How to equip the kitchen on Feng Shui

How to equip the kitchen on Feng Shui

In the teaching of Feng Shui, this part of the home is given great
attention, because here is preparing food that gives vitality to all
to households, here is the hearth – a direct embodiment of the element of Fire,
surprisingly unifying around him other elements. And from
how everything will be arranged here depends, in fact,
the well-being of the whole house, the balance of opposing and complementary
each other’s powerful forces.


Where to place the kitchen

 The best place for it will be the southern part.
home or east, southeast, in extreme cases – you can
move the kitchen to the center of the house (but without the capture of the very middle

The less favorable parts of the world are considered west, southwest,
northeast, northwest and finally north as the most negative
for the kitchen, since the elements are entirely owned by Water.

Unfavorable, but unfortunately frequent, is the location
kitchen in such a way that the entrance to it is viewed from the input
doors, which means that negative energy can penetrate from the outside and
outflow from the house of all blessings. In order to avoid such effects,
Experts recommend one of the following options:

  • cover the door to the kitchen with bright bead curtains;
  • hang a picture of something on the wall at the entrance to the kitchen
  • place above the door leading from the house a thing called
    The music of wind.

Arrangement of equipment and furniture

 Place for stove and oven (as well as
microwave) is determined similarly to the location of the kitchen itself,
in addition, the stove will be at its best, regardless of
sides of the world, if you put it near the wall leading to the center of the house.

And you should take into account such moments:

  • если провести прямую линию от духовки, то она
    in any case should not point to the front door of the dwelling,
    bathroom or toilet – otherwise poverty will come to the house;
  • эта техника для горячего приготовления пищи не может
    располагаться под окном
    — в него улетят благополучие и
    family calm;
  • it is unacceptable to lean the stove against the sink or
    — так вступят в пылкий и затяжной конфликт
    opposite elements – Fire and Water;
  • совершенно не место духовке в углу — это явное
    disrespect for its importance in everyday life

For the dishwasher and the sink try to take a place on
east or north.

The refrigerator in the energy plan will be safely
�”Exist” in the southeast.

The dining table is ideally placed so that it is comfortable for him.
sit on either side. But in the absence of such an opportunity
can be pushed up and to the wall, the main thing is that it does not apply also
to the bathroom, toilet – otherwise, along with the water diminishing there, there will be
disappear away and household finances, as well as their good appetite.
The table, by the way, is very desirable to choose round, oval or
rectangular. Unfavorable for table shapes of square and

The right colors and materials

First of all, it is worth noting that, in principle, there is no
unsuitable shades for the kitchen – any color at least
can be used in the decor of the room (whether furniture
or decorating the kitchen any gizmos).

However, Feng Shui teachings suggest that there are
preferred shades and materials in the design of the kitchen, in
depending on its location on the cardinal points:

  1. Юг — во власти стихии Огонь уместны яркие,
    juicy shades of red, orange and yellow, as well as green.
    The last color reconciles the flame with the Water. Preferably
    to make out such a kitchen with products from natural wood.
  2. Юго-восток или восток — здесь правит стихия
    A tree for which the colors brown, black, yellow are acceptable
    green and blue. The best materials will be wood here.
    ceramics and glass.
  3. Северо-восток, юго-запад или центр
    elements controlled by the Earth plots worth making out almost
    similar to the sub – red, yellow and orange. And among the things must
    be plenty of stone products and natural crystal.
  4. Северо-запад или запад — при главенстве стихии
    Metal, the best colors are white and metal palette –
    gold, bronze, silver, chrome. Yellow is also possible – as the element color
    Earth, from which the metal comes. Elements of decor and decor
    it is better to choose, naturally, metal, and also from stone and
  5. Север — принадлежность к стихии Вода логично
    here assumes optimal all shades of blue and blue,
    partly with a bias in the green (after all, there are marine expanses).
    Plus, you can add colors to the elements Metal. And materials, in principle,
    fit any.

Other significant details

 Curtains or blinds hang in the kitchen – business
taste, they can be monotonous and patterned, but their main color
should change according to the seasons:

  • spring – mint, azure, light blue;
  • summer – red, yellow, pink from the ashes of a withered rose to
  • autumn – white, olive, gold;
  • Winter – plum, sand.

Pictures in this part of the house are recommended to choose with animals
world, landscapes and the kingdom of flora, delicious still lifes (but without
meat products, broken dishes).

As a symbol of abundance and wealth, it is helpful to keep a vase in the kitchen
fresh fruit.

Live potted plants should be placed by the window – on
window sill or hanging over it, and you can still combine
Feng Shui and practical benefits, having a miniature spicy vegetable garden
herbs Moreover, modern systems with hydroponics will allow
reduce hassle with him to a minimum.

А вот аквариуму в кухне не место — слишком уж
He belongs to the elements of Water.

A great solution would be to decorate the kitchen with turtles and figures.

Зеркало на кухне не самый желательный элемент, но если уж without
it does not appear to him, then it must be integral, and not in the form
tiles – such a thing breaks the positive energy flows
and turns them into chaos. Also, the mirror must be properly

  • if it will reflect the dining table – it’s good
    option, but it will contribute to an excellent appetite;
  • it should not reflect the process of cooking – this
    almost always a little dirty, with lumps and litter.

IMPORTANT!  According to Feng Shui, the kitchen is always
must be tidied up. To sparkle clean should even hidden from the eyes
places. Garbage should be taken out from here every day. Is forbidden
store in the kitchen old worn out and broken things.
But it is not forbidden to keep in the kitchen, say, a stock of potatoes or pumpkins,
although it is not very clean, it is a natural state of affairs.
for supplies.

And it is very desirable not to leave dirty in the kitchen
dishes for the night, especially in the sink.

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