How to use Kapsikam from cellulite?

  • 1 Kapsikam cellulite ointment
    • 1.1 How it helps in the fight against cellulite?
    • 1.2 Instructions for use
    • 1.3 Wrap recipe
    • 1.4 Photos before and after use

Cellulite – a terrible enemy of the female body. Get rid of him
not easy even with the help of exercise. Today against
Cellulite there are many creams, ointments and gels. One of these
funds is Kapsikam. Many will be surprised, because we know him as
painkiller for arthritis and osteochondrosis. Now we analyze
instructions for use and reviews experienced.


Kapsikam cellulite ointment

According to the manufacturer’s instructions for use, Kapsikam’s ointment is not
designed to treat cellulite. You can still use it.
for this purpose, but very carefully. The drug is able to severely burn
skin It is recommended to remove cellulite on the stomach for
a long time, especially when stretch marks are present. But
Before the procedure, you need to conduct a sensitivity test. Little
cream smear on the side of the buttocks. This will determine the optimal
layer means. Kapsikam has a warming effect that
makes the skin more smooth and elastic.

This anti-cellulite drug has contraindications. Him
It is forbidden to use during pregnancy, lactation and on damaged
skin areas. Instructions for use writes that Kapsikam
causes side effects in the form of itching, rash and edema. They disappear
after 8-12 hours

How does it help in the fight against cellulite?

How does Kapsik’s ointment help in the fight against cellulite? Active
cream substances irritate nerve endings. This increases the current.
blood and lymph, the skin warms and the temperature rises by 1-2
degrees She can hold about 3 hours.

Along with this, trophic tissue improves. Also decreases pain
after exercise. Anti-cellulite effect is achieved
thanks to the burning warming. The drug begins to act through
30 min. The effect lasts another 3-6 hours.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use мази от целлюлита

Cellulite cream should be applied no more than 3 g on the problem
plot. Rubbed it until a slight redness. Wherein
there is a slight chill, and after 5 minutes. burning and pinching. Proportions
may decrease depending on sensitivity. First
The procedure should last 15 minutes. Then every time she
increases to 40-60 minutes. Rinse off the drug must be cool
water Reviews do not advise to smear the skin before playing sports, this
causes pain.

Wrap recipe

Remove cellulite better helps recipe wraps with caffeine and
moisturizer. Caffeine needs to be bought in ampoules. Mask against
Cellulite is prepared from 1 tsp. moisturizer, 1/3 tsp.
Capsicama and 2 ampoules of caffeine. Наносится на 20-30 min., утепляется
film and clothing. If the skin normally carries the tool, then
you can hold 45 minutes

Also at home will be an effective recipe wrapping.
against cellulite with baby cream. Состав:  ½ ч.
l drug, 1 tbsp. l baby cream and a few drops of essential
citrus oils. Make the procedure better after swimming and
body scrubbing. Длится она тоже 20-30 min.

Treatment of cellulite with ointment Kapsikam lasts a maximum of 10
Then you need to take a monthly break and, if necessary
repeat the course. Some reviews suggest combining Kapsikam with
any means against cellulite.

Deserved the ointment from cellulite Kapsikam reviews to a greater extent
positive. All women noted that the burning is strong, but
tolerable. They also do not advise using pure Kapsikam for
wraps. After the first use, strong redness and
skin becomes wrinkled. Statistics show that 7 out of 10
experienced ointment helped cope with cellulite. For example, a girl
during the initial manifestations of orange peel rubbed the drug 15
after 2 days. The skin leveled, became more elastic and no
burns left.

Most used the drug with caffeine.
This recipe is considered the most effective according to reviews.
The appearance of the skin in 15 applications is noticeably transformed. Deep
cellulite becomes less noticeable and the epithelium acquires
elasticity. А те, у кого был лишний вес, отметили, что за один
the course leaves 2-3 cm. And in a year the buttocks become tucked up like
after squats.

Some before applying the ointment Kapsikam take a bath with soda
and salt. This method helped many to completely get rid of
cellulite. Yet girls point out that this problem comes back
again. Therefore, it is better to apply the mask every month. Also need
control the food ..

Still, it was not without negative feedback. Some write that
the remedy only burned the skin, which even peeled off and remained
small red spots. Others point to inefficiency.
facilities. Weekly use did not give any result, but also
not worse. Even the combination of ointment and anti-cellulite cream is not
reduced the hips by at least 1 cm. Women write that this method
it helps only to increase the blood flow, but this pain is not worth it.

It should be noted that those who are strongly burned, inflicted lot
facilities. It is necessary to follow the instructions and the impact will be tolerable.
In addition, after several procedures, the body becomes accustomed to this burning sensation.
This is not to say that Kapsikam does not help at all to cope with

Photo before and after application

Pictures before and after use show pretty good.
results. The skin has become smoother and firmer, and orange
the crust is less pronounced. Those who used the remedy against
novice cellulite, share impressive results. is he
completely disappeared. However, it took more than 10 procedures. Reviews
they say that the struggle was long and burning, but cellulite has disappeared
faster than after exercise.

Kapsikam from cellulite – photo before and after

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