How to remove vertical wrinkles on the forehead

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wrinkles on the forehead can talk about certain traits of character or
even about destiny. With similar reasoning you can
to argue, but two truths remain indisputable: this is most often a phenomenon
age, and early wrinkles – from the bad habit of pucker.
It is noticed that before all changes in skin tone occur in
women of two types – in laughter and, on the contrary, gloomy persons with forever
frowning brows and tight lips.


Until it’s not too late

What can be done, yet the outlined rays have not turned
in deep furrows? First of all, learn to control your
facial expressions. Not one hour will have to spend at the mirror, studying himself,
beloved, in all manifestations: laughing, frowning,
grimacing. How do the facial muscles behave while they
Strongly stretched, but where are they going to fold? Based
This, you can prevent many problems before
vertical wrinkles appeared on the forehead – how to get rid of them – this
already the second, more difficult stage.

Specifically about the wrinkles on the forehead. Due to the nature of this part of the face
– lack of fat under the skin and excessive mobility here
muscles early lose their elasticity, and skin – elasticity. Not worth it
wait until the process becomes irreversible, it is better to start acting
immediately. And begin first of all with special gymnastics.
You need to tune in to it psychologically, because at the heart of it
there is a change in habits.

Many of us, barely waking up, literally “tear through
eyes “, while collecting his forehead in an accordion. So, we get a new one,
good habit. Without opening your eyes with fingertips
we press the skin over the eyebrows, and only then we lift the eyelids.
Gradually, you can learn to open your eyes without the participation of the frontal.

Another simple exercise. Put your fingers on the brow
part towards each other. Slightly pull the skin of the forehead down,
while trying to raise eyebrows is such a counter effort. it
It strengthens muscles well.

When performing any exercise, you must remember that the skin has
wont stretch easily but returns to the original
reluctant state. Therefore it is necessary to avoid sudden movements,
excessive zeal and improper massage.

Nutrition for the forehead

Nourishing cream is like daily washing, normal
procedure. But even the best cream is not enough to
affect vertical wrinkles on the forehead – how to get rid of
them without recourse to extra effort for example

For stubborn wrinkles are recommended heavy masks – paraffin,
honey-protein, honey-flour. Dried mask on the forehead delivers
discomfort, but you have to suffer 20 minutes. After removal
apply a light moisturizer to restore skin feeling

Many women use nutritional bandages on their foreheads. All very
simple: saturated with nutrient composition, sometimes with liquid paraffin
a strip of fabric is tied on the forehead and held for half an hour, over time
increasing time. If you do not be lazy and perform such a procedure
daily, wrinkles on the forehead will be significantly reduced.

There are radical ways

Yes, they are, and they are all under the jurisdiction of plastic surgery. Most
simple and bloodless way – Botox injection. You can relate to
This somehow, but two clear advantages are evident. First of all,
wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out, as required. Secondly, for those
half a year, what is going on the effect of the drug, the woman wean off
harmful manners play eyebrows, wrinkle his forehead, frown over and
with no reason. Of course, this is on condition that the injection is made in
a specialized medical institution, not a hairdresser, and
proven drug.

In short, good and need all the means to keep
beauty Good luck to everyone in this noble field!

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