How to lose weight in 2 weeks – effectivediet

  • 1 How to lose weight at home in 2 weeks?
    • 1.1 Menu for the week
    • 1.2 Яичная diet
    • 1.3 Гречневая diet для ленивых
    • 1.4 Principles of a two-week chemical diet
    • 1.5 Maggi Diet menu for 2 weeks

Everyone dreams of losing weight by the summer – but what can I do if
opening the beach season there is nothing left but to look at
weights scary? Правильно, нужна эффективная diet, которая
will help get rid of excess weight in just two weeks. Right away
the question arises – is it harmful to health?


How to lose weight at home in 2 weeks?

Эффективная и безопасная diet на 2 недели эффективная и
safe provided for weight loss at home
и позволяет достичь максимально возможных
даже при том условии, что человек не будет
perform no additional physical activity and
experience particular moral tension about the unusual

In addition, the above methodology is not only aimed at
weight loss – it also targets
carrying out complex cleaning of an organism from slags and

In order to achieve the desired result, it will be necessary
на протяжении двух недель употреблять в пищу следующие

  1. Kefir or ryazhenka – 300 ml;
  2. Apples or pears, preferably unsweetened varieties – 200 g;
  3. Fat-free cottage cheese – 100 g;
  4. Cucumbers or tomatoes – 100 g (in the absence of fresh fine
    fit canned).

Please note that the above amount of food at one time.
Таких приемов должно быть 3 в день.

After such a diet, all slags and toxins go out of the body,
however, a person must be prepared for the fact that the quantity
Emptying will rise to 7-8 per day.

In terms of its effectiveness, the technique is comparable with
magnesium sulphate powder, but at the same time it is noted its
perfect biological safety for the human body.
Two weeks – and weight loss of 10 kg

Menu for the week

Lose weight in 2 weeks at 5 kg by following the recommendations
following diet, the menu which provides clearly
регламентированный рацион питания – никаких
relief or gaps can not be.

One day was broken and fed wrong – a week long
efforts, consider, passed absolutely in vain.

So fist your willpower and stick to
The following diet, which consists of:

  1. first breakfast
  2. the second breakfast
  3. lunch time
  4. snack,
  5. first dinner
  6. the second dinner.

Menu for the week для двухнедельной диеты:

On the first day of the diet

  1. 200 g oatmeal porridge with egg white – the latter is added
    when the porridge is ready; 100 g boiled chicken fillet,
    100 grams of vegetable salad without the use of sunflower oil and
    mayonnaise (even low-calorie);
  2. one apple or pear
  3. chicken broth 300 ml; tuna 200g, buckwheat porridge 200g, vegetable
    salad – 200g;
  4. 100 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of yogurt – all this can be mixed, will
  5. 100 grams of vegetable salad;
  6. a glass of kefir, milk (only skimmed) or ryazhenka

On the second day of the diet

  1. tuna 200g, buckwheat porridge 200g, vegetable salad – 200g;
  2. 100 g vegetable salad
  3. 200 g oatmeal porridge with egg white
  4. one apple or pear
  5. 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  6.  a glass of kefir, milk (skimmed only) or

On the third day of the diet

  1. 200 g buckwheat porridge, 100 g chicken fillet, 100 g vegetable
  2. 100 g vegetable salad
  3. 200 g oatmeal porridge with egg white
  4. 100 g of cottage cheese and 1 apple (can be a banana or kiwi)
  5. 100 g tuna with vegetable salad 200g
  6. a glass of kefir, milk (only skimmed) or ryazhenka

On the fourth day of the diet

  1. 200 g oatmeal porridge with egg white
  2. one apple or pear
  3.  chicken broth 300 ml; tuna 200 g, buckwheat porridge 200 g,
    овощной salad – 200g;
  4. one apple or pear
  5. 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  6. a glass of kefir, milk (only skimmed) or ryazhenka

On the fifth day of the diet

  1.  200 g rice porridge, 100 g chicken fillet, 100 g vegetable
  2. one apple or pear
  3. 200 g buckwheat porridge with egg white
  4. 100 g vegetable salad
  5. 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  6.  a glass of kefir, milk (skimmed only) or

On the sixth day of the diet

  1. 200 g oatmeal porridge with egg white
  2. one apple or pear
  3. chicken broth 300 ml; tuna 200 g, buckwheat porridge 200 g,
    овощной salad – 200g;
  4.  100 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of yogurt – all this can be mixed,
    будет tastier;
  5. 100 grams of vegetable salad;
  6. a glass of kefir, milk (only skimmed) or ryazhenka

On the seventh day of the diet

  1. tuna 200 g, buckwheat porridge 200 g, овощной salad – 200g;
  2. 100 g of cottage cheese and 1 apple (can be a banana or kiwi)
  3.  200 g oatmeal porridge with egg white
  4. 100 g vegetable salad
  5. 100 g tuna with vegetable salad 200g
  6. a glass of kefir, milk (only skimmed) or ryazhenka

The second week provides a similar menu.

After getting acquainted with this method of weight loss can be done
the conclusion that it does not provide for a great variety in
menu. Basically, you can mention a few main dishes,
which alternate periodically.

Как вы видите из всего вышеперечисленного, эта diet
implies the most standard set of products for
– никакой экзотики нет и быть can not.

Вся суть лечения сводится к тому, что человек
употребляет здоровую пищу дробными приемами

The product range for this technique is no different.
from everyday healthy eating:

  1. Chicken boiled meat;
  2. Boiled or steamed lean fish;
  3. Vegetable soups;
  4. Whole grain bran bran bread;
  5. Green tea, as a catalyst for all metabolic processes in
    the body;
  6. Vegetables and fruits, and in unlimited quantities – especially
    good to eat lemons and apples, they are more than all the rest
    contribute to the activation of metabolic processes;
  7. Separately, it is necessary to note the need to use
    coarse-fiber food – in particular, different types of nuts (walnut,
    cashew or hazelnut). The effectiveness of these products lies in
    stimulating the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to which
    metabolic processes are significantly accelerated, splitting occurs
    fats that were previously deposited;
  8. Lactic acid products;
  9. Kashi – oatmeal, buckwheat;
  10. Egg white.

In addition, it is necessary to focus on the mandatory
exclusion from the diet of all fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets.
You can forget about the latter for good, otherwise everything that is discarded
kilograms quickly return.

Еще одна рекомендация от авторов диеты
never go to bed after eating. Since dinner
It should take at least three hours, and only then it will be possible for the person
go to sleep.

Яичная diet

Мало кто знает о том, что на самом деле, существует diet на 2
of the week – egg! Indeed, egg white is beautiful
the ability to limit the intake of extra calories,
which turn into fat.

It will be necessary to adhere to 2 weeks approximately
the following schedule and ration:

First day

  1. raw whipped egg white, mined by processing 2
  2.  porridge – 100 g;
  3. fruits and vegetables.

Second day

  1. raw whipped egg white, mined by processing 2
  2. buckwheat porridge – 100 g;
  3. fruits and vegetables.

The third day

  1. raw whipped egg white, mined by processing 2
  2. rice porridge – 100 g;
  3.  fruits and vegetables.

In principle, to follow all resources, it is imperative
только лишь неукоснительное соблюдение первого

What exactly are excluded from the diet – fatty and fried foods, and
also sweet and overly salty, peppered.

Гречневая diet для ленивых

Many people want to lose weight in a fairly short
a period of time, while not harassing your body
physical exertion. It was for this purpose that was developed
гречневая diet для ленивых (минус 12 кг за 2 недели).

Sample menu for a two-week buckwheat diet
(breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner):

First day

  1. buckwheat porridge 200 g and chicken fillet, boiled – 100 g;
  2. buckwheat porridge soup
    any lean meat and lots of greens; tuna (or some other
    with a similar exchange);
  3. orange;
  4. kefir or ryazhenka, 200 ml.

Second day

  1. гречневая каша с молоком — 200 г;
  2. buckwheat porridge 200 g and chicken fillet, boiled – 100 g;
  3. 1 low fat yogurt;
  4. kefir.

The third day

  1. buckwheat on kefir – 150 g;
  2. salad and buckwheat porridge with vegetables – 200 g;
  3. 1 apple;
  4. kefir or ryazhenka, 200 ml.

These dishes will need to be consumed for 14
. In addition, it will also be enough not to use
sweet and comply with the regime of optimal motor activity –
so that the result in the shortest possible time is not lost.

Principles of a two-week chemical diet

Slimming at home has also been developed and
химическая diet на 2 недели, меню которой подразумевает
сочетание яиц, мяса и фруктов. Эта diet позволяет
lose weight in a month by 15-25 kg, but under the condition of the strictest
follow all prescribed principles.

Считается, что это белковая diet, а не овощная, так как с
eggs and meat enters the human body a large number

Peremer menu for 3 days (alternate the menu for 14
на обед может быть куриное филе (без гарнира) или же
low-fat cheeses combined with vegetable salad; for dinner
provides for the use of fruit salad or meat
(fits any, except pork or lamb).

Sample menu for a chemical diet:

First day

  1. half an orange and 2 hard boiled eggs;
  2. chicken fillet (without side dish) – 200g;
  3. fruit salad.

Second day

  1. half an orange and 2 hard boiled eggs;;
  2. low-fat cheeses combined with vegetable salad;
  3. 1-2 oranges.

The third day

  1. half an orange and 2 hard boiled eggs;;
  2. chicken fillet (without side dish) – 200 g;
  3. vegetable salad.

Maggi diet for 2 weeks

People with strong willpower may lose weight in 2 weeks at 10
kg according to the Maggi diet – a protein diet with a record low
carbohydrate content.

In principle, this technique has much in common with the chemical diet,
однако принципиальное отличие заключается в том, что все
products can be used only in strictly defined
. But it also gives results
it is better.

Sample menu for the diet Maggi:

First day

  1. половину апельсина и 2  яйца;
  2. vegetable salad and 150 g of fish, steamed;
  3. fruit salad.

Second day

  1. half an orange and 2 eggs;
  2. 150 г баранины отварной с овощным салатом;
  3. fruits.

The third day

  1. half an orange and 2 eggs;
  2. chicken fillet (without side dish) – 200 g;
  3. vegetable salad.

Такое меню практикуем в течение 14 дней. Minus
10 kilograms in two weeks – quite real results!

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