How to maintain sexual desire

Fri, Feb 21, 2014

Many couples are experiencing a decline in sexual desire,
especially with a long-term alliance.

When we fall in love and start building relationships, we often
we idealize the partner and do not notice his shortcomings. Sexy
desires arise at one glance at the beloved. But passes
for a while, and sexual harmony begins to break down.

Why is sexual desire fading away

In nature, so laid down that a woman’s love passes
faster than the man. According to sexologists, it does not last.
more than 18 months. Further, this feeling develops into affection,
friendships or a woman is gradually moving away from
partner. In men, true love lasts longer and can
be 3 years.

The main problem of the weakening of sexual desire lies in
the difference between the natural essence of women and men. Woman for sex
love is required; a man needs sex to open up
love That is, a lady needs to satisfy her emotional
needs for intimacy, while in men
happens during sex. If the couple cannot understand this and find
compromise, then after 2-3 years sexual desire begins
fade away.

Most often, the basis of sexual problems are psychological factors.
Stress, resentment, fatigue, frustration, accumulated anger or
other unexpressed emotions are collected in the mind of man and
ассоциируются с образом partner. At some point a person
understands that he wants to sleep more or see his beloved
a movie than make love.

When offenses and experiences accumulate a large amount, we
subconsciously do not want sexual contact with a partner
who have these feelings. We are starting to make excuses before
loved one, referring to headache or fatigue.

Often a man does not want sexual intimacy with a woman who
he does not want to be vulnerable. The same applies to women. If she
annoyed or angry, then does not want intimacy with
a man If such negative emotions occur regularly, this
develops into unwillingness of sexual contact. And at some time
people begin to feel alien to each other.
Disappears spark in a relationship.

How to maintain sexual desire

Psychologists say that to maintain sexual desire,
you need to work on relationships and behave properly with your loved one
by man.

  • Нельзя критиковать partner. You can only make comments on
    about his individual actions. A woman should not speak to a man
    �”You are a bad husband!” From these words fears begin to arise from him.
    Gradually, he begins to experience discomfort with his partner and
    avoid it. Better to say: “Your deed is not very correct!”. AND
    then irritation and internal insult will not appear.
  • If a quarrel arises with your loved one, you do not need a long time
    to hurt him. Every problem must be spoken with
    partner. Accumulated negative negatively affects sexual
  • It is important for partners to maintain physical contact. He is expressing
    tender hugs, touches, positive caress during the day.
    Such manipulations can remove the negative between partners or
    stressful conditions from external factors.
  • Whatever the problems in the family, you need to be able to praise your
    partner, even for minor achievements, and keep him
    difficult situation.
  • Partners, and above all women, should keep romance in
    отношениях и не возводить рутинные проблемы выше love Can
    enjoy traditional receptions: romantic dinner, rest for
    городом, маленькие подарки и признаваться в love

Text: Svetlana Ahi

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