How to get rid of white bloom on berriesgooseberry Secrets of processing: how to spray gooseberries from whiteflying

Пн, 11 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Older gooseberry varieties are less resistant to various
diseases. Even an experienced summer resident, who carefully monitors
their plantings, bushes can be affected by white bloom.

Often you don’t want to clean the variety you like, but what
do with diseases and how to treat them?


Where does the white bloom on the gooseberry

In the middle of summer on the leaves, stems and fruits of gooseberry can
notice the whitish bloom and brown spots. Damaged parts
plants are twisted, deformed, and fruit growth slows down.
This suggests that the plants have been attacked by powdery

Мучнистая роса — это грибковое заболевание,
that progresses on gooseberry during spring and summer. Fungi
hit the top of the leaf, the berries crack and fall off,
develop poorly.

In cold and rainy summer, the development of the disease is accelerated.
Increased air humidity favors the spread
fungus. In dry and hot weather, the disease progresses less.

Most often, the disease is exposed to tall varieties.
gooseberries, which are often pruned. Undersized
weakened species that are not properly cared for are also
подвержены проявлению мучнистой dew.

As a preventive and improving immunity
plants need to apply phosphate-potash fertilizers, loosen the soil
under the bushes. Progressive disease, strong white
the bloom on the berries can ruin the entire crop. When detected first
signs of disease need to immediately apply control measures.

Mealy dew is transmitted from one plant to another. Controversy
the fungus multiply rapidly and can infect neighboring plantings

What to handle white bloom on gooseberry

Powdery mildew can be avoided by growing resistant to
her appearance varieties. But if gooseberry berries are still
covered with bloom, what to do in that case?

1. It is necessary to begin the fight against the wintering form of the infection.

2. To carry out preventive spraying three times a season.

3. Increase plant immunity.

Бороться с зимующей инфекцией нужно регулярно.
All damaged shoots and berries must be removed from the plant and burned.
In the autumn to carry out preventive pruning to healthy tissue. Under
bushes must be removed all fallen leaves and weeds.
The soil under plantings needs digging and constant loosening.
Such methods inhibit the development of the disease. Late autumn and
In early spring, when the buds are not yet disbanded, you need to hold
processing of bushes with copper sulphate. People are more often advised to scald
bush with boiling water.

If the gooseberry berries are covered with bloom every year,
spraying should be done regularly.

• The first spraying is carried out before flowering system

• The second time processing is done immediately after flowering, the same

• Subsequent processing must be at least three weeks before

Well proven in the fight against white bloom on the berries
gooseberry preparations: “Topaz”, “Vectra”, “Cumulus”.

Folk methods of processing white gooseberries

Planting gooseberries, which are not yet strongly affected by the disease,
can be saved without the use of chemicals. Folk
funds to fight quite effective in the initial stages

It is important to remember that the treatment with infusions should be carried out several
times, re-spray the shrub after rain.

When gooseberry berries are covered with white bloom, they make
spraying with the following solutions:

• ash extract;

• mullein;

• soap and soda infusion;

• potassium permanganate;

• kefir and sour milk;

• onion peel;

• infusion of tansy;

• field horsetail.

Cooking ash solution

Good result gives treatment of ash bush infusion.
To prepare such a solution you need from 1 kg of wood ash and 10 liters
warm water. It is necessary to insist the ash during the week before
shake treatment. Spraying is necessary four times with
two days apart.

Mullein as a remedy for powdery mildew on

Many gardeners successfully treat powdery mildew with extract mullein.
For this, 1 part of the mullein is diluted in 3 parts of water. Insist
The resulting mixture should be in a warm place for three days. Ready
настой процеживают и проводят обработку gooseberry

Soda – the first assistant from the white raid berry

Soda is widely used in garden works. Her
The ability to fight limes for a long time. For
preparation of the solution will require 50 grams of soap,
which is pre-grated, 2 tbsp. l soda and 10 liters
water. Ready раствор используют сразу и не хранят. Spraying
содой лучше проводить до и после цветения gooseberry

How to make a solution of manganese

For опрыскивания крыжовника от белого налета на ягодах можно
use manganese. The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, where
add 1.5 grams of substance. Carry out preventive treatment
need once a week and after the rain.

How to prepare a solution of sour of milk

As you know, in an acidic environment, fungi die quickly, so for
spraying gooseberry during the growing season using sour
milk or kefir. Serum is used for the same purpose. For рабочего
раствора берут 1 литр кислого of milk, смешивают с 9 литрами water.
Ready раствор хорошо взбалтывают и проводят опрыскивание три
times with an interval of three days.

How to use onion peel from white bloom on
gooseberry berries

For борьбы с мучнистой росой и поднятия иммунитета растения
use an infusion of onion peel. During the winter you can collect and
keep onion peels, and with the arrival of spring use it for
spraying plants.

Prepare an infusion of 200 grams of dry peel and 10 liters of boiling water.
Insist нужно в течение двух дней. This infusion is useful.
spray gooseberries before flowering, during fruit formation, and
после harvesting.

Decoction of tansy

Medicinal plants well help fight many
заболеваниями ягодных cultures. Infusion of tansy is prepared from 30 grams
сухого цветка и 10 литров water. Insist the mixture during the day,
then boil for about two hours and process the gooseberries.
Hot broth is cultivated around the shrubs in early spring
and in the fall. Processing should be carried out after harvesting foliage.

Infusion horsetail

From 1 kg of fresh horsetail prepare a working solution for
spraying. For этого растения измельчают и проваривают в 10
liters of water for about two hours. Ready и остывший отвар нужно
strain, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and carry out processing

Broth tansy can handle gooseberry bushes for
the entire summer season. The interval between treatments should be
not less than a week.

How to sprinkle gooseberry

Spring and autumn soil digging, loosening and other methods
less effective than spraying in the fight against white bloom on
gooseberry. Shrub need to handle properly.

Ready раствор препаратов нужно тщательно распылять самой
small nozzle. Processing is subjected to leaves, shoots and soil under
scrub. First, treat the upper part of the leaves, then
bottom. Conducting spraying, you should try to get at all
leaves and shoots from all sides of the bush. The land around should be
wetted with a solution to a moist state.

All work with drugs should be carried out in calm weather.
It is possible and necessary to process all plants that are
near the affected area.

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