Interval running for burning fat

  • 1 What is interval running?
    • 1.1 Basic rules
    • 1.2 Program for losing weight
    • 1.3 Light load training for beginners

To achieve the quickest desired weight loss result
It is necessary to combine proper nutrition with physical activity.
The most appropriate for weight loss interval running. Thanks to him,
increases endurance and strengthens muscles.

What is an interval run for weight loss and what
There are types of training, consider below. And also take a look at
exercise program and the basic rules of this sport


What is interval running?

Интервальный бег — это чередование спокойного и
accelerated pace of jogging.

As a rule, alternate warm-ups begin with brisk walking,
continue overcoming the distance by jogging and end with a run
at maximum speed. Fat Burning with Interval
workouts are as follows: the higher the load on
the body, the faster the body gets rid of excess calories.

The main advantage of interval
 для похудения состоит в том, что при развитии
the maximum rate of overcoming the distance at different speeds,
calories will split even at slow speeds. Besides,
before interval jogging you do not need to spend a lot of time to master
techniques of exercise and there is no need for inventory.

Thanks to the interval running, there is not only losing weight, but
and gaining muscle mass, and also improves the complexion. Besides
In addition, this exercise perfectly fights cellulite.

Before embarking on an exercise, you need to prepare the body for
loads. At first, try to run at a speed close to
maximum. If your body is hardy enough to
this procedure, proceed to familiarize with the species

Unfortunately, interval running for weight loss is not for everyone.
In the category of “not allowed” to trainings include the following

  • arrhythmia;
  • heart failure;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Виды тренировок Виды интервального бега для похудения делятся
into three parts:

  • Повторный основывается на том, что, необходимо
    run several “segments” of 1-3 km, alternating them with rest,
    to reduce heart rate to 120 beats per minute. This kind
    overcoming distance assists the body in the possibility
    inhale oxygen to the maximum extent.
  • Интервальный спринт применяется для
    development of speed and endurance. The system of such runs most often
    used by professional athletes. Their training program
    consists in overcoming a distance on 150-200 meters in fast and
    moderate pace.
  • Темповый бег укрепляет
    cardiovascular system and increases stamina due to
    that the speed of each subsequent exercise exceeds
    the previous one.

It will also be appropriate to use a treadmill.
Интервальный бег на беговой дорожке для сжигания
Fat should alternate with a calm and intense pace. Before
than start it, do a little warm-up.

Fundamental rules

У интервального бега для похудения
есть свои основные принципы:

  • Doing exercise is not more than 3-4 times a day.
    a week;
  • Pick up speed by your physical
  • If you are just starting to do this kind of training,
    Always use the heart rate monitor and monitor the frequency
    heart rate;
  • Training in no case should be long.

Что касаемо частоты сердечных сокращений, она
не должна быть не больше 125 ударов в минуту. With
increase this rate, stop classes.

The duration of each workout should be 25-30 minutes.
maximum. With выполнении данного упражнения, следите за своим
breathing: if it got lost, you should immediately

At the end of the program, to keep the body in good shape,
It is recommended to take a contrast shower.

Slimming program

With наличии большого количества лишнего веса, интервальный
Running for weight loss – exactly what you need. He’s perfect
to regulate heart rate when playing sports.

During classes, the metabolic processes are accelerated, which
allow for an hour after completing a run to lose weight in
accelerated pace. Properly designed training program
increases muscle growth and develops qualities such as endurance
and speed.

Being engaged in a special training program, you can
lose one kilogram. Consider the most effective
программы для похудения при интервальном беге для

  • Quick step – 100 meters – slow run – 100 meters –
    maximum run – 100 meters;
  • Jogging – 100 meters – running at medium speed – 100
    meters – the maximum possible speed – 100 meters;
  • Jogging within one minute –
    acceleration is done within two minutes.

Lightweight training for beginners

If you only decided to devote your time to the above
the sport, it is necessary to make a special training methodology
in forgiveness. Interval running program for
, с purpose of losing weight, includes the following

  • Ten-minute warm-up, in the form of a very slow run, with
    maximum heart rate not more than 110 beats per minute;
  • Increasing run with a distance of 200 meters. Maximum
    the number of heartbeats – 150 per minute;
  • Dynamic run for 400 meters, for three minutes. Pulse
    must not exceed 120 beats per minute;
  • Fast ten minute walk.

Before proceeding with this method of weight loss, you should
adjust breathing correctly: breathe only with the nose, without knocking

The program of weight loss using sports for beginners should be
developed based on the level of your physical
preparation. Training suit should allow the body to breathe
and do not hinder movement. You also need to choose shoes, hard
sitting on his feet. It is desirable that these were sneakers.

For the greatest slimming effect, beginners are required
observe the following program rules:

  • When running, you should feel as comfortable as possible.
    Try to do the exercise as relaxed as possible.
  • The head must be kept straight and in no case look
    down if, of course, the chosen path does not imply any
  • It should be “repelled” from the air with arms bent in

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