How to lose weight fast or diet for 3 days

  • 1 3-day diet for weight loss
    • 1.1 Types of three-day diets
    • 1.2 Menu for every day
    • 1.3 Model diet or how to lose weight mannequins?
    • 1.4 Fast diet – minus 5 kg for 3 days

People tend to postpone solving problems for a deadline.
So with losing weight: you remember the imperfection of your body
when the time for a full transition to proper nutrition
does not remain.

This could be a wedding, a trip to the sea or a meeting with a long-standing
familiar. The body requires changes in the shortest possible time, so it is worth
know how to get in shape in three days.


3 day diet for weight loss

Everyone wants quick results on the road to weight loss, no one
wants to wait a few months, or even a year, to a significant
external transformation. But it is necessary to clearly understand: fast
Weight loss is a huge stress for the body.

Ошеломительный результат достигается путем критической
unloading and fasting.
Such a diet may lead to
a double weight gain in the future if the exit rules
power systems were not respected.

Most short effective nutrition programs
подразумевают частичный или полный отказ от

The fastest to lose weight at home in 3 days
help diet starvation:

  • Dry fasting

Type of therapeutic fasting, in which a person is not used
neither food nor water. Yoga practitioners recommend conducting
it 1-2 times a year in order to unload and cleanse the body. Organism
begins to take the missing water and energy, splitting its own
adipose tissue.

  • Wet starvation

Means the use of water all three days. Thanks fluid
the organism is cleared, slags, toxins are naturally washed out,
and the metabolism, due to the regular use of water, does not decrease.
You can lose 4 kg or more.

Other diets still have a range of approved foods and menus on
day, but the return from any food system should be smooth:
Do not overload the shocked body.

It is advisable to prepare yourself for a new diet, using simple
light food the day before and gradually starting the digestive processes

Types of three-day diets

Any food system for fast weight loss in three days is
low calorie diet. There are many weight loss options available.
short time.

Effective diets for 3 days:

  • Monodiets

They are leaders in fast weight loss. Consist in nutrition
one product for the duration of the restrictions. Most
popular is kefir monodiet, which is quite easy
transferred and gives a noticeable result. Other common
options are to lose weight on chocolate, apples, buckwheat, rice,

  • Attack of the Ducane System

As a quick weight loss, you can use the first stage.
Dr. Dyukan’s famous food system: it will not only help
lose a few pounds in three days, but will also become the starting point for
proper nutrition.

  • Independent calorie restriction

For people who can’t stand the prescribed menu, too
It is possible to quickly reduce weight. You can eat everything, but in
within 1000 kcal. It is advisable to give preference to healthy food,
then hunger will not be felt at all.

Whatever diet for three days is chosen, you need to strictly follow
for your feelings. If you feel very bad, then
Perhaps, this power system does not suit you and costs
consider other options with milder conditions.

Menu for every day

To start your body after waking up, you need
утром выпивать 1-2 стакана воды натощак. Water
they also drink half an hour before each next meal and in
breaks in between. You can not drink the food itself – it interferes
normal digestion.

Помимо питания, эти три дня необходимо соблюдать особый
только так удастся не нанести вред своему здоровью
and continue to lose weight after a period of active struggle with

Так, обязательно нужно спать не меньше положенных 7-9
в сутки. Otherwise, the body is in
stress due to dietary restrictions that will make him even more
slow down the metabolic process.

In addition, constant fatigue muffles willpower — a chance not
last until the end of the diet increases several times.

Строгая диета на 3 дня — меню (завтрак, перекус,
lunch, dinner):

1st day

  • 2.5 teaspoons of bran and yogurt;
  • grapefruit or orange;
  • chicken breast marinated in kefir (baked or
  • soup of celery and any vegetables to choose from (except

2nd day

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese 0%;
  • kefir and 1 cracker;
  • yesterday’s soup;
  • salmon with salad.

3rd day

  • milk from 1 tsp cocoa;
  • Snack: a glass of mineral water without gases;
  • salmon and salad;
  • cottage cheese 0%.

Хотя объем порции не ограничен, рекомендует не съедать
за раз более 300 грамм
: это может вызвать растяжение
the walls of the stomach and an increase in appetite for three days

Model diet or how to lose weight mannequins?

Looking at the models, everyone thinks that they have a special secret in
losing weight Such a girl figure reaches for months. restrictions in
nutrition and strict regime of physical activity.

However, there really is a diet in their supply that helps
get yourself in shape before the show or an important photo session.

Calculated model diet for 3 days:

  • eat this way more than this period can not be otherwise
    metabolism is disturbed, which will lead to the need to limit
    yourself all the time. It is also not recommended to diet for diseases.

Diet models for 3 days exists in two


Maximum food restriction, emphasis on proteins and carbohydrates from
vegetables, the complete elimination of sugar and salt.

The diet menu for 3 days is as follows (breakfast,
перекус, lunch, dinner):

First day

  1.  egg,
  2. tea and 150 g of cottage cheese 0%,
  3. a glass of nonfat kefir,
  4. a glass of mineral water.

Second day

  1. oatmeal on the water;
  2. vegetable salad without dressing (tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce,
    parsley, spinach);
  3. 200 g of steamed bacon.

The third day

  1. buckwheat porridge
  2. 150 g brisket and some vegetables (tomatoes, sweet peppers,
  3. 150 grams of lettuce (arugula, celery stalk, tomatoes, cucumbers,

Diet medium intensity:

  • The second option involves limiting your food to
    800-1000 kcal, depending on the initial parameters of the girl.
  • Dial this number can not any products.
  • But you can not sweet, salty, flour and spicy (like salt,
    some spices tend to retain water).

Diet for 3 days:

1 day

  1. 150 g of cottage cheese (low-fat);
  2. Pollack 150g and tomatoes;
  3. water without gases.

2 day

  1. 1 яйцо и oatmeal on the water;
  2. vegetable salad 200 g (spinach, celery stalk, tomatoes);
  3. low calorie yogurt.

3 day

  1. 1 boiled egg and 100 g of cottage cheese – 0%
  2. 150 g brisket and 1 cucumber.
  3. vegetable salad without dressing 150 g (parsley, carrots, onions,
    beets, cabbage).

The reviews about the diet are contradictory: many simply can not curb
your appetite and hold out on a similar diet all 3 days. but
those who managed to eat by the rules of fashion models claim that weight
really gone, but save the result was much
harder than to achieve it.

Fast diet – minus 5 kg for 3 days

Weight will go away very quickly if you add to your diet
product that will further affect the cleansing
функцию тела – prunes. Thanks to him, succeed
not only lose weight, but also update your body.

The list of permitted products include: prunes, low-fat
meat, fish, eggs, cereals (except semolina), fruit (especially
citrus), fresh and ready vegetables, and sour milk
products that enhance the effect of dried fruit.

Sample diet menu for 3 days looks as follows
in the following way:

First day

  1. 2 eggs, prunes, green tea, 1 toast;
  2. kefir;
  3.  broccoli, beef stew and prunes;
  4.  mandarin;
  5.  prunes with cottage cheese.

Second day

  1. oatmeal on water and prunes 1 pc;
  2. steamed fish – 150 g and vegetables;
  3. prunes
  4. кефир с prunesом.

The third day:

  1. 2 eggs, prunes, green tea, 1 toast;
  2. kefir;
  3. овощи, грудинка 150 г и prunes;
  4. an Apple;
  5. prunes with cottage cheese.

According to reviews on this diet really lose weight in 3 days at 5 kg. BUT
переносится она очень легко: организм воспринимает prunes, как
sweetness and does not require other goodies.

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