How to remove age spots on the face withsalon and home methods. Recipes masks: how to remove pigmentfacial blemishes

Сб, 22 июл 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Pure light skin is the basis of feminine beauty. If a
hyperpigmented areas appear on the face, it is very
unpleasant. Do not despair: cosmetology knows a lot of way.
get rid of the problem.


Causes of hyperpigmentation

Пигментные facial blemishes образуются, когда в отдельных участках
skin cells, melanocytes begin to produce too much
natural pigment – melanin. He is responsible for staining
human skin, hair, iris eyes. Higher concentration
melanin, the darker the color becomes.

Causes of increased pigmentation are different, but divided
of can be into two groups: external and internal. To the first

• excessive insolation, that is, a long stay in the sun
or in a tanning bed without using products without a UV filter;

• use of hormonal cosmetics, as well as cosmetic
low quality products.

Sun exposure to skin is particularly strong in early spring and
summer. Stay outdoors at this time of the year without protecting
face with a special cream, lotion, not just undesirable, but also
dangerously. To not have to think how to remove pigment spots on
face, do not forget to put on the skin cream with a high level
UV protection.

To internal causes of hyperpigmentation

• hormonal changes associated with pregnancy;

• hormonal age restructuring;

• imbalance of vitamins and minerals with a lack of folic

• taking antibiotics, hormones and some other

Most often, the appearance of pigment spots on the face is associated with
pregnancy or old age. Sometimes
hyperpigmented areas remain on the face for quite some time and
after the baby was born.

Как убрать пигментные facial blemishes и возможно ли это в
a principle Of course, it is possible to fight pigmentation, but only
case it is actually an external defect. If a речь идет о
manifestation of a disease (inflammation of the kidneys, liver, cancer
neoplasm), the skin can not be affected. so if you have
no pregnancy, you are under 30 years old, have no problems with
health, do not like to sunbathe, but appeared on his face
hyperpigmented areas, it is better to be safe and contact
to the doctor.

Making sure that the skin defect is not dangerous,
can be taken for the elimination of stains. Especially in the arsenal
Cosmetology has many ways to do this quickly and efficiently.

Salon procedures for getting rid of age spots

Among the most popular and effective salon procedures –
phototherapy, laser whitening, chemical peeling. By degree
efficiency, they are about equal, as in cost. However
Each method has its own nuances.


Allows you to see the result after the first session. Beautician
affects the stain with flashes of light destroying melanin. Behind
by reducing the pigment concentration, the skin instantly brightens, and with
In time, the stain generally disappears. Other advantages of the method:

• no pain;

• no recovery period required;

• there is no danger that a scar will form at the site of exposure.

Phototherapy имеет выраженный гарантированный Effect. But
there are contraindications: diabetes, poor blood clotting,
scars and scars on the skin, herpes and inflammation of the face.

Laser whitening

Light beam selectively affects the darkened area
skin, that is, the beautician works exclusively with the pigment spot
and does not affect normal skin areas. The procedure is non-invasive and
painless, but the effect will appear only after peeling
treated skin. The spot after laser therapy will either disappear or
much brighten. May require another session.

Contraindication to the procedure is pregnancy, inflammation
skin, cancer pathology.

Chemical peel

Whitening of the skin on this procedure is carried out active.
chemical acids. After the procedure, the top layer of the skin dies off,
peeled off, and the new skin pleases with an even beautiful color and
natural whiteness.

There are three types of peels of different depth of exposure:
superficial, median and deep. Beautician решает, к какой
It is a procedure to resort, although according to a strong, especially senile
pigmentation, all three types of procedures are performed.

Salon peeling is accompanied by unpleasant sensations (skin
sting), and after the procedure a rehabilitation period is needed. With
it takes 4-5 days for the surface peeling, with deep
few weeks. The effectiveness of the procedure is very high, but there is
risk of chemical burns and scarring,

Как убрать пигментные facial blemishes самостоятельно

A visit to the beauty salon requires temporary and financial
costs. If a нет возможности осветлить кожу у профессионального
beautician, try to do it yourself.

Please note that you can only process it yourself.
chloasma – areas of flat focal pigmentation. If a
hyperpigmented area is on the modified surface
(skin is sealed, inflamed, there is a bulge), affect
stain is impossible. In addition, you can not try to remove moles, it is not
только бесполезно, но и очень dangerously. But with freckles you can
You can handle.

Как убрать пигментные facial blemishes в домашних условиях?

First, apply brightening and rather aggressive

• mechanical peeling;

• chemical acid peeling.

With механическом пилинге, которые проводится специальными
household appliances with a rotating round brush, using
cosmetics removed the upper stratum corneum with
dead cells. The method works if the stain has appeared recently,
and not a lot of pigment. To the effect of peeling became noticeable, you need
do some procedures.

Chemically peeling at home is carried out in compositions
which percentage of acids does not exceed 6%, 9%, maximum 12%. Such
remedies can be found in several cosmetic brands. Effect
will be visible immediately, but when you first apply you need to hold
mandatory test, see how the skin will react to

For the gradual lightening of age spots you can use
Cosmetics: lotions, masks, creams, serums, peels. Their
action is aimed at gradual exfoliation of the upper layer
epidermis, resulting in age spots gradually brighten.
Pay attention to cosmetics with high enough content.
acids. If a на нее нет аллергии, то можно попробовать справиться с
hyperpigmentation by going to acid care.

Lightening products can be found in the pharmaceutical cosmetics.
Inexpensive remedy – badyaga. This is a special kind of algae,
powdered. With нанесении на кожу продукт действует как
a stiff brush, brushing off the skin layer and exerting a pronounced brightening
Effect. To enhance the effect in a water-diluted bunker,
add a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Folk recipes lightening means

Folk remedies will help to remove age spots from the skin:
lotions and masks. This bleaching method has its own
advantages: they are safe, easy to prepare, inexpensive and
effective. Remember that herbal products contain
acids and can irritate sensitive skin.

Lemon juice

Когда речь идет о том, как убрать пигментные facial blemishes,
First of all they talk about lemon juice. Indeed, the juice is fresh
Lemon has pronounced bleaching properties. Most
the easiest way is to soak a cotton pad with juice and 2-3 times a day
wipe the stains. This method will work as a chemical peel.
After the juice is dry, you can wash it off. Dark spots
will begin to lighten immediately, but on day 4-5 they may disappear altogether.

You can enhance the bleaching effect of lemon cleansing properties
white clay. Mixing these components, the composition is applied to the face point
and give work to dry the clay.

Parsley juice

Parsley is known for its whitening properties. Fresh grass
cut 3-4 tablespoons pour 1 liter of boiling water, wrap
towel and let it brew. Strained infusion, wipe face
in the morning and in the evening, but remember that keep herbal decoction for a long time
can not. If a его получилось много, можно заморозить и протирать
age spots with a piece of ice.

Fresh parsley juice very well applied fresh directly
on the stain. Another option is to mix the juice with sour cream and apply in
as a mask.

Potato juice

Excellent whiten and fresh potato juice. Try
wipe stains with potato slices for several days. If a
there will be a noticeable result, you can continue until complete extinction
hyperpigmentation. Dry potato juice dries your skin, so apply
after washing moisturizer.

Soap and hydrogen peroxide

Mix 1 tsp. white soap shavings from 1 tbsp. l peroxide
hydrogen. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add 2 drops.
ammonia. Apply a lot of spot on the spot, wash through
15 minutes.

It is possible to get rid of pigmentation on the face within 1-2 weeks. Not
forget to protect the skin, and it will keep freshness, purity and

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