How to put out cabbage in a slow cooker? Simplersimple! The best recipes and ways to put cabbage inmulticooker

Пн, 01 авг 2016 Автор: Марина ATыходцева

Braised cabbage is a dish that everyone knows. It is in itself
preparing is easy, but it can be simplified by using
multicooker. Miracle-assistant will prevent burning, will relieve from
need to constantly stir the dish. On how to put out cabbage in


Тушеная капуста в multicooker — общие принципы

Cabbage for stewing chopped straws, can be used
special knife or grater. Then the vegetable is laid in a slow cooker
alone or with other ingredients add a little
liquids, include the mode of “quenching” and bring to readiness.

What to put in the cabbage:

• meat, sausage, offal;

• different vegetables;

• mushrooms;

• tomato paste, ketchup;

• spices, greens.

But this is the easiest option. Much tastier and more aromatic
it turns out a dish with preliminary roasting selective
ingredients. This is usually meat products, onions and carrots, but also
Cabbage can also be lightly fried before stewing. For this
use the mode “Baking” or “Frying”, add a little into the bowl

Как потушить капусту в multicooker с морковью и луком

Simple and easy way how to put cabbage in
multicooker. In addition to vegetables and spices, nothing in it
is added.


• 1 kg of cabbage;

• 0.15 kg of onions;

• 0.15 kg of carrots;

• 3 spoons of butter;

• 2 tomatoes;

• spices.


1. Chop a carrot into chunks, cut them into pieces

2. Putting vegetables in a slow cooker, pour in oil and lightly
fry so that the taste of the finished dish is richer. We use modes
frying or baking.

3. Add shredded cabbage, close the slow cooker and fry
another 20 minutes on the same program, periodically stir.

4. Rub the tomatoes, pour to the cabbage.

5. We throw pepper, we salt and well we stir. Put on top
bay leaf

6. Close, set the extinguishing program and bring to readiness.
Young and juicy cabbage is enough 15 minutes. If the vegetable is not like that
soft, then cook further. Periodically check.

Как потушить капусту в multicooker с мясом

For such a dish, you can take any meat, only time will change
making it. If beef is used, then it is desirable
extinguish the product under the lid for about an hour
until full readiness.


• 0.5 kg of meat;

• 0.1 kg of onions;

• 1 kg of cabbage;

• 0.1 kg carrot;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 2 spoons of tomato paste;

• seasonings;

• 100 ml of water.


1. We cut the washed meat in strips or in small cubes.
Throw a multicooker, pour in a spoonful of oil and cook on mode
baking under the lid for about twenty minutes. If used
beef, then you can pour a little water and put out.

2. Open, add onions with carrot, pour in the rest of the oil
and fry vegetables with meat.

3. Shred cabbage, mnem a little hands, so that it is slightly
moistened, lost volume. Перекладываем в multicooker.

4. Fry with vegetables and meat for another quarter of an hour, regularly

5. We part tomato paste in water which goes according to the recipe.
Переливаем в multicooker.

6. Close, set the mode “Fighting” prepare 30 minutes.

7. Open, add salt to the cabbage, throw any spices.
Cooking for another fifteen minutes.

Как потушить квашеную капусту в multicooker

Sauerkraut stew – a dish with a very bright and pronounced
by taste. It can be served with mashed potatoes, with buckwheat,
to use as a filling for pies. How to put out such
капусту в multicooker?


• 40 ml of sunflower oil;

• 2-3 onions;

• 0.1 kg of cabbage;

• 1 tsp. dry dill.


1. If the cabbage is very sour, then pour it with cold water and
leave for ten minutes, all the extra will come out. If the taste is normal,
then simply squeeze out excess brine.

2. Luka is better to add more will be tastier. Dice
or straws.

3. Put the slow cooker on the baking program, pour in the sunflower
масло и добавляем bow. Fry until transparent pieces.

4. Add cabbage, stir and close the lid. Cooking
another half hour, every 10 minutes, it is desirable to stir.

5. Pour half a glass of boiling water, you can throw a spoonful of pasta into it,
rearrange the mode of extinguishing, forget about the cabbage for half an hour.

6. Open, pour dry dill. Instead, you can throw
pinch of seeds. Stir.

7. Insist. Salt and other spices dish usually does not require, but
if necessary, they can always be added.

Как потушить капусту в multicooker с грибами

Another version of lean cabbage stew, which is obtained
amazingly tasty and fragrant. Mushrooms are fresh. But if
greenhouse species are used, it is advisable to boil them for half an hour
salted boiling water and only after that use


• 0.3 kg of mushrooms;

• 0.1 kg of cabbage;

• 0.2 kg of onions;

• 0.2 kg carrot;

• 70 ml of oil;

• seasonings, garlic, greens;

• 2 tomatoes or a pasta spoon.


1. Wash the mushrooms, cut into pieces.

2. Pour half of the oil into the slow cooker, we warm up on the mode
frying, throw mushrooms and cook until the water evaporates.

3. As soon as the mushrooms begin to “squash” and fry,
add to them chopped onions, add the rest

4. After another five minutes, throw the grated carrot, but you can
Stew cabbage just with onions and mushrooms. Fry on.

5. Shred cabbage, mnem hands and shift to the mushrooms with
vegetables. Stir, close, set the mode “Quenching”, prepare
half an hour.

6. Now it’s a line of tomatoes. Cut in half, take the grater and
we rub pulp in mashed potatoes. Skins throw away. Instead of fresh tomatoes
You can dissolve a spoonful of tomato paste in 150 ml of water.

7. ATыливаем помидорную массу в multicooker. Immediately salt the dish,

8. Close again and continue to simmer another twenty minutes. AT
end under the cover throws chopped garlic, greens.

Как потушить капусту в multicooker с картошкой

Everybody loves stewed potatoes with cabbage, but how to cook it?
This dish is characterized by the addition of a large amount of water. Can
take some broth, including mushroom. If needed
get thick cabbage, then you can reduce the amount of liquid on


• 6 potatoes;

• kilogram of cabbage;

• water 1.5 cups;

• spoon of pasta;

• onions and carrots;

• some oil, fat.


1. Cut the onion head (you can take more) rub a large
carrot and put the vegetables in the capacity of the multicooker. Pour oil
right away

2. Ставим «ATыпечку», готовим минут восемь.

3. While frying vegetables, peel potatoes and cut
in small pieces. Shred cabbage.

4. Throw everything together in the slow cooker, add the recipe
water or broth. It is advisable to inject hot liquid in order not to
provoke a temperature drop.

5. Закрываем и готовим на этой же программе half an hour.

6. Open, enter the tomato paste, now you can now dish
salt, throw other spices.

7. Размешиваем и готовим еще half an hour.

Как потушить капусту в multicooker с сосисками

Рецепт тушеной капусты в multicooker для тех, кто не хочет
deal with meat or just doesn’t have it. ATместо сосисок можно
take sausage or wieners.


• 0.2 kg sausages;

• 0.7 kg of cabbage;

• onion;

• 4 spoons of ketchup;

• carrot;

• salt;

• 100 ml of water.


1. Полукольцами шинкуем bow. Fry in oil for five minutes.
Подойдет программа «ATыпечка».

2. Add a carrot, and after a couple of minutes, shredded
cabbage. Fry until reduced.

3. As soon as the dish becomes denser, scatter sausages on top,

4. Pour the prescription water, close and cook for half an hour
Mode “Quenching”.

5. Open, add ketchup and salt. ATместо кетчупа подойдет
adjika or tomato paste, but in this case, you can additionally
pour in some spices.

6. ATсе тщательно размешиваем, закрываем и продолжаем тушить еще
about ten minutes. But we focus on the readiness of their cabbage. If a
hard vegetable, you can always increase the cooking time.

Как потушить капусту в multicooker с куриными желудочками

Еще один способ, как потушить капусту в multicooker вкусно и
economically. Chicken ventricles will be needed.


• cabbage 1.5 kg;

• 0.5 kg of ventricles;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• garlic 2-3 cloves;

• 60 ml of oil;

• A pair of onion heads.


1. We wash the chicken stomachs, view. If necessary
scrape off the remnants of the film. Cut into pieces and throw in
the slow cooker with oil.

2. Закрываем, тушим half an hour. We do not pour in any liquid.

3. Open, evaporate moisture, add chopped
onions, set the mode “Fry” and fry a little.

4. Next throw the chopped cabbage, continue to fry more
about ten minutes.

5. Once the mass has settled, pour in half a cup of water,
добавляем порезанный сладкий перчик и закрываем multicooker.

6. ATозвращаемся снова к режиму «Тушение» и готовим half an hour.

7. Open, throw spices, garlic, you can add to taste
tomato paste or ketchup, at the same stage salt.

8. Close, leave the cabbage to cook for another 15 minutes,
We do not change the program. AT самом конце тушеное блюдо еще раз хорошо

Тушеная капуста в multicooker — полезные советы и хитрости

• Cabbage will be stewed for a very long time and will remain tough if
immediately add a tomato, regardless of whether it is ketchup, tomato or
paste. Therefore, to shorten the process, the vegetable is stewed first without
spices and additional additives and only in the second part
preparations or at the very end throw it all.

• It is better to immediately remove the thick ribs of the cabbage during cutting. AT
Otherwise, the delicate leaves will fall apart, and these will remain for a long time.

• Cabbage will be more tasty if at the end of cooking add
a little vinegar and a spoonful of sugar.

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