How to lose weight in 4 days?

  • 1 Diets на 4 дня
    • 1.1 Classic menu
    • 1.2 Четырехдневная «Оранжевая диета»
    • 1.3 “Acting diet” for 4 days
  • 2 Recipes

Sometimes even 3 kg of excess weight can bring to tears. Special
This applies to a sudden trip to the sea, when you need to appear in
all naked glory. Or your favorite dress suddenly became cramped in
abdominal area.

The situation can easily correct any of the diets that
designed for 4 days. During this time, really become slimmer by 3-5 kg.
But to fix the result, you should extend the menu correctly.
meals for a week or more.


Diets на 4 дня

Diets на 4 дня — это настоящая палочка-выручалочка для жаждущих
fast and painless weight loss. And let such a small
срок невозможно изменить 58 размер на 42, но привести тело
in tonus and save from 3-5 kg ​​- quite real.

Refusal of junk food has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and
proper nutrition normalizes metabolism and contributes
cleansing the body of toxins.

It is worth paying attention to some of the rules of this
weight loss techniques:

  • foods you need to eat: eggs, milk (low-fat),
    vegetables, celery, boiled meat and fish, citrus;
  • you need to drink plenty of water (at least two liters per day);
  • eat 4 times a day;
  • have dinner no later than 18 hours.

Самое главное — принимать пищу в одно и то же
time. This diet requires strict adherence to all rules and
mode. Specialй популярностью пользуются такие диеты: Яичная,
Orange, Actor and Express Diet.

Classic menu

A simple menu for 4 days (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea,

First day

  1. 200 ml of kefir 1% + hard boiled egg;
  2. 160 g of steamed fish +100 g of salad; chamomile tea;
  3. cup of green tea, orange;
  4. a glass of celery juice,

Second day

  1. 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey + 90 g
    scrambled eggs;
  2.  180 g boiled beef + 80 g grated carrots;
  3. чашка ромашкового чая + 100 г ананаса;
  4. a glass of kefir with dill,

Третий день

  1. 100 g of cereals + 80 g of seaweed;
  2. 200 g of celery cream soup;
  3. grapefruit;
  4. 170 g low-fat yogurt,

Fourth day 

  1.  100 g baked pumpkin with maple syrup +90 g boiled
  2.  130 g of mushroom and celery salad + 100 g boiled
    chicken breast;
  3. an Apple;
  4. 180 g of milk 2.5%;

По истечении 4-х дней не следует набрасываться на
, чтобы результат похудения радовал как можно дольше.
Observing throughout the measure, you can flaunt year-round taut body
and slim figure.

Четырехдневная «Оранжевая диета»

Оранжевая диета предполагает употребление пищи
оранжевого или желтого цвета
. With its help you can
get rid of 2 kg in 4 days. The menu is rather scarce, but tolerated
not bad, because of the properties of orange color to raise your spirits.

Идеальные продукты: дыня, кукуруза, цитрусы, сладкий
перец, морковь, тыква, желтые помидоры и бананы
The results will be noticeable on the second day – in the form of a sleeper.

Detailed menu for 4 days (breakfast, lunch,

First day

  1. a cup of coffee without sugar + pear + 120 g omelet;
  2. 150 grams of lettuce from yellow tomatoes and peppers;
  3. hard-boiled egg + grapefruit.

Второй день

  1. 200 g low-fat cottage cheese + a cup of coffee;
  2. тыквенный суп + апельсин;
  3. 180 g low-fat yogurt + apple.

Третий день

  1. carrot puree, tea with sugar;
  2. 70 g cheese + fresh vegetable salad (sweet peppers, tomatoes,
  3. baked pumpkin.

Четвертый день

  1. egg + 130 g of oatmeal with banana slices;
  2. 300 g steamed fish + salad of carrots, peppers and tomatoes;
  3. banana and grapefruit.

This menu is suitable even for very lazy people, because it is not
requires a long pastime at the stove. To diet brought
maximum effect, do not neglect the physical

�”Acting diet” for 4 days

This 4-day diet is designed for weight loss of 3
kg The favorite remedy of many actors does not require giving up alcohol
or exhausting classes in the gym. A well-composed menu
will lose weight precisely in problem areas.

This method of losing weight does not have a long-lasting effect, because
weight is lost due to dehydration and non-nutritive foods.

A four-day diets menu (breakfast, lunch,

First day — разгрузочный:

  1. rice 150 g + 1 tbsp tomato juice;
  2. rice 150 g + 1 tbsp tomato juice;
  3. 0.5 liters of tomato juice.

Второй день — кисло-молочный:

  1. 150 g of cottage cheese;
  2. kefir non-greasy;
  3.  1 yogurt;
  4. kefir non-greasy;

Третий день — белковый:

  1.  1 egg;
  2. 150 grams of meat (rabbit, chicken breast, turkey) $
  3. 1 yogurt;
  4. kefir non-greasy;

Четвертый день — винный:

  1. 30 grams of cheese;
  2.  half a glass of red wine;
  3. 30 г сыра + half a glass of red wine;
  4. 20 grams of cheese;

During this diet can not eat salt and drink soda.
To consolidate the result of losing weight, you need another week
refrain from salt and fatty foods.


To diversify the menu for weight loss you can safely
experiment with allowed products. The most important thing is not
забывать о граммах и калориях, и готовить пп рецепты на каждый
day for weight loss.

Recipes для похудения за 4 дня:

Shrimp for Lazy

How to lose weight in 4 days?
Shrimp for Lazy


  • 1 kg of shrimp;
  • lemon;
  • dill;
  • coriander.


Crush dill, coriander and juice in a mortar lemon.
Rinse the shrimp with boiling water and cook in the microwave for 2
minutes To eat with lemon-dill sauce.

Rabbit Jelly

How to lose weight in 4 days?
Rabbit Jelly


  • 1 rabbit;
  • bell pepper;
  • Bay leaf.


Cut the rabbit, add water (let it cover the meat a little),
add spices. Варить 50 minutes The finished meat is decomposed by
sudochkam and pour broth. Clean in a cold place to complete

Assorted fish

How to lose weight in 4 days?
Assorted fish


  • 750 g of cod;
  • 110 g belly salmon;
  • 200 g of trout fillet;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • dill.


Смешать укроп с соком lemon. Cut the whole fish into strips and
cook for a couple. Salmon lay out on top for juiciness. Cooking not
longer than 20 minutes so that the fish do not lose their shape. To eat with sauce
cooked earlier.

Any diet for 4 days is not suitable for longer
period of time, because not balanced. To
the result was a little longer, it’s enough to keep an active lifestyle and
Do not fall into the gastronomic excesses afterwards.

The menu for losing weight for every day can be not only
low-calorie, but also tasty, if you include recipes PP.

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