How to speed up the metabolism and lose weight?

  • 1 How to speed up metabolism at home?
    • 1.1 How to start the metabolism and speed up the metabolism
    • 1.2 Methods to improve the metabolism in women
    • 1.3 What to do after 50 years?
    • 1.4 What drugs can I drink?
    • 1.5 Method by Jillian Michaels

The most effective method used for losing weight is
acceleration of metabolism. It is the correct metabolism lies in
the basis of a healthy, slim, athletic body.

How to speed up the work of metabolic processes and effectively lose weight without
harm to health, consider next.


How to speed up the metabolism at home?

You can speed up your metabolism without leaving your home. If not
opportunities to attend the gym, you can easily
тренироваться и в домашних условиях. Enough
have light sportswear, a mat and a pair in your arsenal
small dumbbells.

There are a huge number of different exercises that
will help speed up the metabolism and burn calories.

Помимо спорта необходимо нормализовать питание, вводя в
diet is healthy foods.
Harmful foods (fatty, flour,
smoked, preservatives, fast food), should be excluded.

Важно свести к минимуму употребление «простых»
— мучного и сладкого. А долю «сложных»
carbohydrates (cereals, whole grain bread, pasta from
твердые сортов пшеницы и т.д.) — увеличить.

Также необходимо увеличить количество products,
содержащих белок:
мясо, нежирную рыбу, творог, сыр,
beans, nuts, etc.

Жиры: растительные масла, рыбу, орехи, сыр и т
д. — употреблять умеренно.

How to start the metabolism and speed up the metabolism

Предлагаем рассмотреть несколько простых советов
to speed up the metabolism:

  • Употреблять много чистой воды. Drinking a glass
    water before each meal and always 1 on an empty stomach. With
    dehydration all metabolism and fat burning inhibited.
  • Питаться порционно. To eat in small portions
    and often – at least 5 receptions per day, along with snacks. With
    long-term hunger calories are spent less actively.
  • Употреблять здоровую пищу. Consume useful
    foods rich in essential macro and micronutrients.
  • Monitor the daily intake of protein, fat and
    . Withдерживаться принципа: 40-50% сложные
    carbohydrates, 30-40% proteins, 20-25% fats of the total diet.
  • Следить за калорийностью продуктов. Know
    how many Kcal is contained in the products and follow the daily rate.
    With похудении необходимо спланировать небольшой ежедневный дефицит
  • Тренироваться. Regular short
    training: at least once every 2 days, from 30 minutes to 1 hour. With
    too long loads occur muscle destruction,
    instead of her set. And muscle mass not only determines beautiful
    relief, but also serves as a source of accelerated metabolism.

Methodology to improve metabolism in women

The most pressing problem is the acceleration of metabolism and weight loss.
among women. The female body is highly susceptible to various kinds
perestroika and hormonal disorders.

Полноценный здоровый рацион позволяет избежать
срывов при ПМС, беременности и в период лактации. In these
periods of increase in blood progesterone, prolactin dictates
changes in food preferences and cravings for “fast” carbohydrates.

Lose weight and speed up the metabolism will help

  • Water. (You need to drink plenty of clean water. She is involved in
    all metabolic processes of our body and accelerates them);
  • Whole grain products. (They are rich in fiber,
    accordingly, the body spends more on calories on their
  • Lean meats. (They contain high amounts of protein.
    It is he who contributes to the accelerated metabolism);
  • Red beans. (Rich in vitamins, cleans the intestines, gives
    feeling of fullness. Includes a growth hormone.
    muscle tissue);
  • A fish. (contains a high content of leptin. It accelerates
    metabolism and promotes weight loss).
  • Cabbage. (Contains a special acid that increases the exchange
  • Citruses, especially grapefruit. (Contain substances strongly
    accelerating metabolism. Effectively struggling with fat
  • Apples
  • Milk products.
  • Spices / spices (ginger, pepper, cinnamon).
  • Spinach.
  • Coffee. (hot drink speeds up the exchange process by 4-5%);
  • Coconut oil.

Здоровый рацион, правильное питание, физическая
(спорт, танцы и т.д), помогут ускорить
metabolism and get rid of extra pounds.

It is important to maintain a moderate level of training for all.
muscle groups, because the amount of total muscle mass, right
proportional to the metabolic rate.

What to do after 50 years?

After 40 years, the woman’s body is rebuilt. Occur
changes on hormonal background. Metabolism slows down. Woman
begins to rapidly gain weight.

Speed ​​up metabolism and lose weight at home
after 40 – 50 years, help:

  • Foods that accelerate metabolism (described
  • split meals;
  • plentiful drink – 2 or 2.5 liters per day;
  • vitamins / nutritional supplements;
  • regular physical activity (running, swimming, etc.).

It is necessary to include in the diet taking vitamins, minerals and
products, rich omega 3. 

What can you drink drugs?

The metabolic processes in the body take place with the help of harmonious
the work of hormones.

Л-тироксин — гормон щитовидной железы.
Preparations based on this hormone are most often used for
slimming and drying the body.

Withменение этих препаратов, недопустимо без назначения
endocrinologist, because a substance that is a medicine and not
supplement, can only cause harm without prescribed

  • Among the anabolic steroids to speed up the exchange take –
    Danabol, Anavar. 
  • For the normalization of metabolic processes are perfect pills –

Также, чтобы ускорить метаболизм, нужно принимать
drugs based on:

  • ginseng;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • caffeine;
  • green tea.

It is recommended to drink multivitamin twice a year.

Jillian Michaels Method

Небезызвестный фитнес-тренер Джиллиан Майклз
(another translation option – Jillian Michaels) advises to speed up
metabolism using sport and exercise.

Ее девиз: «Сожги жир, ускорь метаболизм,
throw off the excess, “helped a huge number of women in the home
conditions lose weight and speed up metabolic processes.

Special exercises allowed women to achieve
the desired result and lose weight to the desired size.

This course is designed for women with different levels
и тренированности. It includes
alternating exercises strength, cardio, as well as on separate groups
muscles, depending on the purpose.

The course “Accelerate Metabolism with Jillian Michaels” received a lot
positive reviews all over the world. Many girls have passed
course, it is recommended to start changing your life with this very
the program.

Program Jillian Michaels, which will help speed up the exchange
substances and effectively lose weight:

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