How to take mummy for weight loss?

  • 1 How to lose weight with a mummy?
    • 1.1 How much can you lose weight?
    • 1.2 How to use correctly?
    • 1.3 How to drink?
    • 1.4 The benefits of wrapping
    • 1.5 How to take pills?
    • 1.6 Ginger, honey and mummy for weight loss

Every woman dreams of becoming the owner of a beautiful, slim
figures. In the struggle for ideal forms, she is ready to go for that

There are lots of different ways to lose weight. Using
mummy to reduce overweight is a great way
lose weight in a short time. About how to
lose weight with the help of this miracle remedy, this will tell


How to lose weight with the help of mummy?

To make the weight loss process effective and bring the desired
result, it is necessary to take the mummy in a complex. Besides
внутреннего употребления продукта, необходимо
использовать его и наружно — для этого подойдут

Мумие позволяет быстро сжигать жиры в организме, выводя
из него токсины, шлаки и лишнюю жидкость
. Also this
the product cleans the blood from cholesterol.

Benefit mummy for weight loss due to the fact that the product
ускоряет обмен веществ и активно расщепляет жиры.
Помимо этого Мумие уменьшает чувство голода, что
allows you to eat less food. Another useful feature
elimination of puffiness is considered, which is especially characteristic
�”Obese” people.

Besides using mumie, it is important to normalize your diet and
to live an active lifestyle. Regular exercise and
healthy, balanced diet, improve results
losing weight

Also in the fight against obesity is useful to morally tune in
positive mood, be optimistic and cheerful. Good
Mood and cheerful mood will become the best companions in
losing weight

How much can you lose weight?

Losing weight with the help of Mumiye is possible by 5-7 kg in one month.
The tool does not have a lightning effect, but with some
patience and compliance with all recommendations, allows you to achieve
the desired result.

In addition to getting rid of extra pounds, this product cleans
the body that fights inflammatory diseases, increases
immunity and protective functions in general.

How to use?

Mumiye is a substance from a special resin, which
mined in the mountainous Altai areas. Its medicinal properties
familiar to man since ancient times. The product has a large
a supply of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and essential oils.

The most valuable type of mummy is mountain resin, mined on
Altai. She is famous for high quality and rich healing composition.
After the treatment, it acquires some toughness, darkens and
gets the smell of bitumen.

For slimming mummy use several

  • ingestion: in the form of granules and tablets;
  • outdoor use: baths, wraps, use

Internal use of mummy depends on the consistency of the product.
It is known that the product is a resinous mass,
which is very difficult to measure. If you decide to use it in
natural form, the dose will have to be determined by eye:

0.1 g – wheat grain, 0.2 g – wheat kernel, 1 g –
pea, 5 g – a small grape.

Taking pills is considered the most convenient option.

It is recommended to use the product depending on
weight category (this norm is suitable for any type of internal

Weight (kilograms) Amount (grams)
Up to 70 kg 0.2 g
Up to 80 kg 0.3 g
Up to 90 kg 0.4 g
More than 90 kg 0.9 g

When used externally, the mummy is particularly effective.
bathing and wrapping.

Bathtub recipe:

  • 10 g of product are diluted with 1 liter of water, i.e. 5 tablets of
    0.2 g. С полученным лекарственным раствором принимают ванну. Before
    intake of such a bath, the skin should be steamed, pores open under
    exposure to heat. It is welcomed in order to steam the body bath and

This tool can also help from stretch marks and “orange”
peel. Use it in pills.

Обертывания на основе мумие — отличный способ
losing weight This method allows you to fight cellulite and sagging
skin. It allows you to eliminate the accumulated fat and make the skin more
elastic. The effectiveness of the wrapping and its variations, consider

Mumie is an invaluable product. However, he has a number
contraindications. Its use is prohibited

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • low blood clotting;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • hypertension;
  • susceptibility to allergic reactions;
  • as well as children under 12 years old.

During the course of alcoholic contraindicated

How to drink?

The most common way to lose weight with this
funds is an internal reception. Before taking
средство, необходимо очистить организм
от токсинов и
slags. Для этого рекомендована диета в течение трех

Диета подразумевает исключение из рациона жирной
: рыбы, мяса, копченостей, соленостей, газировок и
heavy use of liquids.

The alternative will be low-calorie fruits and vegetables, light
soups and nutrient-rich fresh juices. After
cleansing the body from шлаков и токсинов, можно начинать
use the drug.

Пить мумие для похудения необходимо
Самый оптимальный курс составляет 20
. Between courses should be kept at least
7-10 days The maximum number of courses for the most effective
losing weight is 3-4.

You can use the mummy in two

  1. Dissolve it in a little water;
  2. Drink a natural product with water.

Лучшие часы приема мумие — утром натощак и
in the evening, after eating.

Benefits of wrapping

Mummy-based wraps are an effective way to get rid of
loose skin and fat deposits. Also the recipe lets you fight
with stretch marks and loose skin.

Before starting the procedure, the skin must be steamed and cleaned with
using a scrub.

Cooking method: 

  1. Take any essential oil that enhances the effect of losing weight
    (oil of orange, lemon, grapefruit, grapes or juniper).
    Amount – 20 drops.
  2. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
  3. Next, mix it all up with the mummy. Diluted as desired
    the resulting mass with water to a comfortable consistency.
  4. The resulting mixture is applied to problem areas: buttocks, abdomen,
    hips and so on.
  5. After этого оборачиваем эти участки пищевой пленкой и плотно
    wraps up. After завершения процедуры смываем смесь и наносим
    moisturizing cream.

Длительность процедуры — не менее 40


  • a large number of moles on the skin;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • blood diseases and its low clotting;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin damage and injury;
  • as well as general contraindications mentioned above.

Прекрасным средством борьбы с лишним весом
является крем, приготовленный на основе мумие.


  1. Take 1 gram of mummy and dissolve it in orange oil
    (it is possible and in simple – olive).
  2. Next, with the help of massage movements we try to rub
    the resulting texture in the skin.
  3. Apply this cream should be at night.

To enhance the effect of losing weight, it is recommended to mix
natural mummy with baby cream or any anti-cellulite

How to take pills?

Mumie-based diet pills can be bought in each
pharmacy. The price for them is quite acceptable.

Пить таблетки нужно два раза в день: утром
on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast and in the evening an hour and a half before dinner.
The tablets are washed down with warm purified water.

Beforeза препарата определяется в зависимости от
available weight. Up to 70 kg используется стандартная дозировка 0.2 g.
For every next 10 kg an additional 0.1 g is added. So,
женщина при весе 90 кг должна принимать за один прием 0.3 g.

Tablets help normalize metabolic processes, clear
organism from harmful substances and get rid, ultimately, from
extra pounds.

Ginger, honey and mummy for weight loss

Incredibly useful for slimming drink using mummy.
It nourishes the body with nutrients, dulls the feeling
hunger and speeds up the metabolism.

For this you will need:

  • 0.2 g натурального мумие;
  • tablespoon unpasteurized honey;
  • 1.5 tsp ginger;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 300 ml of pure water.

All ingredients are mixed and infused for one and a half.
hours The optimal temperature for preparing a drink is 36 degrees.
It must be taken twice a day: in the morning and in the evening for
a few hours before meals.

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