How to get rid of rats: preventive measures.Mechanical, chemical and folk remedies for rats

Ср, 20 апр 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

When such unpleasant parasites start in a house or household,
like rats, it can be a very serious problem.

After all, these animals can not only scare all their household
appearance, but also carry the most dangerous diseases.

How to protect your loved ones from these unpleasant

Let’s figure out what methods you can quickly and
qualitatively get rid of rats.


Little about rats

Rats are a symbol of danger, impurity and evil, so if in
these rodents appeared in your home – it does not foretell anything
good Infected food, tainted furniture and things,
in addition, a very high risk of contracting a serious illness,
the carrier of which is an ordinary rat – and this is only
incomplete list of “advantages” of the neighborhood with these rodents. To that
rats are very tenacious and cunning rodents, and get rid of them
very difficult. Rats have a constant need for erasing.
growing teeth, so they gnaw on everything on their way,
even steel.

Despite the emergence of new methods of dealing with these
rodents, they do not work as fast as they breed
livestock of rats. Therefore, as soon as you discovered in your home
the presence of rats, you need to immediately take all possible
measures to prevent them from feeling at ease in your home and
multiply in the apartment or house.

How to get rid of rats: mechanical methods


Perhaps the most famous and proven method of dealing with rats.
(and mice) is a cat. And this is true, these homemade
pets from birth endowed with an active nervous system and thirst
to hunt, so in order for them to catch mice you just need
just give them the opportunity. Despite the fact that they are caught in
the day is not too many rodents, the smell of a cat is very scary
rats, and they run from the apartment, in which there is such a home

The only disadvantage of cats with which periodically
His masters are confronted – this is their independent character. I.e
predict what he will do in the next moment practically
impossible and make go go catching rats momentarily
seems possible. However, all cats are different, and most
one of them does not even need to force, they independently scour the
the whole house in search of rodents or their minks. Anyway
using a cat is the easiest, most reliable and environmentally friendly
way to fight rodents.


Another quite popular method of dealing with rats is
use homemade traps. When installing such
device do not forget that the rats, despite the fact that they love
wind up in piles of garbage or food waste, yet rodents
clean, so for the movement will always choose the most
clean road, moving most often along the walls. Consequently, and
set self-made traps should be in such

We offer you a choice of 2 options for effective traps against

1. Ловушка №1. For making the first trap
stock up on a medium size flower pot. It is desirable that he
was clay or made of thickened plastic and was present
wooden support, in which one of the ends was sharpened. Props
need to place the pointed ends inside the pot, the top will be
strung bait. Then you need to turn the pot upside down,
and when a curious rodent climbs under it and sneaks a bait,
the prop will fall and the rat will be caught.

2. Ловушка №2. Take a three-liter jar and
Pour some vegetable oil into it. Bank need
put in a horizontal position, the bait will be placed
inside. As soon as the rat falls into the trap, the bank turns over.
in a vertical position, and the rodent will not be able to get out because
slippery oil.

Such traps, as well as purchased rat traps should be used on
cottages, cellars, garage or hives, having previously determined when
This is the exact route of their movement. Do not forget from time to time
менять приманку, чтобы запах оставался достаточно манящим для rats.
If the rodent is trapped, clean it and put a new one.

Ultrasonic Repeller

Another effective tool that has recently gained
more popular, are ultrasonic repellents. Principle
their action is to emit electromagnetic pulses,
outgoing from the device, which greatly affect the nervous
system of rats and other rodents, and force them to leave your

The big advantage is that these devices are absolutely
safe for people. However, there is a drawback – rats can
get away from you, but stay with your neighbors, and if you do not comply
preventive measures, they can come back in time.

To get rid of rodents forever, keep using
ultrasound even after the disappearance of rodents, and also ask
their neighbors so that they also apply measures to expel rats from

how rid of rats: folk remedies

At the first stages of the struggle and as a preventive
use one of the popular time-tested tools. TO
For example, rats do not tolerate the smell of some herbs, and that these
rodents bypassed your house side, place in each room
small amount of the following herbs:

  • forest or peppermint;

  • tansy;

  • wild rosemary;

  • daisies;

  • wormwood;

  • elderberry black;

  • ratman

In addition to the smell of herbs, there are many other folk ways
getting rid of rodents. To protect your garden and garden from
rat raids, take 100 g of naphthalene powder and mix it with
a bucket of dry peat or sawdust. This mixture is necessary
sprinkle around tree trunks in the garden before winter comes, and
with the arrival of spring, tree trunks should be carefully

Very effective, and even a little bloodthirsty is
the use of gypsum. To cook the bait, you need to take 20 g
gypsum in the form of powder and 50 g of ordinary flour. We mix
ingredients, add 20-25 drops of vegetable oil for
add flavor to our mix and lay out your favorite
тропинкам rats. The lure will quickly attract rodents, and it will become
the last thing they try in their lives.

Можно приготовить еще одну губительную смесь для rats. Take 15
g borax, 20 g of rosin, and for sweetness add 20 g of sugar
powder All components are mixed with a wooden spatula, since
the smell of human hands will scare off rodents. Decompose the deadly
bait near the rat dwelling and prepare to collect the victims.

how избавиться от крыс: химические препараты

To date, the widest assortment is sold in stores
ядов от rats. These chemicals can be divided into 3

  • кишечные. This group of drugs affects
    on the rat from the inside. Arsenic-sour is present in their composition.
    sodium, which must be diluted according to the instructions and wet them
    bait (grain, bread);

  • контактные. Affect primarily
    respiratory tract, burning rodent skin;

  • фумиганты. This group is classified as toxic.
    substances that enter the rat through the respiratory
    system and poison it.

Chemicals need to be combined with bait, for example, with
fried bread, bacon or sunflower oil.

Using chemicals, do not forget that they
poisonous not only for rodents, but also for humans, so be
extremely careful.

Preventive measures

Do not forget that from rats and other rodents is much more difficult
get rid of how to prevent them from appearing
Observe the following simple preventative measures:

1) keep the room clean, clean the garbage in time
bucket and get rid of crumbs, because the garbage and sewage is very
seduce rodents;

2) Also try to keep the chutes clean.
the entrance so that rats do not gather near your apartment;

3) do not allow holes in the floors and walls, delaminations
drywall and other holes through which rats can penetrate
ваше dwelling.

Вот и все нехитрые правила профилактики против появления rats.
Observe the order in the house and do not leave any loopholes through
which rodents could sneak into your apartment. If these
dangerous rodents still bred in your home, use one of
methods that suits you best.

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