Kefir fasting day

Kefir is a fermented milk product obtained by alcohol. or milk fermentation based on cow’s milk. This drink is a gift of nature, because it contains beneficial to human health microorganisms more than 20 species. For therapeutic properties with kefir compare any other dairy product. That is why Nutritionists around the world recommend sometimes to organize unloading days on this unique drink.


Benefit for health

Unloading on kefir has one constant advantage – This dairy product is easily absorbed by the body. If a drink it for breakfast then we get all the nutrients we need for a full day’s life, not overloading the stomach. It is valuable for dieters and for children, the elderly and those recovering from severe diseases or surgical interventions.

Kefir is a natural probiotic. It prevents intestinal infection, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, favorably acts on a healthy microflora. Fasting day on kefir – this A great option for improving immunity, for better functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, to restore after anemia. Drinking kefir for breakfast is helpful for obesity, edema, impaired kidney function.

Rules for the day of unloading

Fasting day on kefir, reviews are numerous confirmation will help get rid of 1.5 to 2.5 extra pounds. But to achieve such a result, it is necessary to unload it once per week, preferably on the same day. It will help the body tune in to self-cleaning. You can practice in different ways, but there are certain rules to follow:

  1. Drinking mode. Drink plenty of plain water – up to two liters per day to activate metabolic processes.
  2. Avoid excessive loads. It is important to get enough sleep, not load yourself physically, mentally and emotionally so as not to cause excessive hunger. So the body will try to return energy expended.
  3. Do not eat salt, sugar. This will help remove excess fluid is excreted and does not increase blood glucose levels.
  4. Watch for calorie. For unloading to be effective, do not consume high-calorie foods throughout the day (total no more than 1200 kcal / day).

Not every kefir is suitable for fasting days. Fresh fermented milk product has a pronounced laxative property, therefore can cause diarrhea. The old one, on the contrary, fastens what can cause constipation, especially with an unbalanced diet. Choose for unloading fat-free kefir two days old.

Net unloading on kefir

Fasting day exclusively on kefir – this is the most popular unloading for those people who want to clear the intestines of toxins. This option is also suitable for losing weight, whose reviews convince us of that it is easy to lose 1 kilogram in a day, which then is returning. During kefir day you can not eat any products, even in small quantities. Kefir is allowed to drink in any volume, as well as non-carbonated water.


Fasting day on kefir and apples

Weight loss with kefir and apple bottom also ranges from 1 and more than a kilogram. During the day, you need to drink 1.5 liters of non-fat kefir and eat apples so much so as not to feel hungry. Stock up on food in advance to begin unloading from Breakfast, drinking on an empty stomach a glass of yogurt. Do not forget the glass of kefir in the evening before bedtime.

Fasting day on buckwheat and kefir

Kefir-buckwheat menu includes not only kefir and buckwheat. On this day of unloading, it is allowed to drink herbal teas and decoction from rosehips. Buckwheat is prepared in the evening – steamed glass cereal in boiling water and consumed in the morning. Divide this amount Porridge for 6 equal portions and eat during the day. A glass of kefir drink after buckwheat in 15-20 minutes. On the day you need to drink 1.5 liters fermented milk product.

Fasting day on kefir and cottage cheese

Curd-kefir day will help the body to saturate with calcium and clean the intestines from toxins. This option provides for drinking 1 liter of kefir and eat 400 grams of cottage cheese. Drink sour milk you need to drink 5-6 times, and eat cottage cheese in small portions, not combining two foods in one meal. Add to cottage cheese by If you wish, a teaspoon of natural honey, fruit or berries. Not forget to drink plain or mineral water without gas or decoctions of herbs

Kefir-potato fasting day < / h2>

Not стоит удивляться о том, что существует картофельный вариант разгрузки. Nutritionists recommend paying more attention to this vegetable, because it contains a large amount of potassium and vitamin C, which first of all leave the body with a poor diet. In order not to gain weight, it is necessary to combine a vegetable. The best option is to combine it with a fermented milk product and then in 24 hours it is easy to lose up to 1.5 kilograms. Sample menu of potato-kefir unloading:

  • Breakfast < / strong> – a glass kefir, 3 boiled potatoes. < / li>
  • Lunch < / strong> – rosehip decoction, rye crackers. < / li>
  • Lunch < / strong> – 2 baked potatoes, a glass of kefir. < / li>
  • Полдник — 250 мл fermented milk product.< / li>
  • Dinner < / strong> – 1 potato, 250 ml of wild rose broth. < / li>
  • Late evening < / strong> – a glass of kefir. < / li> < / ul>

    Kefir-vegetable fasting day < / h2>

    Kefir-vegetable unloading will saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements. This is a great way to clean the intestines and not starve. Vegetables are desirable to eat raw in the amount of 1.5 kilograms, dividing them into 6 meals. Cooking vegetable salads with 1 tablespoon of vegetable (olive, corn, linseed) oil, but without salt is allowed. Notжирного кисломолочного напитка нужно выпить 1 литр в течение всего дня. Allowed vegetables:

    • cabbage; < / li>
    • radishes; < / li>
    • carrots; < / li>
    • pumpkin; < / li>
    • lettuce; < / li>
    • greens. < / li> < / ul>

      Kefir-fruit fasting day < / h2>

      This is a women’s favorite version of weight loss, because it passes without a feeling of hunger. In addition to kefir, you need 1, 5 kilograms of fruit. Apples, peaches, pears, strawberries, currants, raspberries are allowed. Starting in the morning, follow the pattern:

      • Breakfast < / strong> – a glass кисломолочного продукта и фрукты.< / li>
      • Lunch < / strong> – apples. < / li>
      • Lunch < / strong> – make a fruit and kefir smoothie. < / li>
      • Snack < / strong> – kefir-fruit salad. < / li>
      • Dinner < / strong> – apples. < / li>
      • Before bed < / strong> – a glass of yogurt. < / li> < / ul>

        Kefir-fish fasting day < / h2>

        With this option, you will definitely be full. On a kefir-fish day, buy a liter of low-fat sour-milk drink, a kilogram of fish, a pound of fresh cucumbers and a tomato. Power scheme:

        • Breakfast < / strong> – herbal tea, a piece of boiled fish. < / li>
        • Lunch < / strong> – a glass of kefir. < / li>
        • Lunch < / strong> – vegetable salad, boiled fish, drink a glass of kefir. < / li>
        • Snack < / strong> – again, sour milk drink. < / li>
        • Ужин — кусок отварной рыбы, помидор, отвар из rosehips.< / li>
        • Before bed < / strong> – a glass of sour-milk drink. < / li> < / ul>

          Contraindications < / h2>

          If a у вас непереносимость лактозы, то от кефирной мини-диеты лучше отказаться. A large amount of fermented milk drink can cause discomfort in the intestines: heaviness, bloating, gas formation. The product is contraindicated in people with the following indicators:

          • gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis; < / li>
          • infectious diseases; < / li>
          • high body temperature; < / li>
          • menstrual period; < / li>
          • chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys. < / li> < / ul>

            Pregnant women and lactating mothers should have a fasting day on kefir only after consulting their doctor. Notправильное проведение мини-диеты – это угроза для здоровья вашего малыша!

            How much can you throw? < / h2>

            Depending on which option of kefir unloading you choose, if carried out correctly, you will get an excellent result. In addition to cleansing the intestines from slagging, you saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals. The most effective is kefir day. If a не употреблять больше никаких продуктов и выпить в течение дня 1,5 литра кефира, то вы потеряете до 2 килограмм лишнего веса. All other options are designed for less weight loss and depend on how many calories you spend per day, and how many you gain.

            Reviews on the effectiveness of kefir unloading < / h2>

            Zoya, 23 years old < / strong> : I like to arrange unloading on kefir, since this is my favorite fermented milk product. I drink up to 2 liters per day and do not feel hunger. I usually spend it on Sundays when I am not working, because the drink has a laxative effect. Every time I get rid of 600-800 grams.

            Darina, 34 years old < / strong> : After the holidays, I sit for 2-3 days on a kefir-apple unloading to bring the figure back to normal. It is difficult to move a bit after overeating on such a limited diet, but the result is always amazing – 4 kilo minutes in 3 days. < P

            Maria, 38 years < / strong> : I can not withstand starvation diets, so I prefer a low-calorie balanced diet. I spend the same and fasting day on kefir with buckwheat, vegetables and fresh juices, so as not to lose nutrients and not feel hunger. Many kilograms are not lost, but steadily – minus 300-400 grams per day.


            Read also: < / h2>

            Fasting day on the water

            Fasting day on buckwheat

            Fasting day for apples


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