How to lose weight on an acting diet for 4 days?

  • 1 Acting diet for 4 days
    • 1.1 Basic principles
    • 1.2 Permitted Products
    • 1.3 Menus
    • 1.4 How much can you lose weight?

In search of an effective and most effective diet for
losing weight, stop at the actor, called theatrical.

Nutritional restriction menu to drop pounds for
celebrities have existed since the 70s. This explains the lack of
extra pounds and a trim look in childhood idols.

How effective is it and is there any point in devoting the menu?
Actor’s diet a certain period of their time?


Acting diet for 4 days

Актерская диета предназначена для быстрого и
effective weight loss, therefore, appointed by only 4
of the day

Суть данной диеты в высушивании и
придании телу красивых очертаний
. Also acting
Restriction in nutrition is designed for rapid weight loss.
Calling it useful or curative is extremely difficult, but the menu
4 days effective, no doubt.

Before the dedication of 4 days to this restrictive diet,
read the basic principles and recommendations and make sure
readiness of the body to “acting nutrition.”

Basic principles

Basic principles актерской диеты — сбросить
лишние килограммы всего за 4 of the day Note that dietary restrictions
4 days designed for quick weight loss before an important

Comply with the limit of 4 days should be 1 time per year, as often
use celebrity restrictive nutrition menu for 4 days
is fraught with consequences – with extra pounds will leave the state
health, strength, sleep and shake the emotional state.

Главное отличие «актерского питания» от
— допустимость в рационе алкоголя, а конкретнее
– the fault. Despite the name, popcorn in the list of recommended
Products not included. The main ones are cheese and dairy

It is strictly forbidden to observe the restrictive menu.
celebrity food if you have:

  • Increased blood pressure on the background of heart disease, then
    have hypertension. The alcoholic beverage on the menu is helpful.
    for the heart, but it is strictly forbidden for hypertensive patients
    given limited nutrition. Allowable rate for heart
    failure – no more than one glass of wine per day;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Products from the menu list
    for weight loss are contraindicated for dysfunction sufferers
    digestive system as alcoholic beverages damage
    small intestinal walls and provoke ingestion
  • Last months of pregnancy. Recall that pregnant
    alcohol is strictly prohibited;
  • Infant baby. Nursing mothers should be especially careful
    pick up your diet. Products designed to get rid of
    kilograms will harm you and the baby;
  • Adolescence. People who are under age and with
    in no case can the organism be “tested” in any way
    In a similar way.

Permitted Products

The list of permitted products is poor but effective. Their properties
promote cleansing of the body of toxins and improve
bowel work.

In addition to wine and cheese, permitted products for acting
The following diets:

  • rice;
  • dairy products;
  • dietary meat.

Также для похудения на актерской диете,
ежедневно пить воду в больших количествах и
exclude foods containing sugar. Food can be eaten in
unlimited quantities, without adding salt, pepper, sauces and
other spices. The presence of alcohol eliminates the need
do sport.


To achieve the most effective results.
быстрого сброса веса, в виде лишних килограммов, требуется
соблюдать меню
вышеуказанного пищевого ограничения
within 4 days.

The diet is designed for quick weight loss, but there is no guarantee that
return to the usual diet, the result will continue for a long time.
Therefore, after 4 fasting days, limit the ration in the harmful

Acting diet for 4 days — меню и

The first day with unloading and cleaning
Eat boiled rice in unlimited
quantities, drinking it with tomato juice. Also recommended
healthy sound sleep and long walks in the fresh air.

  • Breakfast: rice, tomato juice;
  • Lunch: milk rice porridge, tea;
  • Dinner: tomato salad.

Второй и третий день содержат в своем меню для
потери веса исключительно белковые продукты: можно
eat cottage cheese, chicken and rabbit meat. From drinks are recommended
green or herbal tea and kefir.

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, green tea;
  • Lunch: kefir and 250 grams of lean chicken meat;
  • Dinner: stew with vegetables, kefir.
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with honey;
  • Lunch: low-fat chicken cutlets, rather weak tea without sugar;
  • Dinner: rabbit meat, grilled, drink a glass
    skimmed kefir.

The final fourth day passes under the slogan
Use wine instead of water and the rest.
drinks. Daily rate – 1 liter.

  • Breakfast: 250 ml of wine and dietary bread with slices.
  • Обед: 500 мл вина и неограниченное количество cheese;
  • Dinner: 250 ml of wine and 300 grams of cheese.

If you don’t drink alcohol at all, but want to try
lose 2-3 kilograms using an actor’s diet, replace the wine with
juice, preferably orange.

How much can you lose weight?

The above food restriction for 4 days is pretty
not easy, but for those who like experimentation, consider how much
You can lose weight on an acting diet.

Acting diet for 4 days подразумевает сброс веса, в
виде от 2 до 4 килограммов
. It “dries out” the body and
thanks to products from the menu, promotes fast digestive
process in the human body.

По итогу, организм будет истощен и «высушен»,
but without extra pounds. Unloading 4 days will bring the body into
the desired fit form and provide slim figure.

Давайте вспомним результаты диеты для потери веса

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