How to make a moisturizing hair mask inat home? What do moisturizing hair masks do

Чт, 01 фев 2018 Автор: Марина Поздина

All types of hair need restoration and moisturizing.
Proper moistening for your curls can be achieved not only
salon care treatments. The successful application of moisturizing
hair masks at home allows you to get great
the result is protected, shiny hair.


How to make a moisturizing hair mask in домашних

– It is important to comply with a specific mask preparation technology.
Ingredients must be fresh and natural.

– Apply moisturizing mask on clean moisturized hair.
This helps mask components to absorb evenly and better.
get inside the cells.

– Mask distribute comb with a wide arrangement of teeth. So
you are massaging your scalp and moisturizing procedure.

– Wear plastic wrap or shower cap to
mask components had the right effect. You can wrap the top
head with a warm towel.

— Увлажняющую маску для волос в домашних conditions желательно
hold longer. If you have 2-3 hours left, you can
keep so much time.

– In order to prevent dry hair, it is recommended to apply
mask a week 1-2 times. The result you can enjoy already
after the first application.

Moisturizing products used in hair masks

– Eggs (mostly yolk);

– Honey liquid;

– Sour milk, cream;

– Bananas, avocados;

– Vegetable oil, preferably olive;

– Essential oils (ylang-ylang, lemongrass);

– Medicinal herbs (chamomile, nettle).

Useful recipes moisturizing hair

Carrot mask.

Carrots are useful not only as a food product, but also as
Perfect hair care product. It will be useful
carrot juice, which is easy to get with a regular grater and
gauze Squeeze grated carrots with gauze and add to juice
decoction of peppermint. Pour in olive oil. Dispense tool
best fingers, and then stretch the comb along the entire length
hair. Shake hair in a warm towel and keep the mask for 2 hours and
more. Blondes do not like this mask, as carrot juice
can leave your pigment on strands.

Mask with yogurt.

Sour milk products take care of the skin and hair at the expense of their
useful properties. Sour milk has the most striking effect. Most
easy way to use clabber as a moisturizer
маски для волос в домашних conditions является следующий. Heat up
yogurt to a pleasant temperature and apply to the hair. Wrap
head wrap to fermented milk product actively acted on
curls. The mask is washed off with shampoo. Many girls have long noticed
the effect of such a mask, especially since this tool is not expensive and
замечательно справляется с сухостью hair.

Медовое средство для hair.

There are several options for moisturizing masks with honey. Can
choose any recipe you like from those products that
This moment is in your kitchen.

Option number 1. Honey, cinnamon, wheat germ oil.

We take in equal parts oil and cinnamon. Stir, heating
the mixture over low heat. Add as much honey and warm
наносим на корни и сухие концы hair. If the mass turned out too
thick, then you can add a few more drops of oil. Moisturizing
hair is achieved by exposure to honey and oil, and cinnamon
наполняет витаминами структуру hair.

Option number 2. Honey, egg, burdock or olive oil.

Beat the egg until a light crema is formed. Heat oil separately
with honey and in the resulting mass add egg. Sometimes add
balm for hair, so that then wash off the mask was faster. Ridge
spread over all strands and massage thoroughly at the roots.
The mask with honey perfectly retains moisture and nourishes the hair roots, and
also contributes to the revitalization of their growth.

Option number 3. Honey, olive oil, kefir 2.5%.

In a water bath, heat 200 ml of kefir and liquid honey.
The temperature of the mask should be pleasant for the hands. Olive oil
gradually pour in and evenly distribute to slightly wet
hair. Remove curls under the film. It is believed that this moisturizer
маска для волос в домашних conditions считается одним из самых лучших
hair care products. Great for stained
hair, as it gives hair shine and moisture that is lost
under the influence of chemistry.

Moisturizing mask with ginseng.

It will take a few tablespoons of ginseng tincture mixed with
yolks from eggs. Mix in a lot of cream, preferably from home
cow milk. Mix well with a fork or blender. Mask
should act in 30 minutes and then you can wash it off
favorite shampoo.

Moisturizing и блеск hair.

Gelatin mass helps retain moisture thanks to
the formation of a protective film. Take gelatin 15-20 grams and dilute
its hot water. Wait until complete dissolution. Pour into mass
coconut oil a few tablespoons and a couple of drops of vitamin E.
Hold under the steych-film for at least 1 hour, then rinse with warm
water Hair incredibly shine after such a procedure, as if you
left the beauty salon.

Mask для сухих hair.

If you constantly dry your hair with a hair dryer, use a curling iron and
ironing, then such a mask is perfect for recovery
увлажнения структуры hair. Glycerin, castor oil and yolk from
eggs should be mixed and add apple vinegar. Package on the head
help fix the effect. Castor oil penetrating the structure
hair, perfectly restores and heals hair from the inside. For,
to see the result after such a withdrawal, you should make a number

Mask с авокадо.

Can использовать мякоть авокадо, а можно и вместе с кожурой.
Grind the fruit into a homogeneous mass and combine with whipped in advance 1
an egg. Add any essential oil – rosemary, orange,
lemongrass, fir. To distribute all over clean and damp hair
mix, wrap curls with a warm towel. Avocado is famous for its
увлажняющим эффектом не только для hair. Many beauties
use his face flesh.

Transformation and moisturizing hair with aloe.

Mix liquid warm honey, a few spoons of aloe juice, so much
same olive oil. Heat the burdock and almond oil separately,
Put it all together and spread it over wet hair. Soая маска
It has a remarkable effect on the hair structure, it revives the most
lifeless hairs. Hair под пленкой подержать около 1-2 часов,
then the effect will be maximum. Wash your hair with your favorite shampoo and
можно наслаждаться здоровым блеском и гладкостью своих hair.

Moisturizing волос бананом.

Banana contains beneficial vitamins and minerals, as well as moisture,
which is ready to share with the hair. It is worth peeling a banana
and grate on a fine grater. Add a little aloe pulp and
olive or burdock oil. Means well absorbed in the wet
волосы и укрепляюще действует на корни hair. It is advisable to hold
маску 30 — 50 минут и смывать теплой water

Moisturizing секущихся кончиков.

Mix burdock oil and castor oil, heat in a water bath.
Add warm honey and cool aloe juice. Add a few
drops of natural oil ylang-ylang. Spread over the entire length,
but the focus is on the tips. Leave the tool at 30
minutes until completely absorbed and washed off with shampoo.

Indications for the application of moisturizing hair masks:

– Lifeless hair after dyeing, bleaching and
chemical styling;

– Winter season, as the hair suffers from a shortage

– Burnt hair in the active sun;

– Unbalanced nutrition;

– Permanent stay in stressful situations;

– Frequent use of ironing, styling tongs and hair dryer for
hair drying;

– Recovery after a long illness;

– Recovery after pregnancy and lactation.

It is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money on self-care,
покупая дорогую косметику и средства для hair. Necessary
Moisturizing hair can be achieved by applying homemade masks. Any
remedy from natural products satiates with valuable substances
hair follicles and activates their growth. The condition of the scalp and in
overall, the whole length of the strands is greatly improved if applied
moisturizing masks and compresses for hair complex. Water balance
normalizes gradually, but even after the first procedure is visible

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