How to reveal femininity: practicaltips

Mon, Jan 13, 2014

There are 2 energies in life: Yin and Yang. Yang energy allows
achieve results, be confident, clear, and women are
enjoy. But often we forget about the feminine energy of Yin, which
gives softness, relaxation, the ability to take care of yourself and
give some authority to the man. It is important to develop this energy
to feel comfort in life. It depends on the woman, how will
feel her close people because she fills with love and
tenderness not only its atmosphere, but also the life of their relatives.

Femininity is a collection of personal qualities that
cause a desire in a man to protect and protect a woman. how
modern woman to reveal femininity and support her?

Приведем практические tips.

Part I

Women need to place accents in appearance.

  • Choose makeup that will emphasize femininity. it
    can be done with the help of a makeup artist who will advise makeup,
    suitable for you.
  • In the wardrobe should be present things that reflect
    femininity: dresses, skirts, sundresses or feminine costumes. Have
    Every woman should have a small handbag that
    emphasizes her feminine image.
  • It is recommended to use scarves from light fabrics. They contribute
    notes of tenderness in the image.
  • Do not forget the decorations. Even if you don’t like them,
    Buy one set of earrings, chains and bracelet.
    And teach yourself to wear it when leaving the house.
  • Do not forget that men love when women go on

Part II

It is necessary to work on the internal state.

  • Learn to flirt and flirt. it обязательное условие
    female nature. You can start with an elementary smile.
  • Learn to accept compliments. Learn to say “Thank you”
    for the compliment and sincere smile. If a вам говорят: «howое
    you have a beautiful dress! ”, it’s not necessary to explain that it is new or
    the old. No need to explain anything at all. Just smile and
    thank for the compliment.
  • Learn to love yourself. Every woman tends to scold herself for
    anything rather than praise. It is very important to learn to admire yourself,
    to raise internal self-esteem and gain confidence. For
    of this, analyze the evening events of the day and try to highlight
    positive moments from what you managed to do.
  • To learn, not to talk with men in the “language of men.” If a
    you want a man to feel your femininity, learn
    speak in a softer, more gentle tone and express your thoughts calmly.
    In conversation with a man, try to smile and emphasize that
    everything will be fine.
  • Learn to show your weakness. When a man wants
    talk about their virtues, a woman often enters a race with
    he begins to boast that she also knows how to do that. The man
    begins to feel awkward, he creeps thought: “Why
    this woman needs me if she can do everything herself; she is so strong and
    independent. Лучше сказать: «how здорово, что ты умеешь это
    делать!» «howой ты молодец!»
  • Every day, try to allow yourself not to do what can
    make a man. Learn to ask men for help. There is no
    nothing humiliating. On the contrary, it makes you a little weak in their
    eyes and highlights your femininity.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes. There is one wise phrase: “We love
    men for dignity, and they are for our shortcomings. ” Woman often
    idealizes the situation and if a man is mistaken in something, he starts
    demonstrate how perfect she is (“But I never
    do “). A person who wants to look perfect in everything can
    seem arrogant. The man начинает чувствовать себя
    unworthy of such a woman, because he so often makes mistakes, in contrast
    from her.

Disclose your femininity. Being a woman is beautiful, but being
woman is also an art that everyone needs to learn

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