Indoor zodiac signs flowers

Tue, Mar 15, 2016

The appearance of a new indoor flower in our house brings with it
new experiences and new commitments for caring, attentive
attitude and individual approach to each plant.

It is very rare to choose a indoor flower that will
harmonious with your personal character traits and zodiac sign. BUT
An interesting feature in plant life is that it does not
only indoor flowers acquire our habits, but we can with
using them to acquire the qualities that each sign possesses
the zodiac.

Potted flowers of the sign will help you to become strong and achieve success.
Овна, которыми их наградил огненный Марс. Such
plants have thorns and a tall stem: royal begonia,
ehmeya sparkling, azalea indian and japanese, havortiya striped,
dwarf garnet.

Знак зодиака Телец отличается комнатными
talisman plants that attract a wealthy and rich life
and physical health. These are indoor flowers that gave him
beautiful Venus: Persian cyclamen, Uzumbar violet,
primrose, Kalanchoe, begonias, peperomy, gloxinia.

Растения Близнецов характеризуются пышной
foliage and climbing forms. It is a gift to Gemini from everywhere.
of succeeding Mercury. Such комнатные растения способствуют
strengthen friendships and achieve good results in
study, help to consolidate and assimilate new information.
Potted Gemini flowers: ferns, ivy, chlorophytum,
asparagus, feathery palms, tradescantia.

Созвездие Рака всегда оказывало влияние на
creating and strengthening a warm and kind atmosphere in the house, therefore
Cancer houseplants became talismans of health and happiness in
family. The plants of Cancer are lovely dieffenbachia, aglaonema
modest, aloe, agave, calamus, pachyphitum, mason’s begonia, gasteria,
Kalanchoe, young, bushy peperomia, stonecrop, fuchsia

Солнце, управляющее царственным Львом, подарило
This zodiac sign is bright and beautiful indoor flowers. Such
plants will bring success in creative endeavors and mutual happiness
love These include plants such as the Chinese rose,
akalifa, apelandra, amaranthus, balsam, kala, gardenia,
calceolaria, royal geranium, camellia japonica, mimosa

Знак Девы всегда отличался развитием интеллекта
and health promotion, therefore, indoor plants of this sign
zodiac also endowed with this property: philodendron, aucuba
Japanese, Fatsia Japanese, Monstera, Deliciosiosis, Scinapsus, Cissus,
syngonium, roitsissus or birch, dracaena.

Комнатные растения Весов помогут закрепить
partnerships and develop a delicate and refined taste.
The influence of the beautiful Venus and strict Saturn make them brilliant
halo, and attracts to their representatives. Scale plants are different
variety: lily and achimenes hybrid, hibiscus or Chinese
rose, koufeya fire-red, azalea white indian, pineapple, fatsia
Japanese, heliotrope hybrid, large-leaved hydrangea, zygocactus
Decembrist, chilli-pepper, chrysanthemum, celesia peristy, codiaeum,
Cestrum night, cineraria, crossander.

Таинственность Скорпиона обусловлена влиянием
Mars and Pluto. Therefore, the houseplant of this zodiac sign
will help the owner to develop in himself the gift of clairvoyance, other extraordinary
abilities. Cacti, faucar tiger, snow-white dope,
oleander, variegated stapelia, aloe, barbed, dracaena
dragon, gynura weaving – indoor plants of this sign
the zodiac.

Стрелец всегда покровительствовал
travelers are attracted by the topic of foreign countries, because they are governed by
Jupiter. Sour taste of citrus like Sagittarius, because
this is Jupiter’s favorite taste. Deciding to start a flower of Sagittarius, you can
develop a passion for travel, philosophy and culture
other countries. BUT способствовать этому будет комнатный цветок
Sagittarius: lemon, bonsai, three-way sansevieria,
Indoor grapes, Clavaria clivia.

Козерог всегда представлялся как аскетический
the sign of the sovereign, who are ruled by stormy Mars and strict Saturn.
Therefore, Capricorn plants are placed in the offices of managers and those
who wants to become them. These are plants: junkie of different types, dracaena
different types, fan palms, coniferous plants, rubber plants of different
species, Yucca ivory, laurel.

Представителям знака Водолея свойственно
invent everything new, extraordinary, it is a sign of unique ideas and
talent. Therefore, indoor flowers Aquarius contribute to the development
unique qualities: indoor maple, jatropha, dracaena, coccoloba,
Calathea, Coleus, Krestovik, arrowroot, callistemon, poinsettia
the most beautiful, fittonia, reo motley, stromante pleasant.

Рыбы всегда стремились к развитию духовности, к
divine service. Potted flowers given by Venus
will help to acquire these sublime feelings: aquarium plants,
curly cucumber, bryophyllum, budra, geraniums, orchids, hypocytes,
Kostenets, Pylaea, fishtail palm, papyrus, pleckrantus,
platicerium, ripsalis, bolster, siderasis, tolmia, tsiperus
sprawling, ficus ampelous.

Every flower have an amazing and unique property, and
with decent and proper care, has a beneficial effect on your
master, developing and strengthening in him the necessary qualities and

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