How to return healthy look and shine to hair?

Beautiful and well-groomed hair, along with shiny white teeth and
smooth soft skin, always considered one of the most important
attributes of female beauty. It doesn’t matter how long your hair is,
what matters is whether they glitter, whether their ends break off, or not
strongly they fall when combing.

In order to maintain or restore healthy hair, you need
just follow a few simple rules, which will
described below.

7 secrets of healthy and strong hair

  • First of all, if you want to have healthy hair, try
    do not use too often various skins, varnishes, and mousses, in
    the composition of which there is alcohol. Alcohol contained in the means for
    styling, can greatly harm the hair, make them brittle and
  • In addition, you should not constantly dry your hair with a hair dryer. Daily
    drying or styling with a jet of hot air is capable
    completely deprive the hair shine, disrupt their natural structure.
    So, in the warm season it is quite possible to dry your hair without using
    hair dryer, only carefully soaking them with a towel. If you do not have
    ability to completely abandon the drying of hair with a hair dryer,
    it will be advisable to change the instrument settings, and select the one
    mode that will have a minimal impact on deterioration
    health hair. Do not forget also that in the process
    hair dryer drying apparatus should not be close to
    head surface closer than fifteen centimeters.
  • Also in the daily care of hair may be
    your secret to healthy hair. It is the right choice.
    shampoo. Now on the shelves of shops you can find a lot
    shampoos of different brands that are designed specifically for
    or another type of hair. In the event that you choose the appropriate
    shampoo, you can wash your hair at least every day – it will not lead to
    the fact that either the scalp or hair loses the necessary
    quantities of natural lubricant. When choosing a shampoo, pay attention and
    on the level of his ph, – the lower it is, the less damage it will cause to hair

  • Do not forget also that in order to preserve hair
    healthy, little use of shampoo alone. After washing you need
    Be sure to apply a balm or conditioner on your hair. Instead
    balsam can use olive oil, a couple of drops of which
    applied to wet hair. In addition, olive oil will become
    a real salvation for dry hair – it smoothes horny
    scales and nourishes the hair with vitamins.
  • The answer to the question of how to return a healthy look to hair can
    be covered and in the choice of water temperature for washing hair. Hot water,
    as well as blow-drying, it has a negative effect on the hair, while
    like a stream of cold water as the completion of the washing procedure can
    significantly improve them. Rinsing your hair with cold water, you
    strengthen their structure, hair becomes stronger and
  • One of the important conditions affecting the beauty and health of hair,
    is the care of the comb. Since you use hairbrushes
    daily, they accumulate sebum, which begins
    interact with airborne dust. Subsequently, this
    the substance is transferred to the hair, which affects their condition
    not the best way. In order to avoid strong
    contamination comb, rinse them about once a week with warm
    with soap and water.
  • It is very good to restore and strengthen the health of hair.
    masks from vegetable oils. For such masks you can use
    burdock, wheat, or linseed oil. A pair of teaspoons applied
    on the hair and rubbed into the scalp, then the scalp
    wrapped cellophane film. This mask can be kept on
    hair for thirty minutes, then rinse thoroughly

Follow these rules and your hair will always look

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