How to make a collage of photos of your ownhands: a few creative ideas. Master class: the easiestphoto collage

Сб, 20 авг 2016 Автор: Павел Якименко

A collage of photos – creative interior decoration and excellent
a gift to a close friend, girlfriend or relative.

This wonderful art object can be easily made.
on their own. A collage of photos with their own hands “master” even
New to Handmade Creativity, and the result of the work will delight
you and your loved ones for many years.


A collage of photos with their own hands on the substrate

One of the simplest options for a collage is a simple product.
geometric shape on the finished basis. Done quickly as well
looks very impressive. The main thing to choose bright, it is desirable
portrait shots.

So, for making a collage you
will need:

• Photos (square, in the amount of a multiple of 4, on
an example of their 48-m)

• Substrate (it can be polyurethane sheet, plywood, plastic)
size 40 * 60 cm

• Velcro, adhesive tape or special hangers for attaching to
the wall

• Foam brushes

• Decoupage matte glue (it is possible and good quality PVA)

• Double sided tape

Consider the stages of the work. The most important thing is to form
composition. Choose a photo, decide on their number and
size, spread out on a substrate. It is important that the photos are the same.
size and arranged in even rows. If necessary,
neatly draw with chalk or pencil the arrangement of rows
the main thing is that the markings can be easily erased. When
the composition will be ready, start gently sticking the photo on
double sided tape. After sticking to the photo, the collage needs to be covered.
a layer of glue to make it look as one and be protected from

After the glue dries, the collage is ready. It remains only to attach
его к the wall, выбранным вами средством.

Collage of do-it-yourself photos of original form

In addition to the classical geometric shape, you can give crafts
thematic look, for example for a wedding collage, choose a shape
heart, birthday give a collage in the form of his initials, for
Sunglasses are suitable for taking pictures from summer vacation, and for photos from
four-legged pet – his silhouette.

To create such a collage you need

• A photo

• Base (cardboard, drawing paper)

• Glue or double sided tape

On the selected base, draw the silhouette of the future object, cut
and proceed to fill the object space. Post
photos in such a way that there are no empty spots, but also an overlap
some photos to others was not too strong. Finished work can
laminated or placed under glass. And add an extra
decoration, such as lighting around the perimeter of the product.

A collage of photos using matchboxes

You can use matchboxes to create a voluminous collage.
the boxes.

For work you will need:

• A photo разного размера

• Base (cardboard or drawing paper)

• Pencil

• Clay moment-crystal

• Double sided tape

• Ornaments (flowers, butterflies, shells, memorabilia and

• Scrapbuma with inscriptions

• Acrylic paint

Before you start, draw a sketch. He must represent
a combination of cells of different sizes, forming a square or
rectangle. Determine the exact dimensions of each cell. Transfer
sketch on the base. Put the cells out of matchboxes, extra
cut the sides to make the boxes in place of the cells,
appropriate to their size. Glue the boxes to the base. Color
acrylic paint and let it dry well. Universal
there will be white paint, but you can choose any color, depending
from the subject of your collage. Then distribute photos by
cages, lay out decorations, fill some cuts with cuts
from scrapbook. After the composition will look
harmonious and complete, you can start sticking photos and
decorations. Use transparent glue, you can also bulk
glue items with glue gun, if any
is available. After finishing work, leave the product to dry,
you need to glue well grabbed. For greater durability after
drying can be covered with decoupage glue. After a few
часов photo collage своими руками можно вешать на

A few tips on making a collage

  • Итак, ваш photo collage своими руками вы сделали, теперь
    need to find a suitable place for him.

  • The theme of the collage should correspond to the selected room.
    Romantic hearts are suitable for the bedroom, and bright combinations
    photo for the general room.

  • If you decide to add a frame to the collage, then choose a simple
    rectangular or square frame of thin baguette to
    keep the focus on your work.

  • The photos themselves must be in the same style, well,
    if all photos from one photo shoot.

  • Add more creativity crafts can be processed and
    preparing the elements of a collage using Photoshop or

  • The latest software even has the ability to automatically generate
    collage of uploaded photos. If you have skills in these
    programs, be sure to use them.

  • With If necessary, correct the photo, maybe you will
    all photos are black and white, or add some common color

  • You can give photos an interesting shape or make a bright

  • You can run the entire collage in the program, and then just
    print the work in the format you need.

  • This option is also popular, especially if you can
    process high-quality photos.

  • In any case, the use of these programs can add
    zest your work.

  • Попробуйте создать photo collage своими руками, это будет
    A good alternative to the photo album.

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