How to remove stains from sweat at home?Top effective ways to remove stains from sweat at home

Пт, 29 апр 2016 Автор: Мария Горячева

Sweat stains are difficult to remove, especially
if sweat is mixed with deodorant.

Sometimes traces of such a mixture on clothes make them throw them away.
favourite things.

Shopping is a good thing, but far from economical.

If you are surprised by sweat stains, it’s time to start with them.


How to remove stains from sweat at home: remove the yellow

Traces left on light-colored clothes turn into
round yellow spots that make clothes unattractive. WITH
Even modern bleaching agents cannot cope with them.
machine-machine In addition, they can severely damage the structure.
tissue. Most housewives suffer for hours, washing their spots with their hands.
However, most often the result is unsuccessful.

There are several ways to get rid of these.
. Effective and fast results give:

● hydrogen peroxide;

● aspirin;

● urotropin (can be replaced by formidon).

Перекись водорода. One of the best available
средств по выведению stains. In order to quickly get rid of
yellow circles in the armpits need to soak the clothes for 10-15 minutes
in warm water, then apply a little peroxide to the problem area.
WITHтоит подождать всего несколько секунд, затем ополоснуть вещь и
put the machine in a normal mode. If after application
peroxide on the fabric began to hiss, you should not be afraid – this is normal

Аспирин. Tablets help not only to remove
headache, but also get rid of yellow stains from sweat on clothes.
They act much longer peroxide, but the result is not nearly
worse. To remove stains, you need to crush into a crumb a few
tablets, apply them on pre-moistened cloth and leave
for 3-4 hours. After this time, the item is erased as

Уротропин и формидон. Such funds too
copes well with yellow spots. However, their action is not
instant. To remove stains, funds are added to the washing
typewriter before washing. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

How to remove stains from sweat at home and at different

Removing stains from sweat or deodorant from clothes is possible, but not
this can always be achieved by modern means
daily impose on TV. Most often much effective
turn out products contained in every home. Only need
know about their properties.

WITHредство для мытья посуды + сода + перекись
. To remove stains from light-colored clothing, use
simple recipe.

● 1 tsp dishwashing detergents;

● 2 tsp. baking soda;

● 4 tsp. перекиси hydrogen.

Ингредиенты смешиваются и наносятся на проблемные участки tissue.
For reliability, you can gently rub the old toothbrush. In such
condition is left for two hours, after which it is erased in
usual mode.

This method may also be suitable for removing stains from colored clothing.
However, you first need to try it on an inconspicuous piece of cloth or
on an unnecessary colored rag. If the fabric does not brighten, feel free to
You can proceed to the procedure of removing yellowness.

Нашатырный спирт + соль + вода. If sweat stains
left on cotton linen, then they will be removed
a little harder. For this you need to prepare another solution.

● 1 tsp ammonia;

● 1 tsp salt (but not iodized!);

● a glass of water at room temperature.

All components are mixed and problem soaked in them.
clothing sites. After a few hours it is washable.

WITHоль, гипосульфит. On woolen and silk
tissues также часто остаются пятна от пота. For their removal can
use table salt or hyposulfite – a substance that
sold in photo stores. To prepare the solution
need 50 grams of dry any dry matter and a glass of water. WITHмесь
applied to the fabric, lightly rubbed to better “ingrained”,
then the clothes can be rinsed with water. The use of hyposulfite is not
only removes stains from sweat and deodorant from clothes, but also gives
her second “color” life. Silk fabric after product
becomes more brilliant.

Хозяйственное мыло. Get rid of yellow spots
on bright things, you can use white soap.
It is necessary to prepare a solution: a small piece of soap, rubbed
On a fine grater, stir in a glass of warm water. Soapy
the stain is poured over with the solution and washed in a few hours

Хозяйственное мыло + уксус. These components
help to wash light things from yellow spots in the armpits.
WITHначала несколько капель уксуса (9%) капают на проблемную зону.
After 5-7 minutes on top of it, the stain is rubbed with soap. In such
condition clothes left for several hours, and better at night.
Утром стирается в usual mode.

WITHоль + вода + аммиак. WITH хлопковой или льняной
clothes deodorant stains can be removed with the following composition: 1
tsp salt, a glass of warm water, 5 ml of ammonia. WITHмесь
applied to problem areas and left for half an hour. Then
first thing you need rinse with hands several times and then
load in the machine and wash.

Лимон + соль. WITHвоими отбеливающими свойствами
famous and lemon. WITH одежды он также легко выводит пятна от пота.
WITHвежевыжатый сок одного лимона смешивается с 1 tsp cooking (not
iodized) salt. The resulting solution is applied to problem areas.
and left for 4-5 hours. After that, clothes need to be well
rinse in warm water.

How to remove stains from sweat at home: we derive
old spots

Въевшиеся traces от пота и дезодоранта порой не получается
withdraw neither with the help of chemistry nor with the help of the above
ways. Despair is not worth it. Give your favorite blouse or T-shirt
second life is quite real.

Нашатырный спирт + уайт-спирит. Return to life
thing made of silk, you can with the help of ammonia and white spirit. Both
the components are mixed in equal parts and applied on linen.
Then проблемный участок хорошо трется руками и смывается теплой

Уксус + сода. WITHначала одежда замачивается в
acetic solution. The amount is taken at the rate of 2 tbsp. vinegar on
5 liters of clean water. WITHпустя 30 минут пятна натираются раствором соды (4
st.l. on a glass of warm water). Then одежда erased in the typewriter.
After such a procedure removing the old stains can not be washed
thing with bleach. It will not just not stain, but
еще больше укрепит их на tissue.

Аспирин + перекись водорода. clothing
soaked in soapy water. Aspirin is being prepared at this time.
паста: 2 измельченных таблетки смешиваются с 1 tsp clean water.
Paste is applied to problem areas and left on them for 3 hours.
After that, the item is erased in the normal mode in the machine. Then пятна
проходят следующий этап обработки — перекисью hydrogen. The solution (1
part of the peroxide on 10 parts of pure water) is applied to dirty
plots and left for 15 minutes. WITHпустя это время вещь еще раз
erased in the typewriter.

Бензин + аммиак. It is tighter, but not less
эффективный способ вывести old spots от пота. WITHначала
the first product is applied. Then — аммиак. It should be applied only
using a sponge, carefully kicking it all contours. If bad
process the area of ​​the trace of sweat, then after washing the stain again
will manifest itself. When the work is finished, the thing is washed in the typewriter
normal mode.

How to remove stains from sweat at home: the hostess on

Every hostess should know some rules and secrets that
will help to quickly get rid of these spots:

1. You can not wash things that have sweat stains in hot
water. The maximum temperature in this case is 30 degrees.
WITHушить нужно только на свежем воздухе.

2. Apply any stain removal methods needed
carry out from the wrong side of things.

3. If hydrogen peroxide is used to remove stains,
rinse thoroughly several times after applying
thing. Otherwise, the stains will appear again during drying.

4. Remove stains with gasoline can not be on things from synthetics.

5. Stains from wool and silk are not removed with alkali, but on
хлопчатобумажных tissues нельзя использовать всевозможные

Preventive measures for sweat stains

● monitor hygiene – take a shower at least once a day;

● in the heat try to avoid a long stay under the scorching
the sun (if not getting a tan on the beach);

● abandon clothing made of synthetic materials, giving
preference for natural fabrics;

● change clothes more often and try to wash dirty clothes immediately (especially
during the heat);

● use deodorants that will not only get rid of
unpleasant smell, but also reduce sweating.

Remove stains from sweat at home, as well as get rid of
traces of deodorant on clothes, no matter how old they are,
can. However, the housewives do not forget that the fight with stains
best immediately after their appearance. Leaving this decision
problems for later, you complicate your work and spend more
time for washing, and in fact it can be spent much more
more interesting.

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