How to get away from her husband: the problems of moral andfinancial plan. How easy and without guilt to get away from her husband:the beginning of the path to a new life

Пн, 09 ноя 2015 Автор: Ирина Нагорняк

In fairy tales about princes and princesses it is customary to end with the words
�”They lived happily ever after,” but life is not a fairy tale, and we are not
royal blood.

So, if a woman asks the question “How to get away from her husband?”
This, of course, is sad, but there is no need to cry, but something
to undertake.


Departure from husband: how to decide and where to start

ATам нужно понять важную вещь — муж может быть весьма
. Yes, the man with whom you lived a little
maybe not ten years, and maybe even more, can be quite

Expecting a scandal and an endless quarrel, you can
get insights and help in picking things up if not at all
promotion care.

Yes, yes, the decision to leave may arise not only from you, to be
maybe you just decided to implement it first. But anyway,
often a woman in such a situation feels guilty. From where
does it arise? But who knows, now you need to somehow get rid of
this gnawing gut feeling faster.

Разложите все по полочкам

If you decide to divorce, probably not what
shelves, and shukhlyadam all shoved. In case the reason
your care lies in the behavior of the husband, guilt – in general
absurd. You must understand that the situation is his fault
in more or less degree. So there is no need to be tormented by doubts
Do you do this and then walk with a stone in your soul? Better right away
Identify all priorities and stay cool to the end.

Эмоции временны

Yes, let you now feel terrible discomfort and insecurity
in itself, great guilt, but all this is temporary. Life soon
go on as usual, you only need to endure a little. The main thing is if
you took this step and left your husband, no need to ask
the question “Did I do the right thing?” Whatever you do, this
right, because it’s your decision. A life одна и если она лишь
clouded by the presence of a man, so you did the right thing
removed him from his life.

Жалость к детям — что делать?

If children are sorry, this is a completely different topic. Here it is necessary to understand that
children will never be happy if their parents live
together just for their sake. Yes, today there is enough “fighting”
stories like “I live with him for the sake of children”, etc. But this is not heroism
and no courage, this is nonsense. Even if now the child is completely
small and happy about everything he sees, then at an older age
he will get a real picture of the relationship of parents and then
the case will still sooner or later go to divorce.

Помочь мужу «адаптироваться»

For a man not adapted to independent living, care
wives are also a mass of domestic problems. Washing, cooking, cleaning –
how, how to do it all? If you have a guilty feeling, because
My husband’s banal pity, given this aspect, you can leave something
such as the instructions “How to turn on the washing machine”, “How to cook something
and then “and so on. If you succeed more or less normally
talk with your almost ex-husband, try to explain to him
all these moments.

In general, quiet parting is the best option, try
do not break when talking and do not throw accusations
by arguments. Explain your point of view and go away beautifully, not
venturing loud scandals and quarrels. This separation is uniquely
will be less painful.

The legal side of the issue: how to divide property and children

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is rich in laws regarding the process of termination
marriage. About them should know every woman who decided to leave
husband In fact, the divorce process is nothing complicated
represents, but this is if both parties agree on all
nuances. And if not?

Что подлежит делению

You need to know that division is subject only to jointly acquired
property, that is, the car that you inherited from
father and not rewritten to her husband, is only yours, this is
concerns the things you received as a gift. All that was acquired in
the time of living together, falls into the category
jointly acquired, which is quite logical.

Как делится имущество

All jewels, real estate and other items are rated.
specialists, after which there is a division of property. Often
make it very difficult, for example, how to divide the apartment? AT
Rare cases are divided by square meters, this happens when
special conflict of both parties. As a rule, everything is made easier
the spouse who got the same apartment, let’s say, pays
other monetary compensation.

А если ничего не делить

If the official section of the property is not done, then all
the property is considered common, and therefore if one of the spouses decides
sell or donate some of these things or real estate
to anyone, he must get the consent of the other spouse. If this
did not happen, the second spouse can sue and deal
Purchase and sale is invalid.

Кому достанутся дети

Statistics says more often women and children file for divorce
stay with them. The court, when rendering a verdict, considers the following

1. • characteristics from the place of work;

2. • condition of living conditions;

3. • testimony;

4. • the universal human qualities of both parents.

ATсе та же статистика гласит о том, что мужчины редко начинают
to conquer the children. Often они осознают, что довольно мало знают
child and will not be able to raise it properly, but here is the role
play features of character and temperament. ATам следует понимать,
that the child still needs to communicate with the father (if you break up
because of disagreements, and not because of drunkenness or the like), so it’s better
you immediately agree on the time when a man can visit

Quite a controversial issue arises if the child in the family is not alone.
Some judges go too far, seeking to allegedly find
�”Middle ground”, they share the children. But psychologists are one and all
They say that it is impossible to do this and children should stay together,
to support each other and to feel one,
one family. Also, parents should be aware of this in order not to
take ill-considered actions that will be necessary in the future
bitter regret.

Who should you share your decision with and when you need to include
fish mode

It is extremely difficult for women to experience a problem on their own;
always really want to share with someone. Of course there is,
a certain percentage of females who prefer everything
solve problems independently and discuss with girlfriends
Only the color of the new dress and the scent of the perfume you like.
But if you do not consider yourself to be one of those, you need to learn at least
filter the circle of people you can trust information about
forthcoming divorce.

• Mama

Someone has a close and trusting relationship with her mother, and
someone calls her up only on Sundays. ATо втором случае
most likely you will not want to share such information, but if
your mother is not one of those who will read morale for two hours,
and maybe even sensible advice, you can tell. WITH
mother-girlfriend the situation is somewhat more complicated, she just wants
tell all in the smallest details. AT такой ситуации не стоит
forget that mother always takes everything very close to her heart that
not to talk about the divorce of his beloved daughter. Yes, you can tell and even
it is necessary that later, after learning about the incident, the mother is not offended that she does not
learned about it before. But you should see the line. Do not overdo it
with the accusations of her husband, do not remember how everything was the last two
years of family life and in colors to describe their feelings. Mother and so
at a glance you will understand.

• Friend

Before telling anyone about the upcoming divorce,
Ask a simple question – why am I doing this? If mom you are
tell to hear the wise advice of an experienced person, then
What can advise the girlfriend, who herself is not yet married and experience
which is based solely on dozens of read love
novels and watched melodramas. Yes she can render you
support, and very good. There is already need to navigate by
situations if your girlfriend can keep secrets (this is the most important
point!) and be able to adequately support, you can tell, but again
yet not all and not in the smallest details. Draw a picture in
Generally, tell me what does not suit family life. If the girlfriend is not
in vain is such a title, she will not begin to try to find out about the details,
realizing that you don’t want to tell. If she still will
asking, it’s rather a banal curiosity, and not a desire at all
console and become a support. Think you need such a friend?

• Psychologist

Visit a psychologist before you start disassembling with your husband, very
correct solution. But it is correct only in the case
if you go to a real professional and not to
a twenty-three year old intern who has just graduated from college.

Here you can give free rein to your information flow, psychologists
guarantee confidentiality, and therefore for getting efficient
Council tell everything in order. Such a conversation anyway
will do you good, because besides the fact that you can just
talk, get professional advice how to talk
with a husband and survive a divorce less painful.

• Форум в WITHети

We live in a century of advanced technology, now many people
Virtual communication devote much more time than living.
It’s not so bad the option to share your problem on
forum. But here we are again returning to the starting question – and
what for? Feeling that you have spoken, it definitely does not give, sensible
with a 98% probability you will not find any tips in the world wide web, but
read similar stories-complaints from other girls in the comments
– not the best occupation at the moment. Write about your
the decision on the forum is rather some kind of automatic desire, so
as we are used to notify almost every aspect of our life
мгновенно поглощающую любую информацию WITHеть. Stop this
autopilot and realize the senselessness of the idea.

• WITHвященник

Going to church is also the right decision. Fine if
You tell everything about the father, confess. But there is one important
moment is prayer. Anyway, but the priest is
just a man, and now you need to communicate with those who can
to support and comfort paternally – with God. WITHклонить колени в
prayer is always right. So you will get answers to the gnawing
you questions and feel the real liberation. Even better if
you read the Bible, there are even special editions where
references to certain verses from the Book of Books are signed as “If you
sad or if you are single. Then in such and such cases you need
read such and such chapters, it is very convenient and interesting. ATам
undoubtedly you need to read it in order to strengthen yourself internally and

More optimism, ladies!

It’s a little weird talking about optimism when you decide to leave
husband But here it will not be too much to ask myself – why am I leaving
From him?

The answer is simple and always the same – to live happier,
easier, more interesting. Isn’t this optimism?

From the very emergence of this idea, he lives inside of you, you only need
give him a will.

Think about the future, imagine how colorful it will be.
Dream, dream, realize!

Long dreamed of dreams to go swimming, but time did not
enough? The path is open!

I wanted to travel, but my husband urged that this somehow later?
ATперед за билетами!

ATы свободны, запомните, не одиноки, а именно
are free.

This time must be enjoyed, and not tears in the pillow pour.
Decision is made? Остались лишь nuances.

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