How to grow oyster mushrooms in bags: preparationpremises and substrate selection. Care for oyster mushrooms in homeconditions

Вс, 12 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Growing oyster mushrooms in bags becomes popular. Is not
surprising, because the technology is quite simple, and the yield of mushrooms

Following all the tips, anyone can get
yield of about 3 kg of mushrooms with 1 kg of mycelium.


The choice of premises for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms in bags

Для выращивания грибов нужно подобрать подходящее
. Productivity and success directly depend on this.
the whole enterprise.

This seemingly simple question needs to be approached.
thoroughly. It should be borne in mind that in their natural environment mushrooms
grow in damp and well ventilated places. Therefore for
выращивания в домашних conditions нужно подобрать помещение, которое
maximum will meet all requirements.

1. • The humidity level in the room should not be lower than 50%.
The optimum humidity is 70–90%.

2. • Lighting may be artificial or natural, but in
the first weeks of the blocks should not be in the sunlight.

3. • The room temperature should be above 20
degrees, but not more than 30C.

4. • Ventilation in the room must be good so that
throughout the entire period of cultivation of mushrooms they received fresh

You can place the mushroom blocks in the basement, greenhouse or shed, but
the approach must be individual.

Technology of growing oyster mushrooms in bags (photo)

Традиционно в домашних conditions вешенки выращивают в грибных
blocks. Each unit contains seed and substrate.
At observance of the necessary temperature and humidity, the process of growing
does not cause trouble.

How to choose seed

Mycelium or seed purchased at the enterprises, which
engaged in the cultivation of mushrooms. Industrial scale planting
the material is not used for more than 12 months, it is replaced with a new one.
Spent mycelium is sold to the public. The price is pretty
low, just what you need for a beginner. As a rule, such
planting material still fructifies well.

For starters, do not buy too much boarding
material as it deteriorates quickly. Until planting, the mycelium is stored in
a refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. With good care, 1 kg of raw materials
will give about 3 kg of oyster mushrooms.

Important! In a short time, one bag can
give three crops.

Preparing the substrate for growing oyster mushrooms in bags

Today, buying a substrate for oyster mushrooms is not a problem, but experienced
Gardeners prefer to produce it themselves. For this
need special knowledge and experience.

1. • The substrate must be environmentally friendly, without
chemical impurities, as the mushrooms all draw in.

2. • Minerals must be present in the composition.

3. • The sawdust-based substrate is not suitable for beginners, since
complicates the process of growing.

The basis for the substrate is the husk of sunflower, buckwheat,
wheat or barley straw. Raw materials must be clean and
decontaminated, does not contain moldy fungi.

Prepare the substrate as follows:

• disinfect the selected base;

• crush the base into fractions up to 5 cm;

• re-disinfect;

• squeeze.

To completely eliminate substrate infection by pathogenic
organisms, fungi and mold, it is subjected to thermal
processing. Disinfect the base for two hours, after
then the water is drained and the substrate is cooled to a temperature of 30 ° C.

Disinfection takes place as follows:

1. • Prepared and crushed raw materials are poured into metal
large dishes.

2. • Fill with water in the ratio 1: 2.

3. • Bring to a boil and cook for 2-2.5 hours.

The finished base should be soft and wet. but
overmoistened substrate is not suitable for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. With
the compression of the base from it should be allocated only a little moisture.

Formation of mushroom blocks

Growing oyster mushrooms occurs in mushroom blocks, which
resemble a kind of beds. Form blocks of substrate
which is placed in plastic bags. They are disinfected in advance.
and dried. Bag volume should not be less than 5 kg.

The basis is laid in layers, alternating it with a mycelium. Experienced
mushroom pickers recommend putting mycelium every 5 cm of substrate
толщиной 0,5 см. With этом первый и последний слой блока — субстрат.
Lay tight, but do not ram.

Next, each bag is tightly tied and cut into it.
holes for the growth of fungi. Cuts are made at a distance of 10 cm each
from a friend, better staggered. After that, the blocks are lowered into
dark basement for incubation. It lasts two weeks, for
the entire incubation period maintain the temperature in the room
within 19-23С.

Cultivation and care of oyster mushrooms in bags

Care for oyster mushrooms is quite simple and does not require special skills.
One has only to adhere to the recommendations for growing.

Temperature conditions

An important aspect when growing oyster mushrooms in bags is
temperature. It should be constant throughout
cultivation. Temperature fluctuation is allowed no more than
1-2C. More significant decrease or increase temperatures
detrimental effect on mushroom shoots.

It is interesting! Цвет шляпки у вешенки зависит от temperatures
cultivation. If the mushrooms were growing at a temperature of 20C, then the caps will be
light. Darker caps can be obtained when the temperature in
room about 30C.

Air humidity

With выращивании грибов в домашних conditions, уровень влажности
is of great importance. To maintain moisture in the room
Install an automatic irrigation system. Irrigate substrate with
mycelium at least twice a day, while using only warm

In addition, so that the mycelium is not sick, indoors daily
carry out cleaning with chlorine.


During the incubation period, the mushroom blocks should be in the dark.
After which they need additional lighting for at least 8 hours
day. Lighting fixtures are hung so that each square
square meter accounted for at least 5 watts.

Ventilation and ventilation

During the incubation period, the mushroom blocks do not need to be ventilated and
fresh air. Carbon dioxide emissions increase moisture in
indoors and creates favorable conditions for the growth of mycelium.

With должном уходе через 10 дней грибница полностью должна
cover the block. Mycelium becomes white, prevails characteristic
mushroom smell.

The incubation period lasts 20-25 days, after which the room
regularly air out.

Possible difficulties in growing oyster mushrooms in bags

Even with all the rules of cultivation, some mushroom
blocks do not bear fruit or give a very small crop. How to be?

In this case, the unit must be bored. Substrate
check for mold and mildew. If it is revealed that the mycelium
infected, the block is immediately discarded.

Oyster harvest

Harvesting is possible within 1.5 months after planting.
Cut mushrooms at the very base, trying not to damage the caps, while
This use a sharp knife.

Mushrooms are not harvested individually, but by the whole family. it
allows you to extend the shelf life of oyster mushrooms. Repeated harvest is removed
in 2-3 weeks.

Despite the fact that growing oyster mushrooms in bags is still not very
popularly, technology has nothing complicated and secret.
With a little experience, every gardener can pamper his
family of delicious mushrooms.

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