How to quickly get rid of cellulite: the bestrecipes

How to quickly get rid of cellulite: the best recipesAnd why,
in fact, only women are haunted by this trouble, and
What is the name – cellulite? What kind of injustice? Yes because
that only women have charming roundness. It is them –
thighs and buttocks – cellulite is targeted. Smooth subcutaneous
fat, based on the principle of honeycomb, surrounded by intercellular
fluid, gives the female form smoothness and elasticity. And in
at some point this precious balance is broken, the skin
becomes loose and lumpy. This can happen not only with
mature women, but also very young. And most often this is due to
general weakening of skin tone and weight gain. So that,
fighting against cellulite, we at the same time put in order the whole body:
tighten muscles, improve skin condition, filling our cells
vitamins and moisture.


The best remedy for cellulite – comfortable shoes

And what have the shoes? Yes, despite the fact that high
heels do not resemble much, and walking is the best remedy for
cellulite. И не только от cellulite. If you can walk
to work, or at least part of the way to overcome on foot, the result is not
keep you waiting.

After a few days of regular walking you are suddenly surprised
feel not tired at all. Dyspnea goes away, improves
blood circulation, the work of the heart and blood vessels. And also – naturally
way are burned fat, cholesterol and blood sugar, strengthen muscles
legs, back and abdomen. 20-30 minutes of daily walking, just walking,
not running, and you yourself will understand how to quickly get rid of cellulite:
лучшие recipes – простейшие recipes.

How to quickly get rid of cellulite? Have to work hard

Cellulite itself does not pass, it will have to work on it. it
know everything. But how? What methods and tools to choose among thousands
most controversial suggestions? There are immutable rules that
give a guaranteed effect.

We must understand that the fight against cellulite is not a fight against
overweight. Just a complex effect on the body,
which gives a comprehensive result. So, ordinary gymnastics is not
will help if you do not include special anti-cellulite

If you adjust the power, but certainly taking into account the impact
those or other products to restore the input-fat balance
skin cells. At the time of the active attack on cellulite will have
forget about other cosmetics and pay attention only
anti-cellulite complexes – the benefit of a modern medical
cosmetology has in its arsenal a huge selection of lines including
all stages of exposure to problem skin – from cleansing,
peeling, nutrition up to special anti-cellulite products

About massage – separately

Without a massage just will not do. It can be done at home, every
the evening after a shower is vigorously rubbing an anti-cellulite cream into the skin.
Sea salt should be in the bathroom of every woman, it needs
rub the skin all over the body. it и массаж, и наполнение клеток
invaluable trace elements. Not only grinding, but also ordinary
pats, tingles perfectly tone up the skin in problem
places. Contrasting shower, massage with a taut water jet
smooth the “orange peel”, and just dramatically increase

Depending on the neglect of cellulite is worth resorting,
in parallel with self-massage, at the service of a professional massage therapist.
In any salon there is a whole arsenal of tools and methods, how quickly
избавиться от целлюлита: лучшие recipes непременно включают
active massage with anti-cellulite cream. Even better – massage with
essential oils. Moreover, the whole course should be done – 10-15

Wraps are not just a fad

All sorts of cellulite wraps are very popular – with white
or blue clay, with seaweed, with therapeutic mud.
These services are offered in beauty salons, but if desired
can be done at home. It is important that after this
the procedure did not need to be in a hurry. So the most
the right time is evening.

The procedure is very simple: for example, dilute the clay with warm water to
pasty consistency (often it is sold in pharmacies in the form of
the finished emulsion), you can add any essential oils
– they help blood circulation and do not give dry
mass. After application, wrap around with a film, and above – with a warm one.
a blanket. Now relax – listen to music, watch TV or
just nap. After 15-30 minutes, take a warm shower. On the body
apply anti-cellulite cream.

Another miracle cure is honey. Slightly heated liquid
honey with a few drops of any essential oil palms
apply on the skin and massage the problem areas. Procedure not from
lungs. The massage comes down to simply slapping, hammering
honey, and tear off the palm of your skin. It is worth working hard to
after feeling a rush of blood to all tissues and incredible smoothness
rosy skin. After all, among other things, it is also great
skin cleaning. By the way, honey can be used for wraps, but
only not common: it is too heavy for organism and can cause
tachycardia or allergic reaction.

In cases where a woman does not tolerate wraps, it is worth
confine anti-cellulite masks. A huge number of them, and
You can use both pharmacy and folk drugs.
by methods. Прекрасный эффект дают маски с essential oils. AT
pharmacies can choose the oil to their liking – juniper, birch,
bergamot, cypress, rosemary, all kinds of citrus oils. 4-5
drops enough for 20-30 grams of olive oil. Apply to skin and
hold for 15 minutes, then remove the remnants of warm wet
napkins. Do not rinse with soap, the oil has already been absorbed into

Of course, it will not be easy. Deciding to get rid of
cellulite, it is necessary and gain determination not to retreat to the full
achieve the goal. And even after that, because cellulite has
wont come back as soon as it is overlooked.

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