How to prepare and plant grapesin the fall. Features of planting grapes in autumn seedlings

Чт, 29 сен 2016 Автор: Наталья

The grape is a unique plant that
perfectly decorates the dacha plots, as well as fruiting tasty
berries So that these two properties are combined with each other,
it is necessary to carry out the correct planting and know
some rules for taking care of him.


Which varieties for planting grapes in the autumn is better to choose

For a start, it is important to consider what species in general
grapes are subdivided. By choosing the right seedlings for planting
should be taken seriously, because the whole future depends on it
plant development. There are three main and most important

1) Early. They mature in about 100 days, mostly
grown in the northern regions, because there come the earliest

2) Medium. This variety is the most versatile for
temperate climate;

3) Late. Grow in southern latitudes, as the time for
ripening abound there.

In general, it is necessary to choose according to the place of cultivation.
plants. If you want a regular grape harvest every year, then
do not plant late varieties in cold regions, and early ones in
warm The fact is that every plant takes root only in
relevant to him conditions.

There are two more varieties of grapes: table and
technical. The first type is usually consumed fresh, since
these berries differ in the big size and bright juicy taste that
can not be said about the technical grade. Despite the bulk
yields, berries remain small and sour taste, but they
Excellent for processing and further production.

Planting grapes saplings in the fall: features and

Many are accustomed to plant grapes in spring, because it is believed that all
the following summer, the new plant will take root and be strengthened on
a place that makes it easier for him to survive the first cold and winter.
However, there are significant factors that support
planting grapes in the fall:

1. A huge role is played by the humidity of the earth during the landing.
seedlings. In the autumn there is no dryness that would not give the plant
it’s okay to take root, so the young grapes need no watering
will be.

2. The walking myth that the sapling will freeze out with the first
frosts – lies. In fact, the opposite is true – the soil cannot
freeze to the roots, so that the root system is normal
develops, and by the spring the sapling is already taking root completely.

3. From the preceding paragraph follows the following: grapes,
planted in the autumn season, spring and summer develops in
several times faster than the one that was planted after winter.

4. Another advantage is that in the fall much
easier to find the desired grape variety, because this is the time
for the exhibition for the sale of the best and most varied species.

In the end, you can observe a lot of advantages of autumn planting.
before spring. However, not everything is so smooth, because circumstances can
fold completely random.

What problems arise when planting grapes in the fall

Weather can interfere with the normal landing process.
Climatic conditions and features greatly affect
The initial stage of development of the seedling. This means that the unforeseen
cold can ruin a young plant, so that in the future it
will have to be replaced by a new seedling, and this hard work requires
a lot of effort.

The next danger is winter. Namely big
the amount of snow that not every grape variety can bear.
Although the root system is quite capable of self-development,
no one can guarantee its safety from rodents. In the early
plant stages are very easy to damage.

Готовим местность для посадки саженцев винограда in the fall.

If you decide to plant grapes in the fall, then think about the location of it
landing costs in advance. Preparation is carried out in
several stages:

• Initially, you need to choose a place with good illumination, i.e.
nothing should block the light of plants;

• Even before the landing period, care should be taken
careful preparation of the land: it needs to be processed, thereby saturating
its all kinds of organic matter, because the soil must be fertile;

• With the onset of the first weeks of October, you can begin
производить посадку seedlings. It is at this time that they are the most
suitable for transfer to a new place.

When conducting land irrigation activities, you should not forget about
the seedlings themselves.

Preparation of grape seedlings and planting pit for autumn

A couple of days before planting, the seedling must be put into the water.
In addition, you need to trim the tips of the roots and make sure that
The stem had buds and eyes. It is not recommended to add to
water to plant drugs that stimulate root growth, this
can only worsen the situation if the sapling does not perceive this

Pits are also prepared in advance. If you plant a few
bushes in a row, then try to maintain a distance of 1 or better 2
meters in between. The pit itself should be slightly less than a meter,
about 80 cm in depth, length and width. At the very bottom lay out
various fertilizers, then sprinkle it all with a layer of earth to
the roots of the grapes “did not burn” from such an abundance of organic

The process of planting and caring for grapes in the fall

Planting grapes is a very laborious process. But after
thorough preparation of all components of this event all
It turns out not so difficult. The main rule is
gradual instillation of seedlings. First, you need to consider
factor that the soil settles over time, especially in the new
cooked pit. Secondly, as you dig in, it is important to constantly
pour in large amounts of water, which is generally around 20
liters, and even more. The pit has a long time to retain moisture and
feed the young plant.

Speaking of makeup, it is important to mention a system such as
drainage layer. Its essence lies in the fact that at the very bottom
rubble, for example, is crushed, to which the pipe is laid. She is
allows you to “feed” the plant at any time, thereby
supporting his livelihoods. Especially important is such a system as
times during the autumn planting of grapes.

Subsequent care of the grapes seedlings carried out
in the following way:

• For the winter, the seedling is covered from frost, but they do it carefully,
so as not to damage the young plant;

• In the first year, special attention is paid to it, and first you need to
loosen the soil around the future of the grapes;

• The important part is watering. Every week you need
water the plant at least 1 time, and about one bush is spent on one bush
10 liters of water;

• Grown new shoots should be tied up with a soft cloth, which
will not disrupt their growth, and also destroy the shoots. Tie
need to peg, which is pre-installed next to
stem, but so that the upper roots are not broken;

• In the fall, usually in October, pruned green shoots. Remaining
brown cover for the subsequent winter.

Viticulture – very hard work, but it is
worth it if you approach the case with a good attitude. Special features
planting grapes saplings in the fall are in the right approach
to the selection of the desired varieties, the preparation of seedlings and the place for them
cultivation. The results will not take long!

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