How to make hair white: 2 recipes andrecommendations

Marilyn Monroe has remained an ideal for half a century.
blondes What girl did not dream to lighten hair and become so
same feminine and desirable! However, sometimes even professional
hairdressers can not immediately achieve the desired effect. therefore
talk more about how to make your hair white.

First and foremost is hydrogen peroxide. Without her hardly
it will be possible to give natural hair color more fresh or fashionable
shade. With the help of peroxide, you can lighten up even pretty gray ones.
hair for two, three and even four tones. Also, if desired
the tone you want to achieve is much lighter than yours
natural hair color, then to prepare for dyeing also
hydrogen peroxide is used.

If you have dyed your hair many times, it will discolor
quite difficult, especially if they are very dark. It may take
from 30 minutes to 2 hours, and one hundred percent result immediately
can not be calculated, sometimes in the end it turns out just piebald color
in color range from white to orange. Then you have to
resort to re-treatment of hair. If this time too
complete bleaching is possible, it’s best to stop your
Choice on hazelnut, light chestnut or any other more
dark color.

Some lines and lightening inks are provided for
self-staining at home. However, if
you have no staining skills then you need to consult
specialist best at barbershop. remember, that
bleaching or blonding is a real stress for hair,
поскольку вследствие интенсивного химического  воздействия
their drying and exhaustion occurs.

Many paint manufacturers emphasize that their paint
supplemented with plant extracts, however it is not capable
completely eliminate the negative effects on hair bleaching
and coloring. therefore не стоит слишком часто прибегать к
discoloration, especially if you recently did a chemical


Lightening hair with lightening agent

If you still want to do your own hair bleaching in
at home, you need to cook:

  • own hair – they must be dry and unwashed,
  • old, unnecessary towel,
  • comb with wide teeth,
  • clock,
  • preparation for hair lightening along with instructions
  • gloves.

Hair bleaching process

First of all, read the instructions and prepare
brightening composition. Spread 2/3 of the solution throughout the hair.
up to the tips, without applying the solution to the root part
hair. The exposure time is determined depending on the desired
degrees of clarification: if you just want to lighten up a little, then this
about 15 minutes, and a strong clarification is obtained if you keep the paint
half an hour. Apply that third of the composition that you have left on
radical part of the hair along the entire length and hold for 10-25 minutes. After
This hair should be washed with water, then shampooed and rinsed.

Hydrogen peroxide clarification

Despite the fact that the world has embraced the fashion for naturalness,
platinum blonde is still a sign of beauty and
femininity. Few people know that this effect can be achieved not
only in the expensive salon, but also at home, using
available funds.

What is needed for coloring?

In order to whiten your hair, you will need the following set

  • – hydrogen peroxide in the form of tablets;
  • – A vial of ammonia (ammonia);
  • – Rubber medical gloves to protect the skin of the hands;
  • – shampoo (soft liquid soap is also suitable);
  • – cream with dense fat texture;
  • – brush for applying the coloring composition.

How to conduct staining

First of all, you need to prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide from
tablets that you bought in advance at the pharmacy. Concentration will be
depend on the condition of your hair, as well as what
shade you want to achieve. So, if you have thin and enough
blond hair, then the saturation of the solution should not exceed 8%. BUT
Here for hard dark hair a concentration of up to 12% is permissible. For
shoulder-length hair will be enough for a third of a glass of solution (50-60
g) to which add about 5 grams of ammonia and a small
amount of shampoo (or soap). Remember that for cooking
This tool can be used exclusively glass
dishes, not plastic or ceramic. Prerequisite
is work in gloves.

Before proceeding directly to the staining, you need
conduct some preparatory work.

  1. Protect clothing with an old towel or any other cloth.
  2. The skin at the junction with the hairy part needs to be smeared with cream
    avoid burns or irritation.
  3. Also note that staining is done on dirty hair.
  4. Starting to apply the composition to the hair, do not affect approximately 2
    centimeter from the roots, handle them last.

The composition should remain on the hair from 20 to 40 minutes, in
depending on what result you want to achieve. Further
you need to wash the composition of the hair well and process them saturated
nourishing balm. To curls were soft and obedient,
rinse with lemon and water

In some cases, after such home staining may
appear a slight shade of yellowness on the hair. Get rid of this
effect you will help special shampoos that are sold in
cosmetic stores.

If your hair is dark and thick and thick, then you shouldn’t
count on the fact that you will become a platinum blonde after
first procedure. You will need to repeat it several.
times with short breaks. In this case, note that peroxide
destroys the hair, and therefore you have to make maximum efforts
to care for the hair. Make nourishing masks and herbal
rinsing so hair does not lose its attractiveness.

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