How to grow celosia from seed: sowing onseedlings, planting and caring for plants in the open field. Diseases andcelosia pests

Пн, 27 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Celosia comes from warm African countries. Flower not
tolerates negative temperatures, so in the harsh Russian
climates the plant is grown as an annual

How to sow seeds of celosia on seedlings, so that all summer
admire beautiful comb or feathery flowers?


Growing celosia from seeds

The only way to reproduce celosia in our conditions –
seminal. Before you start planting seeds, it is worth exploring all
тонкости этой culture.

1. • Cellosia seeds have a dense shell, which makes it difficult
germination. Before planting, they must be soaked in a solution of epine on
3-4 hours

2. • Sowing seeds for seedlings from March to early April.

3. • The soil for planting is loose.

Cellosia seed planting containers fill the nutrient and
loose soil mixture, which is slightly compacted and well moistened.
Seeds are evenly distributed over the soil surface. Sprinkle
soil small seeds do not need, they must germinate in the light.

After planting, the soil is sprayed with a spray bottle and covered
glass The germination of celosia is carried out in a heated room,
where the air temperature does not fall below 20 degrees.

The seedlings appear on the 8-10 day after sowing. Glass
gradually removed from containers.

You can sow seeds of celosia with separate peat
cups that will allow you to do without picking

How to care for Cellosia seedlings

Grow good seedlings without additional backlighting
will not succeed. In early March, the light day is still short, so
seedlings dosvechivayut for 5-6 hours a day.

Pick up seedlings spend two times:

• As soon as the second pair of true leaves appears. Soil for
cultivation pick the same as for planting. Distance between
seedling leave 5 cm.

• When the plants get stronger and mature. Transshipment spend together
with earth lump in separate free containers.

In addition, seedlings celosia needs feeding, which
combined with watering. Fertilize the plant better complex
mineral solutions for flowering crops.

When to plant celosia in open ground

Cellosia seedlings are planted in open ground, towards the end of May,
when the threat of night frost has passed.

For the cultivation of celosia is important to choose the right site.

1. • It is best to give preference to warm and sunny.

2.•Flower not переносит холодного ветра, поэтому место должно
be well protected from drafts.

3. • The soil on the site is preferably nutritious, loose, but
fresh organic under planting do not make.

The plant is demanding acidity of the soil. On the territory of
acidic soil for digging make lime.

How to plant celosia, photo of ready seedlings

In general, planting plants does not differ from the rest and
carried out in the usual way. But some nuances are important to consider.

1. • Celosia does not tolerate excessive soil moisture, so the soil
well drained.

2. • The root system of young plants is very fragile, therefore their
Landing is carried out with peat pots.

3. • Holes for planting low-growing varieties do at a distance
15-20 cm apart.

4. • Tall species are planted at a distance of 25-30

Seedlings grown in containers are transplanted
method of transshipment, together with a lump of earth.

Care for outdoor ground

Plant care is simple, it is enough to properly organize
watering and fertilizing.

How to water celosia

The plant tolerates drought well, but needs strong heat
watering. The flower is watered little by little and not often. In the rainy summer
Celosia can do without watering. Waterlogged soil
becomes the cause of disease. However, bring the plant to
drooping state when leaves dry and flower stalks stop
not formed.

What fertilizers are suitable for celosia

The flower favorably responds to fertilizing, but fresh organic
can not be used.

The first time fed celosia 10-15 days after disembarkation.
Next, do not forget to fertilize the plant every month. The best thing
use complex mineral fertilizers.

Important! Often feed the flower
nitrogen should not be, as it is bad for its flowering.
Celosia is rampant, builds up too much green mass, but
the appearance of peduncle delayed.

In addition, care for tselozii includes loosening the soil and
timely removal of weeds. Plant root system
needs air, so after every watering the soil will certainly

How to collect celosia seeds

It is difficult to collect small flower seeds without losses. They are easy
carried by the wind, often germinate in the wrong places. To
collect the seeds for further cultivation come as follows
in the following way:

• cut several fresh sprigs of the plant;

• put them in a vase without water to dry;

• Spread white paper so that the seeds fall out on their own.
on her

Собранные семеon хранят в бумажных пакетах до следующей весны в
cool place.

Celosia in winter

В onших широтах даже многолетние сорта растения культивируют как
однолетник, поэтому on зиму куст выкапывают и сжигают. Одonко
celosia looks beautiful in dry bouquets, decorating the room bright
paints in the middle of winter.

In the fall, the most remarkable inflorescences of celosia are cut and entered into
house, pre-clearing them from the foliage. The branches are placed in a vase and
wait until they are completely dry.

Dried inflorescences are connected in beautiful unfading bouquets. Can
compose the plant with other dried flowers.

Problems in growing celosia

Celosia is unpretentious and rarely affects pests and diseases.
But beginners in horticulture face difficulties in growing

Young seedlings are quite fragile and sensitive to moisture.
ground. Если случайно переувлажнить почву, то черonя ножка погубит
all the seedlings. Keep an eye on the level of humidity and do not allow
excessive moisture of the substrate.

If the soil is over moistened, then immediately take action. Sprinkle
the substrate is crushed with coal or ashes, they will absorb excess moisture. Give
dry and spray the plants with a solution of potassium permanganate to
avoid the appearance of “black legs”.

После высадки растения on клумбу, иногда on целозии появляется
aphid. При первых призonках появления вредителя обязательно
spray the plant with soapy water. Spray repeat through
several days. Treatments spend in the evening when slept

Common Cellosia Varieties

В onших садах прижилась целозия серебристая и ее

Целозия гребенчатая или «петушиный гребень».
Among this variety are tall and low varieties.
Цветонос похож on петушиный гребень красного или оранжевого цвета.
Flowering is long from mid-summer until autumn.

Целозия перистая или метельчатая. Are meeting
tall, undersized and dwarf varieties. Erect stems
end with panicle inflorescence. The color of flowers is red,
yellow, orange or crimson.

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