How to use oat bran forlosing weight!?

today’s world young girls are harder to keep
slenderness of your body, not to mention health in general.

But it is the appearance is a true reflection of health
man and his inner state of mind, so in this matter
need to act wisely.

In other words, this means that the task of losing excessive weight
must always be carried out safely and without consequences for
your body, otherwise following weight loss you may
will have to heal a little.

One of these ways to solve the problem of extra pounds
is the use of oat bran – a product that is still
most recently was considered the waste part of the flour production process,
usually used as feed for livestock.

However, over time, given the fact that the diet
modern man in sufficient quantities is missing
fiber, nutritionists around the world sounded the alarm, began to look for a way out
from the current situation and accordingly drew attention to


Oat bran slimming: look under the microscope

Today, the popularity of bran is not only due to
their proven efficacy in weight loss.

Among the many other beneficial properties of this product, also
I want to note the incredibly amazing absorbent effect,
which helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

This process is due to the special structure of the bran,
which consist of a rougher and fibrous surface rich
beta glucans are molecules that when released into
gastrointestinal tract, help remove all harmful chemicals
substances and compounds (for example, pesticides, food colors or
preservatives) naturally. Another oat bran is rich in
витамины: А, Е, группы AT, и микроэлементы: медь, кальций, фтор,
selenium, chromium, zinc, potassium and many others. In general, in them
contains about 90% of the active substances that are in the composition
whole grains.

People suffering from diabetes, eating oatmeal
bran is simply vital. This is due to the fact that
they are able to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood and
a sharp increase in glucose levels, which with such a history is
very important for human life. Bran is also very favorable
affect the liver and gallbladder, thereby normalizing
biliary excretion.

In addition, the fiber in their composition has a positive effect on
metabolic processes in the body that, as you know, directly
affects the activity of burning fat reserves, as well as
improves intestinal motility, reducing the volume of final products
fat breakdown that has a direct relationship with the formation of


How to cook and eat oat bran?

As for cooking technology, it is very simple – for
Start you need to steam bran with boiling water for a minute
twenty. After that, the remaining liquid should be drained, and the product to
addict ready.

You can take at any time of the day, but their best
use as a wonderful and tasty breakfast or not
less wholesome and hearty lunch. Eating bran more
effective when they absorb entering the body
liquid, so always drink plenty of water
milk, juice or even a decoction of chicory.

I would also like to note the fact that to achieve this
effect, as from taking bran, you need about 700 grams.
boiled carrots, 800 gr. cabbage or more than 1.5 kilograms of fresh
apples. Now you can imagine the true benefits of this

The most interesting thing is that oat bran can be eaten not only in
as a separate food, but still they can be added to pastries,
various dishes, cereals, homemade bread, pancakes, vegetable delicacies,
pour milk or kefir.

Daily rate

Like any other unfamiliar product to your body, begin
it is necessary to take them in small portions. For starters you
1 tablespoon will be enough, then the volume can be
gradually increase. For example, over the next two weeks
Gradually switch to 2 tablespoons. Maximum
daily “dose” of bran should be no more than three tablespoons
or 30 grams.

Then to achieve the desired effect within one month
take 3 tbsp. spoon of bran every day. Wherein
painstakingly stick to your daily allowance, otherwise
threatens your body with not very pleasant effects in the form
digestive problems, causing your weight to stand on

Today oat bran is sold in each
supermarket as a single product or as a part of various
Instant breakfast cereals. However, please note that
factory production may be a large number
useful additional additives in the form of sugar, salt, dyes,
it is therefore important to learn how to cook them yourself at home


Unfortunately, contraindications to the use of this product
also available. Bran is not recommended for people who have
problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as during exacerbations
chronic diseases, ulcers, gastritis, colitis or adhesive

Useful: “A detailed program for drying the body” and “How fast
lose weight: advice of pop stars.

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