Husbands are known after the birth of a child

Wed, Apr 23, 2014

A woman loves to boast that she found the man of her dreams. is he
polite, kind, caring; he is an ideal husband and a great lover.
Friends and colleagues sigh with envy, watching their happiness
friends, and note that she was lucky with such a man.
But after a year or two, the firstborn and former glitter are born of a happy lady
in the eyes gradually fading away. And it’s not even that the child
It takes a lot of strength, but the fact that her husband is changing beyond recognition.
From a loving and attentive spouse, he turns into a cold one,
irritated, “alien” man.

Psychologists advise not to rush to conclusions about perfection.
your partner. «Хотите узнать истинное «лицо» любимого
man and his feelings for you, wait for the child’s birth. And after
этого делайте определенные выводы
». As practice shows,
such advice from the experienced “experts” of the human soul is
very valuable in family life.

Everyone knows that the appearance of a child radically changes personal
relations. If before a man and a woman were given a friend
to a friend, now a little man appears between them
requiring increased attention, care and love. Time on
proper rest and sex is significantly reduced. Besides,
the firstborn takes away part of the personal freedom of his parents. All this
accompanied by lack of sleep, stress and feelings.

And at this very moment the spouse begins to show his true
�”face”. If before the birth of a child he could cook dinner for his wife,
then after the appearance of the firstborn, he does not want to do this. If earlier he
argued that he wanted to fully support his family, now
reproaches his wife with a piece of bread. When the spouses were alone, the husband could
spend the whole night sitting by the bed of your beloved, without closing your eyes,
because she had the usual flu, but to the baby’s crib he
bothers to come at night. Why does this concern disappear after
child birth? Is the “postpartum” stress in men so
Is it strong that his hands are down?

Psychologists respond negatively. Just now partner
shows all aspects of his character: how selfish he is,
proud and unadapted to difficulties. He used to render
attention and care beloved, because he knew that he would get for it
�”Rewarded”, for example, in the form of hot night sex. Now same
he realizes that this will not happen. �”Gift” that will
entertain his pride, do not anticipate. And if a person does not want
help your partner “disinterestedly”, then what kind of love can go
speech? Especially, if he throws his wife at the first difficulties and runs
in a quiet, cozy nest mistress.

There are situations when a woman herself provokes family
scandals after the birth of a child. Some new mothers
give their daze all their time, attention and love. A husband
being squeezed into a third or fourth plan. In this situation, a man
it is difficult to maintain the former tenderness and love for the spouse. But more often
the culprit of the family crisis is not the wife and child, but
selfish man.

Therefore you should not make hasty conclusions about the uniqueness and
the uniqueness of your spouse. Perhaps he is a typical representative.
proud men who want to extract only “benefit” from
personal relationships. Otherwise, he really deserves
the title of “real man” who truly loves his wife. Everything
negative and positive qualities of a spouse to the full
appear after the birth of the first child.

When a man promises that with him the life of the lady will remind
a fairy tale, do not flatter yourself on these words. Family relationships
really be wonderful and comfortable if the partner
confirms that he will be with his wife in any circumstances:
when he can share with the second half not only minutes
Happiness, but also give your firm shoulder in difficult moments
of life.

Text: Svetlana Ahi

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