How to make hair smooth and shiny inhome conditions

Smooth and shiny hair is the pride of any woman. Under
exposure to the sun, wind, temperature, irregular
nutrition, poor circulation of the scalp, small discharge
sebum or any disease the hair becomes lifeless,
thin, easily broken, split and fall out.

Shine and smooth hair are available to everyone!


So how to keep your hair beautiful and healthy and make them

In order to make hair smooth and shiny there is
many ready-made cosmetics, but you can cook
effective hair care products and self.

Below we have recipes from famous beauties of the TV screen.

  1. It is very useful to rinse hair … with beer, also based on it
    You can make an excellent hair mask. For procedures better
    use light grades, as they erode faster and do not
    change the natural tone of the hair. For dry hair, it is recommended
    Fill the beer mask with olive oil (4-5 drops are enough).
  2. Make your hair shiny and also prevent hair cross-section
    almond oil will help. It is applied to hair approximately on the floor.
    hours before shampooing.
  3. A great addition to a beer mask is a liquid or
    melted honey It makes hair shiny and nourishes it.
  4. You can also try to rinse the hair in the infusion of tea leaves and
    wood shavings (2 teapins, a handful of wood shavings, 1 liter
    hot boiled water). Infusion need to cool and strain. If a
    the second component can not be found, then you can rinse hair
    one brew. Especially this recipe will suit dark-haired
    girls, as the welding gives a beautiful chestnut hue.
  5. To make hair color more saturated, you can use normal
    onion peel. It is used to make a decoction and rinse their hair.
  6. Another reason for the deterioration of the health of our hair is
    hard water that we regularly use. You can soften it
    adding lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the water. Also
    can be used for rinsing the head melted water, that is, water
    first frozen in ice and then thaws and
    is used.
  7. Recently, among celebrities is very popular
    rinse hair with champagne (especially for blondes).
    So if you have champagne left after the New Year holidays,
    it’s time to pamper your hair and feel like a star.
    The main thing is not to forget that champagne rinse hair suitable
    only without gas, which means before the procedure you need to open in advance
    bottle and leave until bubbles come out.
  8. And one of the most simple, but effective means to care for
    hair – it’s beaten eggs. They are applied on wet and slightly wrung out.
    hair, massage the roots and leave for ten minutes. Then mask
    wash off with lukewarm water. Apply this mask need a few
    once a week.

Hair shine cosmetics

Even long and thick hair will not produce a stunning
effect, if they are constantly puschatsya and do not have shine. Exactly
therefore, for the curls need constant professional care.
Of course, you can provide it to the master in the cabin, but ideally,
preferably independently master all the wisdom of beauty. On
Currently, the cosmetology market offers a huge selection.
products that will make your hair silky smooth and
dazzling brilliance.

  • Fluid for dry tips

The most problematic area of ​​curls is their tips, they are the most
subject to all sorts of damage. Exactly поэтому столько усилий
attached to combat their section and dryness. One of the best
means to restore the tips are considered special fluids,
oils, whey and so on. Whatever the name of the drug, the essence of it
consists in a saturated oil base. The substance glues the whipped
tips (the effect lasts until the next wash), preventing them
further damage. It is important that such funds do not require
flushing. Onносить их рекомендуется на влажные локоны, но в
Emergency cases can also be dry. However, it is worth considering
that the fluid is applied not higher than 3 cm from the tips, otherwise the hair
stick together and will be fat.

  • Natural Bristle Comb

Despite the fact that hairbrushes from natural materials are on
order is more expensive than their plastic and metal counterparts, they
much more respect for the hair. Onтуральная щетина мягко
combing hair without catching or damaging them. Her action
designed to create smoothness. At the same time a little
flattened hair scales. As a result, the shag
becomes beautiful and brilliant. Also во время расчесывания
there is a light and gentle head massage, which is also very
is useful.

  • Lamination

Perhaps one of the most popular hair treatments for this
moment is lamination. It lies in the fact that the hair
a substance is applied that turns into a transparent film,
enveloping every hair. As a result, the shag становится
visually thicker and shinier. But it is worth noting that this
quite expensive pleasure. And what the longer your head is
more money you have to pay for the services of the salon master.
Therefore, more and more women prefer to do it at home.

Alternatively, you can purchase a special composition for
lamination hair.

  • First you need to wash and dry your hair well, after which
    put on them composition.
  • Onденьте на голову целлофановую шапочку для душа и начинайте
    heat hair with hair dryer.
  • Now you need to cool the head, then heat it again.
  • In this mode, you need to continue for at least half an hour.

Underробная инструкция и методы предосторожности обязательно будут
indicated on the packaging.

Another option for home lamination can be the usual
gelatin. Dissolve it in hot water in a ratio of 1: 3. To
the composition is easily applied to the hair, you need to add a spoon to it
conditioner or balm. When the mass becomes homogeneous, apply
her on wet curls. Then everything needs to be done, as in the previous one.
case: wrap a plastic bag and heat with a hair dryer
about 5 minutes. After the hair has cooled (after
half an hour), rinse them thoroughly under running water, without
any detergents.

  • Hair spray

Many women prefer styling rather than loose
hair, and therefore often enough use lacquer to fix
hairstyles However, even smoothed hair should look
well maintained and beautiful. Exactly поэтому стоит выбирать такие
products that make hair shine. Just do not confuse them.
with crazy varnishes with glittering sparkles. It’s about the smallest
reflective particles that are invisible to the naked
by eye.

Smooth and shiny hair – this is not always the merit of the salon
masters. Knowing some secrets, you can successfully take care of
hair independently.

Use these recipes regularly and you won’t find out very soon.
your hair!

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