How to lose weight on a 7-day Japanese diet?

  • 1 Japanese diet for 7 days for weight loss
    • 1.1 Products List
    • 1.2 Menu for the week
    • 1.3 Recipes
    • 1.4 Correct way out

Have you ever wondered why Japanese women are always like that
young look? Of course, it’s not about nationality
involvement in any country. Keep them immaculate
helps proper nutrition.

For those who want to experience the culture of Japanese women and at the same time
at least partially look the same as they are, there is a special
Japanese diet for weight loss for 14 days. But in this article we
Consider a more gentle version, designed only for
a week


Japanese diet for 7 days for weight loss

The Japanese diet for weight loss is effective and beneficial. But before
proceed with its observance, be sure to read
следующими правилами:

  • the last meal is 3 hours before bedtime;
  • exclude from the menu salt, sugar and alcoholic beverages;
  • consume daily from 1.5 to 2 liters of water;
  • in order to avoid vitamin deficiency, in combination with a diet should
    take a complex of vitamins, in the form of medicines;
  • repeat this procedure for weight loss is not recommended more
    twice a year.

Also, the Japanese diet for weight loss has its own

  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If you do not consider yourself to any of the above
categories, we offer to get acquainted with the valid products and
меню японской диеты для похудения на a week

Grocery list

The above method of losing weight for a week will rejuvenate your
skin and give it elasticity. But so it happened in the shortest
terms, you must have information about the most useful food.
Grocery list для японской диеты на 7 дней
consists of the following list:

  • eggs;
  • beef and chicken meat;
  • halibut, flounder, herring, mackerel;
  • cabbage, carrot, eggplant, zucchini;
  • all types of fruit, except grapes and bananas;
  • olive oil;
  • tomato juice;
  • kefir;
  • coffee and green tea.

Based on this list, and combines an effective menu for
похудения японской диеты на a week Of course, you can make
his own, but for the greatest convenience, in the following
пункте предлагаем вам свой вариант меню на a week

It is preferable for the Japanese diet to use
of the above list of ingredients in a fresh form, since
heat treated many of them lose most of the vitamins.
In some cases, when food from the menu of the Japanese diet
It’s impossible to eat raw, boil them, stew them or

Menu for the week

For the greatest effect of weight loss, it should be carefully
образом подобрать меню на ближайшую a week Fortunately thanks
This article does not have an independent product combination.
of necessity. Check out the option below.

Japanese diet for 7 days – menu:


  • Breakfast: a cup of green tea;
  • Lunch: boiled egg, carrot juice;
  • Dinner: steamed mackerel.


  • weak coffee with a slice of rye bread;
  • herring and carrot salad, a glass of tomato juice;
  • 200 g low-fat beef bits.


  • weak hot drink;
  • boiled egg and carrot salad;
  • big green apple.


  • tea;
  • тушеные кабачки, kefir;
  • 250 g boiled chicken meat.


  • яблоко и tea;
  • halibut, steamed, watered with half juice
  • salad of carrots and cabbage.


  • hot drink;
  • stewed cabbage, a glass of kefir;
  • two boiled eggs, an apple.


  • cup of leaf green tea;
  • stewed zucchini with cabbage;
  • drink baked chicken meat with tomato juice.


Recipes для диеты японской на неделю отличаются своим
unique taste and ease of preparation:

Braised Herring with Onions and Tomatoes

Braised Herring with Onions and Tomatoes

Ингредиенты: полкило сельди, лук, пять больших помидор, 150 мл
olive oil, juice of half a lemon.

  • thoroughly soak herring in cold water;
  • cut into small pieces and put on a plate;
  • chop the tomatoes and lay them on top of the herring;
  • onion cut into half rings and also lay out on top;
  • pour olive oil and lemon juice;
  • simmer on low heat for 25 minutes.

Eggplant, Tomato and Sweet Salad

Eggplant, Tomato and Sweet Salad

Ингредиенты: два баклажана, три pepper и четыре помидорки, лук,
a pinch of greens and salt, a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

  • wash and chop the eggplants into slices;
  • then salt them and leave for 20 minutes;
  • fry eggplants on both sides until golden brown;
  • wash, peel and chop peppers, onions and tomatoes;
  • chop greens;
  • mix all the ingredients.

Salad of eggs, cucumbers and green onions

Salad of eggs, cucumbers and green onions

Ингредиенты: 3-4 куриных яйца, два огурца, пучок зеленого лука,
two tablespoons of defatted sour cream, 20 ml of mayonnaise, on a pinch
greens and salt.

  • chop the onion;
  • peel the cucumbers and cut into cubes;
  • boil eggs and cut;
  • mix all the ingredients, seasoned with sour cream and mayonnaise;
  • salt and mix again.

Correct exit

Out of the weekly Japanese diet lasts for a period of twice
more than the very method of losing weight. Over the next two
weeks should continue to adhere to the refusal of sugar-containing

Unlike the menu of the diet itself, the exit menu implies
the transfer of more high-calorie foods for breakfast, and for dinner
eat lighter food.

Remember that the effect of losing weight on the Japanese diet
will be preserved only under the condition of perfect adherence to the rules
out of the Japanese dietary restrictions. Do not rush to “fly” on
habitual high-calorie food immediately upon completion
above mode! Although it is likely that the body
get used to the above menu and you have nothing of your favorite before anymore
do not want to.

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