме �”Frying”.
ATыложите перец и обжарьте, помешивая, пару минут.

5. Then move the pepper to the side, put on the released
Place kupaty and fry them to a brown crust from all sides.
Put it on a plate.

6. AT чашу влейте бульон, добавьте томатную пасту и мелко
chopped garlic. Pepper and salt. Put the device into mode
�Stir, mix, and cook for five minutes with the lid closed.
ATыложите вареную фасоль, перемешайте и сверху разложите сосиски.
Leave the dish in heating mode for ten minutes. Spread out
plates, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve as
separate dish.

Recipe 7. Kupaty in a multicooker in garlic-tomato sauce


  • 350 g of kupat;

  • seasoning;

  • three tomatoes;

  • кухонная salt;

  • two bulbs;

  • fresh greens;

  • five cloves of garlic;

  • chili peppers;

  • a piece of ginger root.

Cooking method

1. Slightly frost-bitten kupaty cut into pieces, as thick as
half a centimeter.

2. AT емкость влейте немного масла. ATключите режим «жарка» и
warm it up. ATыложите в разогретое масло нарезанные купаты, и
fry them to ruddy on both sides. Transfer fried
sausages on a plate.

3. Peel and finely chop the onion. ATыложите его в то же масло,
где жарились колбаски и жарьте его до softness. Tomatoes wash,
wipe and rub them. Peel the garlic and finely crumble it.
Peel ginger root and finely grate.

4. Add tomatoes, garlic, ginger and finely to the fried onions.
chopped chilli. Salt it. Spice up прованскими

5. ATыложите в соус обжаренные купаты, закройте крышку и томите
их в режиме тушения минут ten. Serve with зеленью и
potato or rice garnish.

Kupaty in a slow cooker – tips and tricks

  • Do not stuff sausages tightly with minced meat so that the process
    cooking kupaty not burst.

  • Before cooking, pierce the kupaty in several places with a needle,
    to get out the extra air.

  • Meat for Kupat can be grind in a meat grinder with a large
    grill, but it is better to chop finely with a knife.

  • Kupaty desirable to boil or cook for a couple, and only
    after that fry.

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