Julia Roberts filed for divorce

Thu, May 22, 2014

American Star magazine came out with a shocking headline: Julia
Roberts is getting divorced. It turns out the 12-year marriage of the actress, who
seemed so durable, long bursting at the seams. Married to Roberts and her
wife Danny Modera was born three children. General condition of the pair
makes a huge amount – $ 225 million. As a reason for divorce
are called permanent treason.

According to an insider, Julia constantly controls her
husband: checks messages, letters, his pastime.

Death of the sister of the actress, who in her suicide note
Roberts blamed all of her failures, also negatively affected
on Julia’s marriage: her spouse supposedly realized how heartless
his wife.

Spouses accuse each other of drug use.

True, until recently, the couple tried to pretend that
they are fine And each had their own reason. Denis for the sake of children
tried to keep the relationship, but Julia did not want to spoil the image
good wife and mother.

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