How to protect grapes from diseases and pests?Description of grape diseases (photo) and methods for their treatment

ATс, 16 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Problems with growing grapes occur not only
novice gardeners, but also with more experienced gardeners.

How to determine the disease, what to treat, what preventive
measures to apply? These questions torment every winegrower.

Grapes are often affected by diseases and pests that
reduce its yield and nutritional value.


Pest of grapes: how to identify and how to treat

Insects often cause a lack of berries. Pests
so much on the bushes that the vineyard quickly loses its
productivity. Among all insects, the most
dangerous for grapes:

• grape garlic;

• aphid;

• mealy worm;

• tongs;

• wasps.

Pest of grapes affect not only the leaves, but also inflorescences,
bark and buds. Illiterate care leads to a loss of 50% of the crop. AT
In some cases, insects can completely destroy

ATиноградный клещ: методы struggle

Vineyard strongly weakens the varieties of mites that
feed on the green parts of the plant, causing great harm. If a
time not to apply measures to destroy ticks, the number
insects will grow, leading to poor maturation of the vine,
the quantity of a harvest is reduced, the quality of fruits suffers. Besides
In addition, ticks are carriers of diseases such as mildew and
powdery mildew.

Pests overwinter on weeds and inside damaged kidneys. His
activities begin in early spring, but the peak of their activity
falls in the summer. Mite infects the buds and buds of the plant, they
blush and showered.

It is difficult to notice the tick, but external signs appear on
grape leaves. On the reverse side of the sheet can be detected
tubercles that are covered with arachnoid pile. The stronger the defeat
the weaker the plant becomes, the photosynthesis processes are disturbed,
leaves gradually dry out and fold, fall off.

The spread of insects contributes to the arid weather in summer,
strong gusts of wind. AT борьбе с вредителями и болезнями винограда
apply modern drugs that help get rid of
invasions in a short time. Prevention of plants begin in the spring.
Prior to budding, the vine is treated with a 2% DNOC solution. After
what is used nitrophene solution.

ATажно! Since the pest settles with
the back of the leaves, then sprayed it carefully.

For the chemical treatment of the bush used drugs, not
harmful to bees and man:

• Actellic;

• Fufanon;

• Tevit;

• Neoron.

Achieve a positive result after two
treatments. The interval between procedures should be up to 14.

ATиноградная тля: как определить и победить насекомое

ATиноградная тля — опасный вредитель кустарника. Because of her
activity suffers not only yield, but also the bush itself.
Affected plant becomes weak, its root system
ceases to develop and for several seasons the bush is completely
dies. With this form of infection, the grapes have to be uprooted.
If a повреждены только листья растения, то с обратной стороны можно
detect galls that contain aphid eggs.

The gardener’s main task is to prevent the spread
aphids. To do this, use chemicals:

• Dilor;

• Etafos;

• Konfidor Maxi.

The first treatment is carried out after the mass blooming of the kidneys, and
the second in a few weeks, when there are 10-12 on the bush
blooming leaves.


These pests are sedentary, they stick to
Vine, feeding on its juices. This causes the shoots to dry out and decrease
yield. Besides того, на местах, где обитают насекомые,
fungi develop that lead to dangerous diseases

Shchitovka settle on annual shoots. Insects winter over
bark, and spring come to the surface. Treatment of diseases and
pest grapes carried out by spraying, which
do under great pressure. This will help the drug to penetrate.
deep in the layering of the bark that will destroy even the wintering forms
pests. Spray the shrub need in the spring, before blooming
the kidneys.

ATиноградная пестрянка

The spotted butterfly is a dangerous pest that postpones
eggs on the leaves of the plant. ATылупившиеся гусеницы поедают зеленые
parts of the shoots, harm the kidneys, which die, and not
full blossom Pest lives for about a month, but the degree of development
colony depends on the weather. At temperatures below +15 degrees
butterfly larvae die.

Vineyard spraying is carried out in several stages with
интервалом в 7-10 days Use modern insecticides.

How to protect grapes from wasps

Wasps reduce crop yields and adversely affect
as brushes. The gardener’s primary task is to protect
shrub from wasps.

AT борьбе с вредителями помогают только комплексные меры. For
special baits are laid out near the vineyard,
that clear as they accumulate. Besides того, когда кисти
ripen, they are covered with non-woven material. But shelter do
spacious not to provoke rot development.

Common Grape Diseases: Diagnosis and Methods

Among the large number of grape diseases
highlight the most dangerous, which lead to a decrease in yield and
the destruction of the bush:

• mildew;

• oidium;

• gray rot.

Mildew (downy mildew grapes)

Mildew is the most common grape disease among
existing Affects all parts of the plant, the spread of the disease
promotes high humidity, cold temperature
the environment. Also mildew can start with a strong defeat.
bush pests.

A symptom of the disease is the presence of a characteristic oil
plaque on leaves, the reverse side of which is covered with powdery
white spots. With the development of the disease at the site of damage increases
necrosis of leaf tissue, which leads to the fall of the cover.

AT качестве профилактики вредителей и болезней винограда проводят
potassium phosphorus supplements that enhance the plant immunity.
Besides того, на участке выращивают устойчивые к милдью сорта.
At the first signs of the disease are spraying

• Strobe;

• Chorus;

• Thanos;

• Ridomil.

Processing takes place in three stages:

  • the first time the shrub is treated before bud break;

  • the second – before flowering;

  • the third is when fruit is set.


Affected plants are noticeably retarded, their foliage is covered
whitish bloom, slightly curly. AT середине лета поражаются
apical shoots, ovaries fall off, and inflorescences die off.

AT качестве профилактики заболевания опытные садоводы
advise to pasynkovanie plants, cleaning weeds under
bush and garter shoots. Besides того, делают опрыскивание

• Strobe;

• Topaz;

• Tiovit.

Gray rot

The disease occurs and spreads with increased
air humidity in cold summers. As a rule, already affected
созревающие кисти grapes. Affected berries acquire
Uncharacteristic shade, crack. In place of the hearth occurs
grayish bloom.

Unfortunately, this disease is practically not treated. AT качестве
prophylaxis is used for rationing the crop, pasynkovanie and removal
extra foliage. These methods increase the airing of the bushes, which
reduces the risk of disease. At first signs, the affected
brush cut off, and the bush is treated with a solution of baking soda.

To maintain the health of the garden will only quality care and
timely processing of vines from diseases and

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