How to “tame” inveterate bachelor

Tue, Aug 26, 2014

There is an opinion that if a man did not marry before he was 40, then he
automatically goes into the category of hardened bachelors, who,
as it is believed, and do not marry. However, as elsewhere, there are

Who is a bachelor? This is a man who loves women very much, but
values ​​her freedom. There it is very difficult to “tame” and marry.
Difficult, but not impossible.

If there was a burning desire to conquer the staunch bachelor,
first of all we must not forget about caution. This means that not
it is necessary to immediately throw a man around his neck and talk incessantly about
future marriage and joint children. No need to interrogate a bachelor,
devious ways of figuring out his attitude to family life. Need to
stock up with composure and tranquility. It is important to show a man that
you appreciate his love of freedom and in no way encroach on it. Here is
see, he will appreciate it and look at you in others

Do not immediately invade the bachelor’s personal space. Not
sit for hours on the phone, waiting for his call, be indifferent
to his gatherings with friends. Spend your time on self-care.
Fitness club, nail salon, massage, hairdressing – all this
will help not only to pass the time, but also to feel beautiful and

The fact that all men fear responsibility has long been
fact. And convinced bachelors, among other things, still do not want
break their foundations. In this case, it is important to show that you are quite
independent, self-sufficient woman, capable not only
occupy yourself in his absence, but also to provide comfort at home.

It is interesting to wonder why the man of your dreams never
got married There may be different options. For example, he already has
there were relationships that brought nothing but scandals and
disappointments. Or does he have such a reputable mother,
which he simply worships, therefore he is looking for a life partner that looks like
on the most important person in his life. Or maybe he is a workaholic and
put your career above personal happiness? Having found out the reason, you can
easy to solve all the problems: wait patiently, become his best friend
mom, share his interest in work.

Try to understand his hobbies, appreciate his opinion. it
important for all men. And they will appreciate the delicious dinner, clean and
ironed things. As a result, the bachelor will understand that he lived, maybe
not bad, but it turns out you can be even better.

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