How to remove yellow spots at home:fast and safe. Tips and instructions for breeding yellowstains

Чт, 31 мар 2016 Автор: Наталья Баутина

Yellow spots on clothes may appear due to their own

Excessive deodorant application, spilled coffee and much

But to get upset and throw it away immediately is not worth it.

After all, there are many ways to return your favorite things to the original


How to remove yellow spots at home: что можно

You can remove yellow stains on clothes at home
in several ways. All of them in one way or another affect
fabric structure, making it more fragile. Therefore, apply such
substances need with caution.

Пятновыводители. Если вы решили use
him, it is important to know that the temperature of the water when soaking
soiled things should not exceed 35 degrees. If the water is
hot, the stain can get even stronger.

Уксус и вода. Make an acidic solution put on
spot for an hour, then wash the thing with your hands or in a typewriter
low temperature. If the stubborn stain has not completely disappeared,
repeat the procedure.

Перекись водорода. This is probably the most
safe way to remove stains. In a basin with a little warm water pour
2 – 3 caps of hydrogen peroxide. Damaged thing soak in this
water for about an hour, then wash thoroughly.

Хозяйственное мыло. Alkali contained in this
product is an excellent stain remover. Need soiled
Dampen a spot with water and rub it with soap. Leave for half an hour,
then rub and wash in cool water.

Сода. Any hostess can find her. On 100 ml.
water take 40 grams of soda, mix and apply on the stain. Rub it
place and set aside for an hour. An hour later, rinse thing.

How to remove yellow spots at home on cotton and
linen products

Cotton and linen are very delicate fabrics and will not work here.
use of aggressive chemical solutions.

1. A good and safe option to stain remover with these fabrics.
there will be a mixture of liquid soap, salt and baking soda. All these
Mix the ingredients to make a thick gruel. Rub it
stain and leave for about forty minutes, you can for an hour. Thereafter
thing need to wash and dry.

Tip! If there is no liquid soap, you can
заменить нашатырным спиртом

2. Нашатырный спирт для выведения stains с этих тканей можно
use без других добавок. Just need to mix it with water in
proportions a teaspoon of alcohol to a glass of water and thoroughly rub
spot. Leave to dry and check the result. If he doesn’t
satisfies, the procedure can be repeated.

3. You can also remove the hated yellow spots with
aspirin. Crush a few tablets into powder and add a little
water to make a mixture of mushy consistency. This gruel
apply on soiled areas and hold from half an hour to an hour.
Then wash it off and wash the thing. This simple tool can be
use как для белой, так и для цветной ткани, оно не
spoil the paint.

How to remove yellow spots at home on blended and
synthetic fabrics

Synthetic and blended fabrics are very durable and
durability. Therefore, to care for things made from this fabric
very simple. But they also have weaknesses. Before as
remove yellow spots at home with synthetic fabric
need to familiarize yourself with its properties. Do not wipe it with solutions.
which include gasoline, as this may disrupt
fiber fabric integrity.

There are several reliable, yet gentle ways.
remove yellow stains from synthetic fabrics:

обычная поваренная соль. Mix dining room
spoon this product with warm water. Water will need a little less
glasses. Stir to no salt crystals on the bottom and
смочить этим раствором spot. The effect should be immediately noticeable.
if it is barely noticeable, you need to do it again;

медицинский спирт. Dilute it a little
water and wet the contaminated place until complete cleansing. Then
to wash a thing in a typewriter at 40 degrees;

кислота щавеля и хозяйственное мыло. You can from
of these ingredients make the mixture this way: rub the soap on
fine grater and add a few drops of acid, apply the mixture on
spot. You can do otherwise. First rub the polluted area.
soap, hold for half an hour, rub with a brush or hands and wash it off.
Process the same place with a swab dipped in oxalic acid.
Then the thing to wash in a typewriter.

How to remove yellow spots at home on woolen

Wool is also considered a delicate fabric, so you should know
that various alkaline substances have a bad effect on
wool fiber structure, destroying it.

Ways to remove the stain from the surface of wool products
there are many. Consider some of them:

мятный зубной порошок. This remedy is good
helps to remove stains from the coat. A teaspoon of this remedy
diluted in three teaspoons of warm water. The resulting gruel
rub the stain and rinse with water. If the first time it does not departed
apply again and hold for half an hour;

крахмал. Можно use картофельный или
any other. Mix the right amount of starch (it depends on
spot size) with a small amount of gasoline. This mixture
rub the stain and leave for 10 – 15 minutes. Wash off the composition and rub
better thing with your hands;

глицерин. This tool can be purchased at any
pharmacy. It needs to be warmed up a bit in a water bath and well.
saturate the contaminated area with it. After about 15 minutes glycerin
wash off first with warm water and then wash the thing in room water

Tip! To check how the fabric reacts
on one or another substance, you need to put it on an invisible area

How to remove yellow spots at home: пошаговые

To favorite thing pleased with their appearance as long as possible
you need to follow a few simple rules:

1. Before as use различные средства для выведения
stains, убедитесь, что они подходят для данного вида ткани. This
Read the information on the product tag.

2. Before removing the yellow spot at home thing you need
clean dust thoroughly. This must be done first and dry.
then wet brush for clothes.

3. If a stain has infiltrated a thing through, then it is better to remove it from
seamy side.

4. To prevent the stain from spreading in all directions
start from the edges, moving to the center.

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