How to lose weight on an oatmeal diet?

  • 1 Oat diet for weight loss
    • 1.1 Basic principles
    • 1.2 Product List
    • 1.3 Menus
    • 1.4 Recipes

Oatmeal – a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients,
strengthen the human immune system. Therefore, many, based
on this fact, oat products are chosen as the main
ingredients methods for losing weight.

Let us consider in more detail what the essence of the oatmeal diet is, what its
the main principles and how much you can lose weight by observing this
restrictive power intake.


Oatmeal diet for weight loss

Как уже упоминалось ранее, в овсяных отрубях содержится
огромное полезных веществ
, главными из которых являются:
iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur and iron.

In addition to improving the cleaning of the stomach and the body as a whole,
Oatmeal is known for:

  • normalizes a person’s emotional state;
  • improves brain function;
  • cleanses the body of products containing heavy metals;
  • prevents inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • low calorie.

Before devoting a specific period of time above
diet for weight loss on bran, consider and its main

  • removes calcium from the body;
  • reacts negatively to gluten, causing disease under
    the name of celiac disease;
  • with prolonged use of oat bran, diarrhea occurs and
    frequent stomach pains;
  • increases appetite.

Porridge oatmeal is digested in the body for 3
hours, thanks to which the feeling of satiety persists
all of the above time. Oatmeal gives energy and support
good condition of bones, nails and hair.

Перед употреблением, дайте отрубям настояться в
water for one day. They should be cooked exclusively on
slow fire.

Диета категорически противопоказана людям,
poorly tolerant cereal products, as well as gastritis, colitis and
ulcer. And there can be no question about the observance of methods of losing weight from
bran to pregnant and lactating women.

Basic principles

Диета на каше овсяной может длиться от 3 до 10
и предполагает собой похудение на 10
kilogram per week.

You should eat 4 times a day, in small portions. Last
Meal – no later than 19:00.

Соблюдать диету для похудения рекомендуется
along with light exercise, in the form of morning exercises,
squats and frequent walking.

Кроме того, в день необходимо употреблять два
liters of purified non-carbonated water. Wash porridge with water

Повторить данную диету можно только
спустя полгода по ее завершению, так как частое
the use of oat bran in the menu is fraught with negative
consequences for the body, in the form of disruption
gastrointestinal tract leading to a difficult process
defecation and constipation.

Grocery list

When eating on the above diet for weight loss,
should be excluded from the menu:

  • salty;
  • sour, sour milk;
  • spicy
  • roast;
  • fatty;
  • sweet;
  • smoked
  • flour;
  • salt, sugar;
  • fast food and convenience foods.

Также воздержитесь от бананов, авокадо и
potatoes, because they contain more calories than permissible

Many, while on this restrictive diet, often
One wonders if it is possible to eat oatmeal cookies on a diet? Of course,
It is possible, because in addition to porridge, there is a mass of other dishes prepared according to
recipes from oats.

So that the above diet on one porridge quickly not tired,
Be resourceful and resourceful and pamper your
organism, having included in the menu other products from oats. For example,
The most popular are pancakes, cookies, candy bars, soups
and even burgers.

Рассмотрим список продуктов, рекомендованных к данной

  • oatmeal in any form;
  • напитки: зеленый чай, некрепкий кофе,
    fruit compotes and juices, nonfat yogurt, milk and kefir;
  • фрукты и ягоды: цитрусовые, киви, груши,
    apples, plums, apricots, peaches, blueberries, currants, raspberries,
    strawberry, watermelon, sweet cherry;
  • овощи: помидоры, огурцы, капуста, морковь,
    radish, beet, bell pepper;
  • сухофрукты: изюм, курага, чернослив;
  • rice cereal;
  • greens and lettuce.


Despite the fact that the diet is considered oatmeal, the list of acceptable
products allows you to make quite a varied diet
power supply.

Menu овсяной диеты для похудения на неделю
as follows:


  • Breakfast: a pound of water flakes;
  • Lunch: radish and cucumber salad combined with green
  • Dinner: 250 grams of oatmeal on milk and dried fruits.


  • Oat biscuits and a glass of warm skimmed milk;
  • soup with cabbage, carrot and bell pepper, kefir;
  • boiled rice, orange juice.


  • 300 ml of natural low-fat yogurt, kiwi, strawberries and
    pineapple fresh;
  • stewed cabbage with tomatoes, apple compote;
  • flakes and prunes.


  • 2-3 oatmeal cookies and a cup of weak coffee;
  • tomato and cucumber salad, kefir;
  • oat bran with curd, a cup of green leaf tea.


  • lettuce and orange;
  • oat porridge, two boiled eggs, green tea;
  • porridge with prunes.


  • oatmeal with honey, weak lemon tea;
  • cabbage, pepper and tomato stew, glass kefir;
  • bran porridge and green tea.


  • yogurt and grapefruit;
  • 250 grams of cooked rice, fresh orange;
  • oat bran and green tea.


Recipes для диеты овсяной, которые можно
включить с меню полны полезных веществ для организма и
Diversify your diet can be the following delicious dishes:

Fruit Smoothie with Oatmeal

Fruit Smoothie with Oatmeal

Ингредиенты: три столовые ложки овсяных хлопьев
and the same low-fat yogurt, 200 ml of milk, 150-200 grams
raspberries, strawberries, orange and currants, a teaspoon of honey and

  • grind flakes in a blender;
  • then mix with the drink;
  • add the rest of the ingredients and bring them to a homogeneous mixture
    using a blender;
  • pour the mixture into the molds;
  • Cover them and put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

Chocolate Oatmeal

Chocolate Oatmeal

Ингредиенты: три столовые ложки овсянки и
the same amount of milk, 50 grams of dark chocolate, 150 grams of raspberry.

  • heat the milk;
  • chop chocolate;
  • mix cereal with chocolate;
  • later pour a milky drink and cover;
  • let it brew for 15 minutes;
  • decorate the finished dish with raspberries.

From sweet recipes for the oatmeal diet go to more

Oatmeal with vegetables

Oatmeal with vegetables

Ингредиенты: 150 грамм овсянки, по половине
beets and bell peppers, two tomatoes, a teaspoon of olive
oil, rosemary.

  • peel vegetables and cut into cubes;
  • put in a baking dish;
  • pour oil and sprinkle with rosemary;
  • cook in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature
    180 degrees;
  • steam up porridge and put on plates;
  • top position baked vegetables.

Diet on oat bran – a great slimming menu option for
people whose body needs vitamins and the right
balanced weight loss.

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