How to plant a columnar apple: planting datesand scheme. Care for the columnar apple: feeding, pruning and winteringwood

Ср, 28 июн 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Colony-shaped apple varieties are the ideal solution for small
plots. Compact trees save space
in the garden and get with a good harvest. Planting colonic
Apple trees require special attention.


When to plant a columnar apple in the garden

The best time for planting colonized varieties of apple trees
Spring is considered to be planted in good weather
trees can be in early autumn.

In the spring, all work must be completed before the bud break. For
plantings choose only annual saplings, as they are faster
take root and begin to bear fruit. Pay special attention to
root system of seedlings, it should not be too dry or
wet It is best to plant young trees for planting.
container. They can be successfully planted even in summer.

Autumn planting of apple trees begins in September, when the weather is fine.
still warm. In mid-October, landing ends, as
possible night frosts.

How to plant a columnar apple

Place for planting apple-shaped apple trees in the fall, in advance
prepare the landing pit so that the earth is settled and well
soaked with fertilizers. Apple trees are planted in the open sunny
plot, but the maximum protected from gusts of strong wind.
The trees grow well in the nutrient soil, but can not stand
overmoistening of the root system. Place for landing choose so
so that groundwater does not flush the roots.

Important! To plant several trees in
garden, keep a distance of at least 50 cm between them. Between rows
leave up to 1 meter. For колоновидных деревьев этого будет вполне

Photo of planting a columnar apple

The size of the planting pit depends on the root system of the saplings, but not
must be less than 1 meter in depth and width. Preparation pit
engaged in 14 days before landing. If you dig a hole directly
before the work, the earth will settle, and the bruising neck will be covered
soil. This leads to various diseases of the seedling.

The prepared landing pit is filled in such

– drainage layer 15-20 cm;

– humus or compost – 3 buckets;

– phosphate-potassium fertilizers – 200 gr.

After that, the land is leveled and left for 15-45 days. Seedling
set in the hole and sprinkled with earth to the root neck
remained on the surface. After planting, water the tree well and
grind the soil around it with peat or humus.

To strong wind did not break the seedling, set in the hole
peg and gently tie the tree.

Colonid Apple Care

Caring for seedlings begins in early spring, before blooming.
the kidneys. At this time, pruning, dressing and processing from

Remember that you don’t need to cut a radically apple tree, it’s enough
slightly shorten frozen ends. Central conductor
shortened only if he was badly hurt by frost.

In the first years after planting, thinning is required.
the ovaries. In the first year during flowering, remove all ovaries. On
the second year leaves up to 10 flowers, gradually increasing the load
on the tree.

Tip! Leave the ovaries twice as large
what are you planning to collect apples.

The correct feeding of the apple

In early spring, the soil under the seedlings gently loosened so as not to
traumatize the superficial root system. Feeding trees
nitrogen fertilizers. In June, switch to mineral dressing. AT
during the summer alternate mineral and organic supplements.

AT самом начале августа переходят на калийные подкормки. They
help to ripen faster young shoots, prepare the tree to

Pest and disease treatment

Preventive treatment of trees carried out in early spring.
Saplings are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture, necessarily
process pristvolny circles. This treatment helps
избавиться от перезимовавших pests. Experienced gardeners advise
sprinkle an apple tree with a solution of urea, it is not only prevention
pests and diseases, but also a good nitrogen supplement.

In the summer, seedlings are carefully watched, with the slightest sign of
Diseases carry out treatment with folk remedies With strong
the lesion is sprayed with chemicals. To reduce
the number of pests, once a month water the crown of trees

Important! Processing finish one month before collecting

Watering the Apple Apple

Since the columnar apple trees do not have a taproot and their
the root system is located on the surface, then watering should be
regular. AT нормальную погоду полив организовывают 1 раз в 3 дня,
dry summer water every other day. AT середине лета полив
cut, completely stopped in August. This allows the tree
prepare for winter, form flower buds for the next

Experienced gardeners recommend organizing a columnar garden.
apple trees drip irrigation system. However, once a month
it is necessary to spill the trees to the full depth roots.
To preserve moisture in the soil, near-stem circle mulch
mowed grass, peat or humus.

How to prepare a columnar apple for winter

Осенью яблони готовят к winter Be sure to remove all straw
mulch if used throughout the season. If this is not
do, then rodents will settle in it.

Young standard trees need good shelter.
Pristvolny circle and trunks of seedlings insulated with spruce branches or dry

Correct pruning Apple

Pruning of trees is carried out exclusively in the spring. Main principle
Pruning apple trimming – do not cut off the center conductor.
You can shorten only the side branches, the more they cut, the
more they will increase. With proper pruning, the apple tree will give
annual growth of 10-15 cm.

Column-shaped pruning scheme

AT первый год выращивания боковые побеги срезают до 2 почки. AT
subsequent years, all unnecessary lateral shoots plucked more
green. From the remaining shoots form fruit units. Each
the link bears fruit only for 3-4 years, after which it is cut out on

If the center conductor is frozen, it is pruned. Of
apical shoots choose the most adjacent to the trunk, which
will replace the conductor. The rest is cut out close to the trunk.

Important! Sanitary pruning apple spend
spring and autumn, cutting out all the curves growing inward or dry

Propagation of the Apple Apple

Without proper experience and knowledge to propagate the columnar apple
vaccination method is difficult, so it is better to master other ways.

Seed propagation is the longest and most laborious way. With
In this, not all seedlings inherit colonic features. Breeding
layering is also not the best option, since
seedlings can only be obtained in 50% of cases.

A simple gardener is better to buy ready seedlings in the nursery,
what to do difficult selection work.

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