How to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face.Folk and traditional means of getting rid of white subcutaneousacne

Вт, 26 июл 2016 Автор: Виктория Вельбицкая

Inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands and various internal
нарушения приводят к образованию подкожных acne.

They bring a lot of discomfort, as they mature for a long time, not
squeezed and spoil the appearance of a person.


What are the reasons for the appearance of acne on the face?

Subcutaneous facial pimples can be not only among teenagers, but also
the older generation. Most often they are localized on the cheeks and
chin but can cover the entire face. Such education
bring not only aesthetic discomfort, but also pain.

Самой частой причиной появления подкожных acne
является закупорка протоков сальных желез
(это происходит
due to increased sebum production). Excess fat start
accumulate in the ducts, which undoubtedly attracts bacteria,
which begin to actively multiply and eat this fat.
The affected area of ​​the face becomes inflamed at the site of inflammation.
a solid character appears as red

Subcutaneous pimples on the face may be white. They resemble
millet kernels, therefore in the people they also name “prosyanki”. To
узнать, как избавиться от белых acne на лице, нужно разобраться с
the reason for their education (which in the first place will make

Возможные причины подкожных acne на лице:

• predisposition hereditary nature;

• poor face skin hygiene (or none at all);

• impaired metabolism;

• incorrectly selected cosmetics or excessive

• excessive sweating;

• diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver;

• skin trauma, cuts during shaving;

• improper diet (a lot of fat, sweet, smoked);

• failure of hormonal background (in adolescents, during menopause or during
gestation time).

When there are subcutaneous acne on the face, how to get rid of them
knows only a specialist, so before you start them
squeeze (which in no case can be done), smear with creams or
tinctures, consult a doctor or a cosmetologist.

Subcutaneous facial pimples: how to get rid of and by what methods

How to get rid of белых acne на лице? White or red
education can be painful, and their maturation can take up to
4-6 months. For this reason, doctors sometimes resort to surgery.
However, surgery can be avoided.

Способы по лечению подкожных acne:

• face mesotherapy;

• use of professional masks in cosmetology;

• acid peeling;

• laser polishing;

• cleaning the skin of the face;

• subcutaneous injections of ozone (ozone therapy);

• Elos-technology (effects on education are intense
blue light);

• method of deincrustation (deep cleansing of the face from dirt and
excess fat);

• drug therapy;

• traditional medicine (scrubs, lotions, masks, lotions).

Помните, что причину, которая вызвала
появление подкожных acne, может выявить только врач (дерматолог и
endocrinologist). To delay the treatment can not, because the later you
ask for help, the longer the treatment will be.

Эффективные мази против подкожных acne

Drug therapy is one of the easiest to
application. You will only need to purchase the prescribed ointment or
drink a course of drugs that the doctor advises (everything will be
зависеть от причины появления acne).

Let’s take a closer look at popular ointments against
подкожных acne:

1. Vishnevsky ointment. It relieves inflammation, pain, softens the skin.
and disinfects. After completing the course of treatment can be noted
that inflammation has passed, there is no irritation, and damaged skin layers

2. Zinc ointment. Able to quickly dry skin, remove
inflammatory process and protect the dermis layer from external

3. Sulfur Ointment. This is one of the most effective remedies against
acne. Kills microbes, relieves inflammation. With the right
application improves cell regeneration.

4. Salicylic ointment. The ointment contains petrolatum, which softens and
salicylic acid, which promotes regeneration, removal
воспаления и предотвращает появление новых acne.

5. Levomekol. Effective remedy against white hypodermic
acne. Removes inflammation, renews the cells of the epidermis.

Ointment should appoint a specialist after the diagnosis and
выявления причины образования подкожных acne. How to get rid of
them with the help of ointment, also tell the doctor. He will schedule a course.

Помните, что выдавливать такие образования
can not in any case! In this way, the infection can be spread by
whole face.

How to get rid of подкожных acne на лице народными
by methods

Alternative medicine is used for a long time. Lots of
recipes give us our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. In fact,
many folk ways are effective. Let’s see what
can be used to get rid of red or white
подкожных acne на лице.

1. Various homemade face masks. They can be based on
pharmaceutical blue clay, shredded onions, tablets aspirin.

2. Tea tree oil. Yes, this is a pharmacy tool, but it can
feel free to use without a doctor’s prescription, because it is considered natural

3. Saline compresses for 5 minutes (held every 2 days).

4. Burning with iodine (be careful with this method, because iodine
may cause burns).

5. Lotions herbal tinctures.

6. Porous baths. The procedure is not long, but it is excellent
expands all pores and cleans them from dirt and dust.

If you have identified a cause related to gastrointestinal diseases or
liver, you need a therapeutic diet, during which you will need
refuse sweets, too fatty and salty foods. Less
use smoked foods, forget about alcohol.

Getting rid of the formations of homemade masks

Давайте разбираться, как избавиться от белых подкожных acne на
face with homemade masks.

So, the best recipes based on natural

1. Recipe number 1. For this mask you need to take a teaspoon
natural honey and the same amount of onion juice. All good
mix until smooth. It will pinch the skin a little, but
need to use a mask every other day. Hold for 30 minutes.

2. Recipe number 2. For this mask, we also need honey and onions,
but add another 20 g of butter to the mixture. We put on the water
bath and bring to a boil. Cool slightly and add flour.
(so much so that the mask resembled clay). We tear off a piece
mixture, knead and impose on the damaged area of ​​the face. Hold
20-30 minutes

3. Recipe number 3. Take blue or white clay, stir
her with milk. Add some talcum powder. Stir and apply the mask
for 15 minutes on the skin of the face. Wash off with warm water without soap.

4. Recipe number 4. Take oatmeal and stir it with water or
milk Apply to face. This mask perfectly exfoliates
keratinous skin.

Of course, if a specialist will identify the cause
hormonal, metabolic or internal diseases
bodies, masks fade into the background. Yes, they do not interfere in
treatment, but in the foreground will be either medication or
professional masks for face skin.

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