How to grow lobelia from seed: a beautiful flowerrequires time and effort. Planting and caring for lobelia, growing fromseed

Пн, 23 янв 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

To lobelia was completely covered with flowers, for a plant needed
special care Inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes that
lead to the death of the flower. How to grow and care for


Посев seed лобелии

Посев seed лобелии — это самый трудоемкий процесс во время
cultivation. The fact is that the seeds of the flower are very small, more
remind dust. Beginners in gardening will have to face
a number of difficulties. To avoid this, first choose
seeds in granules, which greatly facilitate the process of planting.

Grow lobelia and care for her is easy. The best thing
prepare seedlings than sowing seeds in open ground. Because,
flowering begins only 3-3.5 months after planting. If a
sow the seeds immediately on the garden bed, then lobelia will bloom only in
early fall.

Properly grown seedlings allow you to admire bright colors.
already in June. К посеву seed лучше приступать в начале февраля.
Prepare in advance the containers for seedlings and proceed to

1. Prepare the soil for planting lobelia, for this garden
the soil is mixed with sand and roasted in the oven to

2. At the bottom of the tanks for seedlings make a hole for the drain.
water, laid a thick layer of expanded clay.

3. Containers are filled with prepared earth, level
surface and lightly tamped.

4. Moisturize the ground from the spray with warm distilled water with
adding potassium permanganate.

5. Seeds are evenly distributed over the soil surface,
trying not to thicken. Here the seeds will help to ease the task.

6. Containers covered with glass or bag and cleaned in a warm and
well lit place.

Important! The thickening of the landings leads to death
tender lobelia sprouts. And frequent thinning injures gentle

To distribute lobelia seeds evenly over the surface
soil, each gardener has its own tricks:

• before sowing the seeds are mixed with sand, and then placed
on a clean sheet of paper. Careful movements pour out the seeds.
grooves on the ground surface;

• Seeds are spread with a toothpick. For this its end
moistened in water and dipped in a bag of seeds, after which they
easy to spread on the soil;

• поверх почвы в емкости для seed насыпают слой снега, после
which is carefully poured on the seeds. They are clearly visible on his
white surface and easy to spread.

For germination Lobelia seeds need light, so they are not
sprinkled with soil. But the containers should be in
a room where the temperature is not lower than 20 degrees. The first shoots will be
visible after two weeks. After that the glass from the containers
clean up.

Lobelia seedling care

When growing lobelia, care for it begins immediately after
emergence of seedlings.

1. When mass shoots of lobelia appear, it is necessary to reduce
room temperature up to 15-18 degrees.

2. Immediately remove the shelter is not recommended, as gentle shoots
need high humidity.

3. Every day you need to air the seedlings for at least 30 minutes and
wipe the glass.

Lobelia grows very slowly and the formation of leaves begins
only in the second month of life. Therefore, picking is carried out after
how on the plants will be two pairs of leaves, they will get stronger.

There should be a hole in the picking tanks
liquid so that the flower seedlings are not affected by the black leg.
Seedlings raspikiruyut several pieces in one container.

Throughout the time of growing lobelia well
take care. Watering is carried out in the pan, so as not to soak gentle

The first feeding of seedlings is carried out a week after
picks For this purpose, apply fertilizer for flowering room
flowers, reducing the dose in half.

15 days after the picking, proceed to the formation of a bush
lobelia For better branching and high numbers
shoots, pinch point growth. Further formation of the bush
held as needed. Lobelia Too Grown
can be cut to a third length.

Planting lobelia seedlings in the ground

Lobelia is an annual plant, so it is grown as
горшочного plants. You can plant seedlings directly on the garden, and
ampelnye species – in hanging pots.

By transplanting seedlings begin in mid-May, when it passed
threat of frost. At first, tender plants are sheltered on

If a лобелия выращивается в контейнере, то для нормального
development of the root system, it needs enough space. Diameter
the pot should not be less than 20 cm.

The soil for planting lobelia is neutral in acidity. AT
acidic flower soil slows growth. Also do not use
too oily soil, otherwise the plant will grow greens in
damage to bloom.

ATысаживать лобелию нужно по пять растений на один контейнер, что
will give more pomp to the bush. After disembarkation, seedlings container
cleaned in a place protected from wind and sun. In several days
flower Fully adaptable to new habitat conditions.

The pots are transferred to a permanent place in three to four days. For
lobelia growers choose a well-lit place where not
direct sunlight and rainwater fall. Tanks have
at a comfortable height so that care for lobelia does not deliver

Watering and feeding lobelia

Water pots with a flower every other day, but in conditions too
dry summer may need more watering. Wherein
water is used separated or rainwater.

Once a week, make sure that they do not become bare during watering.
plant roots, if you need to sprinkle fresh earth.

Often fertilize lobelia is not necessary, since it will cease to bloom.
Достаточно один раз в месяц подкормить flower комплексным

Pruning a bush

Lobelia pruning must be done after the first wave.
flowering to stimulate the laying of new flower buds. ATо
pruning time all shoots are shortened to a height of about 5 cm from the ground.
It is this haircut that allows the flower to grow new whips,
that will bush better and bloom longer. Leaving more
long scourge, re-flowering can not wait.

ATторой раз стрижку лобелии проводят выборочно, укорачивая и
cutting out only weak and damaged shoots.

To admire the beautiful flowers of lobelia until frost,
flower нужно обрезать еще раз в августе. Proceed as in time
first pruning, completely cutting off all the shoots. Thereafter flower
need to feed.

Important! To collect lobelia seeds, third time
it does not need to be cut, otherwise the seeds will not have time to ripen.

Lobelia Propagation: Seed Method and Vegetative

Lobelia is propagated by seeds, therefore for further
growing them must be collected on time.

Lobelia seeds are very small and can crumble, so you need
monitor the status of flowers. When they are completely bloomed, then
shoots gently tied together, then knock off the seeds from them
on white paper.

Lobelia seeds collected are stored in paper bags or

Many gardeners propagate lobelia by cutting. For этого
flower нужно сохранить до весны. Lobelia does not tolerate frost,
therefore, it cannot be left outside for the winter. The pot is brought into the house,
where create comfortable conditions for wintering.

AT комнате растение цветет практически до декабря. Thereafter
cut off all the shoots at ground level and send the plant to winter in
cold room. AT состоянии покоя лобелия находится до апреля.
With the onset of spring, the container with the plant is brought into the room, and
The bush is divided into several parts. Each process is planted in
separate capacity.

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