How to grow a cherry from the stone – it is difficultor simply? Rules for the selection of planting material and careseedlings

Пн, 20 июн 2016 Автор: Виктория Вельбицкая

Juicy and sweet cherries are loved not only by children, but also

In the summer season it is a favorite treat for many sweet teeth.

Черешня достаточно легко размножается seedlings, но многие
gardeners are asking the same question, whether from a small
Bone grow real fruit tree?


Cherry from the stone: how to grow and why it is needed

The process of growing cherries from the stone is quite long, but in
also easy time. If you are interested in this idea, then it is important
learn that from the bones of beautiful and juicy cherries rarely
grows a fruit tree endowed with the same flavor and
external qualities. Unfortunately, varietal quality fails
save, and as a result we get a wilderness with a sour taste and not
such a bright color.

Probably, now many in the head are scrolling the same
question: “Why then grow a sweet cherry from a stone?” The fact is
if, after all, the varietal qualities of the berries are not transmitted through
bone, and as a result will grow a wild cherry, despair is not
it is necessary, because it is a great way to cultivate stock
sweet cherries

A wild bird is much tougher than a cultural tree, therefore experts
советуют do прививку именно на ней. Quite often, many
varieties of cherries are weather and climate resistant, but if you
graft to wild, you can get delicious, sweet, winter-hardy

We grow a sweet cherry from a stone: we approach the choice of planting
material and pot seriously

After extraction of the bones from the cherry, preferably immediately
place it in wet soil. Это можно сdo, как в открытый
soil, and in the pot (choose a ceramic pot, it will
more oxygen to the germ). If you decide to land
косточку в открытый грунт, тогда это нужно проdo осенью, если
same in the pot – in the spring.

Most often the seed is planted in a jar or pot for
indoor plants filled with peat and sand. Earth is better
Of course, buy, but home black soil is also suitable. If you
you want to be sure that as a result you get
seedling, it is important to treat it with cold. Scientifically it is called
stratification when the seeds or bones of fruit trees
a certain period is kept in cold temperatures, in order
to speed up their germination. This procedure will take up to 100 days and
only after the time the bone has to be planted in the ground.

How to choose the right landing

1. First, make sure that the fruit is ripe. Can
also take fallen sweet cherries, this will not affect germination.

2. For the cultivation of cherries from the stone is better to take home
berry from the tree, not from the market. After all, market varieties are sweet
imported, so they remove a little greenish, so that when
transportation was not rot.

3. Take several berries at once, so you will be sure that
just get a few seedlings.

4. If you решили прорастить одновременно несколько сортов
cherries, then the bones need to be sorted by separate containers,
and when planting, also not to confuse and divide them into separate

Do not forget that the fruit bones are covered on top
thin shell, which is important during germination. Therefore not
let them dry out and instantly go on to the next one.

Step by step process of growing cherries from the stone

If you решили прорастить саженец черешни в горшке, тогда нужно
for the bones to create conditions that will be as close as possible
to natural. Since there is very little space in the pot, the future berry needs
will occasionally be fed organic and mineral
fertilizers (they need to alternate and pour into the pot 1 time per

In the pot, where the seedling will sprout, you must necessarily from
щебня сdo подушку, а грунт периодически вспушивать для доступа
oxygen. Autumn is desirable to put the pot in a cool place
so that the plant goes into sleep mode for the whole winter.

In the fall, you can also plant stones in open ground.
To do this, select a non-shaded and draft-free area.
It is important to know that for 5-6 months before planting the seed ground is necessary
to fertilize well.

After all the preparations, you can start planting
sweet cherries The bones need to be placed at a distance from each other
less than 40 cm. if you plant different varieties, then
take care of small nameplates.

Planting material needs to be covered with earth and marked area
pegs so as not to lose it in the spring. With the coming of autumn weak
seedlings are removed, and the rest for the whole winter are covered with straw and
dry leaves.

А теперь давайте узнаем, что do с

• for planting cherry seedlings, you need to prepare a trench for

• how to fertilize the ground;

• almost all varieties of cherries feel excellent in
sandy soil (pay attention to this and the landing site
choose first of all by this criterion);

• расстояние между seedlings must be 3 meters;

• peat and sawdust we cover a basis of a sapling.

Planting fruit trees is recommended in the fall.
The climatic conditions of this season are best suited for
прорастания sweet cherries Cherry seedlings do not require complex care.

It is necessary to periodically pluck weeds, loosen and water the earth.
Three years later, sweet cherry seedlings can already be planted.

Successful sprouting of sweet cherries

In order to successfully grow a cherry from a stone, you need
stick to the main rules. In fact, success is
a lot. The first is your care and attention to a small plant, well
and for the rest of the case will go “like clockwork”.

So, the basic rules of success:

1. Proper seed collection. Как именно это сdo было описано

2. The right choice of site. The site must be protected from
north wind. It is necessary to plant the sweet cherry on the gentle southern and
southwestern slopes. You can plant a tree on the south side.
buildings on a small hill.

3. For planting fruit trees are not suitable heavy clay.
soils and deep sandstones. The soil should be fertile, light.
or sandy loam, rich in moisture (but without standing water) and air.
If it rains in your area – this is a frequent occurrence, then you don’t need
to get involved in watering.

4. In time you need to loosen the soil. In this way we will provide
proper access of oxygen and essential nutrients to
root zone and growth zone.

5. On the root circle lay out dressing in moderate
quantity, so as not to overdo it and prevent root rot.

6. Do not plant seedlings in a place that was previously used for
harvest tomato, melon, strawberry or peach. Very sweet cherries
susceptible to a number of diseases, including verticillary

7. Grass and weeds can compete with your trees and
pick up the nutrients! Young seedlings need these
nutrients in order to ensure sufficient
amount of energy for ripening fruit.

8. The krone must be trimmed in a timely manner to prevent
disease or rotting.

9. Like any tree, there is the danger of pests and diseases.
The good news is that the cherry trees are very
respond well to organic pesticides and fungicides! They are not
need any harmful chemicals.

One of the main principles of success is taking care of young people.
seedlings. They need care, because without proper care
just don’t survive.

Remember to remove any intersecting branches, or those
which are in contact with the young tree. These branches may break
and cause infections. Remove any dead or damaged branches,
to prevent infections. It is important that the fruit garden be
free. Air will knock out mold and fungus. Deletion
Some branches will also allow sunlight to penetrate.
Sunlight also plays a key role in preventing
powdery mildew.

Growing a sweet cherry from a stone will only be successful if
compliance with all rules. Do not forget that the maintenance of germination
at low temperatures with the addition of top dressing will provide greater
the effectiveness of strong shoots, and subsequently you will get strong
fruit trees.

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