How to stretch shoes at home: steam,ice or alcohol? What is more efficient and safer for stretchingshoe

Ср, 23 мар 2016 Автор: Татьяна Пилипюк

Often a pair of shoes, which at the first fitting in the store
seemed quite comfortable, it turns out to be close and

How to stretch shoes at home?

Consider a few simple, affordable, and most importantly secure


Stretch shoes at home: is it possible?

Letting the matter go on its way is impossible, because tight shoes are not enough that
uncomfortable, so also unhealthy. Already after the first hours
Wear wait for the appearance of corns, corns and pain in the legs.
Of course, in most cases, unsuitable shoes can be returned to
score. But it is important to have time to do this before the expiration of the warranty.
In addition, if you managed to walk in a new dress down the street, then
return it will not be easy.

Well amenable to stretching models from natural materials.
With artificial materials the situation is more complicated, but also with them
You can experiment. Rubber and textile shoes are not amenable
stretching. The first material is too hard, and the second after
stretching will immediately lose its presentable appearance. Also not
it makes sense to stretch shoes that are obviously small. Any pair
can be increased by no more than half the size.

How to stretch shoes at home: methods

Среди массы способов растягивания shoe, самым простым и в то же
time known is the usual carrying around the house. Enough
instead of slippers for some time to walk around the house in a new dress.
The first days of new shoes are 2-3 hours per day. But should not
forget about health, especially if such wearing delivers
palpable discomfort. In this case, one of the following will help you.

Обработка спиртом. Dampen the inner
the surface of shoes with alcohol (vodka and cologne will also work). Then
put your shoes on right away and walk around in the room while she is
not enough stretch. You can also use simple
stretching cocktail. Stir alcohol with water in equal
proportions. Using a sprayer, spray the resulting solution.
footwear. Then put it on and walk in it for at least 20 minutes.
The solution solution is considered more benign, which means that it can be
use even for lacquered boots.

Спиртом ни в коем случае нельзя обрабатывать замшевую footwear. She is
will immediately become worthless. Therefore, some craftsmen recommend
replace alcohol with beer. But this eccentric way, if not
оставит пятен, то придаст shoe весьма отчётливый аромат.

Обработка кипятком. Blow hot shoes
With water, this should soften the skin. It is not important
overdo. Walk in your shoes until they take it.
form. Many even prefer water to alcohol. But this method will do.
only for products from thick skin that easily withstands high
temperature Lacquer skin or the more leatherette so
It is better not to test.

A more gentle way is to moisten a rag in hot water and
протереть ею внутреннюю сторону shoe. For better security
do not allow large amounts of water to get inside, because
Liquid can easily deformed leather insoles.

Растянуть кипятком можно даже резиновую footwear. True only
if it is made of polyvinyl chloride. To soften such
boots, you need to pour boiling water into them. When the water has cooled, it needs
drain and quickly wear boots. After a few minutes, climb into
boots in a basin with cold water and wait a few minutes until
обувь приобретёт необходимую form.

Пар. This is a very good tool for
stretching products made of genuine leather. Bring shoes to
boiling kettle and hold it over the steam for several minutes. Remove
shoes should be when the skin will drop moisture. Then надевайте
shoes on the toe and walk in it for at least an hour.

Шерстяные носки. This method is suitable even
для зимней shoe. Enough втиснуться в толстых носках в обувь, а
then heat it with a hairdryer. Then walk in boots around the house while she
will not reach the desired size. Some craftsmen offer to wear
wet socks, but it is fraught with health problems.

Похожий метод подойдёт и для лакированной shoe. Warm up
inside the hair dryer shoes and immediately put them on a tight sock. but
Be careful, because if you overdo the dryer, the varnish will lose its shine.
In addition, this procedure requires regular repetition.

Набивка мокрыми газетами. Before as
stretch your shoes at home, hold your shoes over the steam,
then fill them up with a wet newspaper and leave until full
drying out It is important that the drying takes place naturally, without
heating appliances. Otherwise, you risk deforming
products. If we exclude the use of boiling water from this method,
using it you can safely stretch the shoes of suede and lacquered

Хозяйственное мыло. This is a simple tool.
поможет растянуть туфли и сапоги из искусственной skin. Good
rub the inside of the soap product, after 5-6 hours, remove residues
detergent with a damp sponge, put on your socks and walk in
shoe до её полного drying out

Пакеты со льдом. It will take 2 packs at 1/4
filled with water. Their надо будет поместить внутрь shoe, которую
then put in the freezer. Wait until the water freezes, after
get some steam and after the water has melted a little, remove
packages. Do not stretch lacquer products in this way.

Касторовое масло. Considered effective and
stretching with castor oil. This means shoes
should be processed from the inside. Then в туфлях надо будет
be like some time. Oil will soften shoes, after which she
должна принять необходимую form. True, the method described is difficult
call convenient. После него понадобится тщательное очищение shoe
from butter.

Вазелин. Named remedy will help stretch
leatherette shoes. Treat the product from the inside, and
After 3 hours, remove the rest of Vaseline with a napkin. Then
прогуляйтесь в shoe около 30 минут.

Зерно. This method is well suited to those who
wants to stretch the shoes in the rise. Pour into prepared shoes
grain, and then lightly fill it with liquid. Overnight the grain will swell
and do the trick. After pouring out the grain, wear the leatherette products.
about an hour.

Уксус. To expand the boots, process them
inside 3% solution of vinegar. This will help soften the shoes,
squeezing the fingers of the feet. At the same time outside it is treated with other
means intended for stretching.

Парафин. This is another gentle method that
подойдёт для лакированных изделий и shoe из замши. Rub the
paraffin the inner surface of the shoes and leave them in such
condition for 10-12 hours. In the same way you can use and
potato peel.

How to stretch shoes at home and not spoil it?

The perfect solution is to give a close pair in
. Here it is stretched with special
pad. Профессионалам они известны как растяжители shoe —
wooden pads, made in shape and size of the legs. Such
tools can be purchased at a specialty store.

If this is not possible, then at least
quickly solve the problem of using a special tool.
Enough приобрести нужный спрей и обработать им тесные туфельки.
Then обувь следует носить столько, сколько сказано в инструкции.
You can even purchase a product designed for a specific
material. For example, for nubuck it is easy to find a special
foam skimming. If you are a happy owner
дорогостоящей фирменной shoe, внимательно изучите все доступные
Recommendations for choosing a spray brand.

For those who seriously think about how to stretch shoes in
домашних условиях, следует учесть и ряд важных

• None of the above methods will expand shoes in
length only wide.

• After stretching, natural leather loses its natural fatty
lubricant. The skin can become brittle, therefore it is better to put on shoes
special cream. This is especially important if for stretching
used a hair dryer.

• Крайне осторожного обращения требуют туфли из тонкой skin. Their
Do not freeze and treat with boiling water. The same applies
лакированной skin. If mistreated, it will lose shine and

• A special approach when stretching require products from nubuck.
For this material, neither fat cream, nor alcohol,
since so on the surface stains will remain. Best just
wear such shoes around the house. Nubuck properties in most cases
позволяют со временем разносить footwear.

• Используя для растягивания shoe воду, помните, что она
softens the skin, but if improperly dried it can ruin it
invoice. Water and suede are bad allies. Suede water
provokes the appearance of faded spots and generally spoils the material.

• Do not rush to use hard methods. May be
Enough natural posting. Although it is the slowest, but
same time and most effective method. The shoes are deformed in shape

• Consider that your legs swell after dinner. So at this time
вы, скорее всего, избежите покупки слишком тесной shoe.

• Extreme methods of stretching should be used only in
case of urgency. If the task can be postponed – we stretch
shoes with utmost care.

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