No one will argue that strawberries are full of flavor and
It is also one of the easiest and most useful.
plants for cultivation in the garden or in containers.
Growing strawberries at home: basic
the principles
In supermarkets, berries usually have a tart grainy
texture. This is because natural sugar turns into
starch, as soon as the strawberries are pulled from the bed. if you have
such an opportunity, then try how exciting and useful
grow strawberries at home. And its rich and fragrant
taste will convince you of the correctness of this decision.
First you need to understand the life cycle of strawberries. how
and most frost-resistant perennials, it dies off in winter
period and begins to grow rapidly when the soil warms up in spring.
After the plant bore fruit, many types of strawberries
produce numerous shoots with the babies of new plants on
the ends. These mustache runners often root themselves nearby and
remain attached to the parent plant. Such species
strawberries will produce more berries if you cut most
runners, allowing each plant to produce no more than 3 subsidiaries
plants every summer. In warm, sunny weather, the berries ripen
about 30 days after the flowers are fertilized.
For a successful outcome and the answer to the question of how to grow
strawberries at home, you must follow a number of rules and
conditions such as:
Солнечное место. Strawberry loves the area
who get a lot of direct sunlight without shade. They also
appreciate the minimum wind so that it does not pick up the necessary moisture from the plant
and did not prevent pollination.
Умеренная влажность. Exercise
timely watering. Excess may cause the berries to rot, and
disadvantage – to the death of the plant.
Посадка и прополка. It is best to plant strawberries
in the spring. The soil should be well fertilized. Observe enough
distance between plants to provide them with the necessary
the amount of light and heat. Remove weeds frequently and carefully. They
take power from a healthy plant and give small, small
Соседи. It is not recommended to plant on the site
where was recently strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes.
Ideal neighbors – corn and sunflowers.
Timely take preventive measures to protect against
diseases and pests that will help avoid plant death.
how вырастить клубнику в домашних условиях: выбор сорта и
planting material
First, determine which strawberry is best for you.
suitable for their needs. There are the following
виды растений клубники, которые могут быть
divided into:
– ранние (1-15 июня) — Вима Занта, Деройял,
Kamaroz, Kent, Kimberly, Lambada, Donna, Diana;
– средние (20 июня — 10 июля) — Дукат, Корона,
Shelf, Suzy, Tago, Figaro, Monterey, San Andreas, Portola,
–поздние (15-30 июля) — Занга-Зенгана, Мизе
Schindler, Bohemia, Symphony, Wima Tarda, Florence.
Also, when choosing a strawberry variety, it is necessary to consider and
own requests:
– in taste: sweet (Kimberly, little doll),
sweet and sour (Zarya), sour (Mount Everest);
– by yield: high (Festival) or low;
– by the size of berries: small (Moscow delicacy), medium
(Lyubava) or large (Gigantella Maxim, Brighton)
– the purposes of application: to make a jam with them (Valerie), or to eat fresh
from the bed (Masha).
Types of strawberries
Original strawberry varieties include:
– Remontant (Queen Elizabeth II, Albion, Temptation)
– ampelous (Merlan)
– curly (Garland)
При выборе planting material следует помнить, что ее
must be taken from the bushes that are at least 3 years old. If you
acquire seedlings on the market or in a store, it is advisable that
she was in closed pots. Длина корней — не менее 5 см. They не
must be with signs of rot. On the bush should be
two or three healthy leaves. Try not to buy a flowering plant,
because it will get worse.
Do not be afraid to try and experiment with growing
different varieties of strawberry seedlings. This is the case when the result
Seed strawberries: cultivation technology
For growing strawberries at home there
several ways:
– укоренение усиков. Strawberry seedling is
mustache on which there is a small young bush. After
rooting the bush becomes an independent plant and it can
transplanted to another place;
Breeding strawberry mustache
– деление кустов. For some varieties of strawberries
(mainly, repairman) only this method is used. is he
is a division of the bush into two parts and their landing as two
young plants;
– посев семян.
Immediately we want to warn you that the strawberries from seeds to grow
complicated. And it is necessary to begin to do this long before
the plant will bear fruit. Exercise посев в нужное время.
It depends on the variety of strawberries you have chosen, so read
label or contact your seller. High yield varieties
best sown in the summer, no later than the first half of August.
Alpine strawberries – in July and August. But, in most cases
It is recommended to sow strawberries in winter, as this will give more time
in order for the plant to have a healthy root
Лучшими сортами являются: Лакомка, Багота,
Sakhalin, Brighton, Geneva.
You can prepare them yourself. This requires the top layer
favorite berries to cut, dry and grind, carefully
freeing seeds from strawberries.
Before sowing, the obtained seeds must be checked for
germination. To do this, they must be placed in a humid environment. AND
after they germinate start growing seedlings
strawberry seed.
To begin, prepare a container with drainage holes.
Fill it with soil that needs to be moistened. Via
fingers make indentations in the soil about 6 mm with an interval of 15
see from each other. Put 3 seeds in each well and just
press your finger. Do not press down hard with earth, otherwise seeds
will have to fight in order to grow. Cover with polyethylene
film that will help to keep the seeds in the wet
Put the container on the lit place. If you осуществляете
landing winter in the period, then place it near the radiator
heating. The soil should be wet all the time. Watering exercise
using a sprayer, otherwise the water will wash all the seeds.
After того, как семена прорастут и, что самое главное, дадут
full sprouts, peel off the film and let the seeds grow
farther. Do not forget to check the soil moisture.
You can transplant plants in cups after
there will be young leaves.
Strawberry Seedlings: Care and Planting
In order to answer the question of how to grow strawberries in
home conditions, you need to know all the rules of implementation
necessary care.
Освещение. Warm sunny place. Strawberry
requires 6-10 hours of daylight and direct sunlight. is heа может
produce a plant in partial shade if necessary, but the harvest
never be as prolific.
Почва. Add a lot of compost or manure for
a couple of months before planting to enrich the soil and remove any
weeds with roots. If the soil is heavy or clay there
bad sand present, add well decomposed
organic material. Seating area should be good
drained. If necessary, change the acidity of your soil.
in advance.
Посадка. Выкопайте яму в soil. Place
plant strawberries in the hole, holding the head above the surface.
Squeeze the soil firmly and gently around the base of the seedlings. Mulch
after planting to protect the surface and keep the strawberries in
Exercise регулярный полив. Need strawberries
plenty of water when flowers develop and again in the fall when plants
ripen. ANDзбегайте попадания воды на ягоды, чтобы они не сгнили.
ANDз-за жары и засухи ягоды могут быть небольшого размера. Get started
watering and it will help increase their size.
Подкормка. ANDспользуйте жидкое удобрение, чтобы
provide nutrition to strawberries. But minimize the use of
water soluble fertilizer with high nitrogen content. is heо будет
promote leaf growth rather than focusing on
fruiting berries.
Процесс ухода. Cut the first flowers. Removing
the first flowers that appear, you give strawberries a chance to grow
stronger root system.
Planting of seedlings should be done around May or when
весной уже можно будет работать на soil. On prepared ground
make the bore holes wide enough to
accommodate the entire root system without bending it. AND при этом, не сажайте
the plant is too deep: the roots should be covered, but the crown
should be right on the surface of the soil.
Provide sufficient space for the so-called. stretching
plants. The distance should be 35-40 cm apart and 90 cm
between rows. Roots should not be longer than 20 cm. Cut them in
if necessary.
Plant new plants every year to keep high
quality berries every season.
Be careful when weeding. Remove weeds by hand,
especially during the first months after landing.
Growing strawberries at home – conditions for
maximum yield
To achieve high yields, you must follow the rules.
care in the complex. Violation of one of the conditions may not lead to
desired result.
Strawberry bushes are recommended to replant every five years. ANDначе
they lose their yield. Ideally, it is also necessary to change the varieties.
plants. AND делать это надо не только из-за праздного любопытства.
So you pick a strawberry to your liking and reduce the threat
the appearance of pests and the spread of disease.
The soil on which you will grow strawberries at home
conditions, also plays an important role. Best fit
black earth and gray forest soils. On heavy clay or
sod-podzolic rich harvest you will not get. Acidity
should be weak (pH from 5.5 to 6.5). Also pay attention to
ground water level. If the rainy season on the selected site
Vagi legs fall into the ground, then this area is not suitable.
In the first year, tear off flowers to discourage
fruiting. ANDз-за этого растение будет тратить свои запасы
energy for the development of healthy roots. And the output will be much
more in the second year. The first and second generation yield
Strawberry в домашних условиях: почему она погибает?
One of the reasons for the death of home-grown strawberries
are pests. The most common are:
1) Земляничный клещ — весной откладывает яйца в
leaflets, sucking the juice out of them. ANDз-за этого листья
become wrinkled, and the berries are very small. Remove affected
sheets, and the plant is treated with infusion of onion peel.
2) Мучнистая роса — листья, подверженные этому
disease, twisted in a boat, turn purple with
characteristic mealy bloom. Will help with this disease
spraying plantations with a copper-soap solution (in 10 liters of water
20 grams of soap, 20 grams of copper sulfate and 10 must be dissolved
g Topaz).
3) Паутинный клещ – при сильном поражении
strawberry leaves are entangled in cobwebs, which make them turn yellow and
dry out. You can fight it by spraying the plant warm.
solution of karbofos (3 tbsp. on a bucket of water). In this case it is important
treated beds (make sure that there are no berries), cover
film for about three hours. This method will help get rid of
other pests.
4) Тля – для борьбы с тлей залейте несколько
heads of garlic 3 liters of cold water and let it brew for a week.
The resulting solution, using a spray, process
necessary areas.
5) Слизни — жуют отверстия в клубнике. In that
case can help decoction of marigolds. To do this, fill 1 l
boiling water 1 tbsp. dried flowers or 2 tbsp. fresh. Give a decoction
Infuse and spray the entire damaged surface without losing sight.
и расстояния between rows. You can also spray the soil.
a solution of water (5l) and 1 tbsp. ammonia.
Sick strawberry
Fungal diseases cause the formation of dark spots on
leaves. Removing strawberry foliage can help get rid of
pests and diseases.
Until now, the worst pests of strawberries are birds. To save
their berries can be covered with a kind of net weaving. Also
try this original way: spread out around the garden
red glass balls before the appearance of the berries. This can help
scare away the birds.
Satisfying all the vagaries of our berry queen, you get
exceptional strawberry flavor and unique aroma!