How to download the press to remove the stomach.Impossible is possible: how to remove the stomach, shaking the press and observingdiet

Пн, 09 май 2016 Автор: фитнесс-тренер Сергей

Despite the fact that a beautiful figure in our time is only
a small number of people dream about it absolutely everything.

There are no people who are satisfied with their fullness or vice versa
lean physique.

Someone in this issue prevents laziness, others lack of free
of time.

It would seem that in order to remove the stomach it is enough just to reduce your
diet, and fat will eventually go away.

In fact, the way it is, but you are unlikely to be happy
the result.

In place of fat, loose skin and stretch marks will appear, from which
just not get rid of. In this article we will discuss how to remove
belly, performing exercises for the press.


General recommendations on how to remove the abdomen using exercises for

This section will be small, so as not to go far from the main
article topics. Without these general recommendations, you cannot see
progress, even if you regularly carry out the program
workouts a few years. They are as important as the training itself,
therefore, their implementation is rigorous.

First of all, нужно обязательно соблюдать низкоуглеводную
. You can not get rid of fat, along with this
re-picking it up. Therefore, from the diet will need to remove all
that which will not allow you to see progress — flour, sweet,
fatty, carbonated drinks. Their use is of course permissible, but
only in small quantities. And best of all they are in days
cardio to immediately get rid of the received

Во-вторых, стоит забыть об алкоголе. Himself on
Alcohol is the enemy of our body. Any alcohol is bad
for us, and the main enemy of weight loss is beer. It alone is
fast carbohydrate drink, and on this its negative manifestations
don’t end there. Under the beer you always want to eat something
harmful and salty – which will adversely affect your diet.

Take enough time to sleep and avoid
. Cortisol – a stress hormone that causes the body
store fats in the body. In order to fight it, you need a good
get enough sleep and eliminate all stressful factors from your life.

Common Mistakes

For those who really do not know either the gym or with
sports in general, on this issue will meet significant difficulties.
To properly press the press, and clean up the stomach, you need
well know the physiological processes occurring in our
body, as well as the anatomy of the body. But much to go into details
we will not, here we will indicate only the basic mistakes of beginners.

1. Perform a huge amount of exercise. It would seem, than
the more you do the repetition exercise, the more you load
muscle, burn more calories, and you can see the press already through
a couple of days. Alas, this is absolutely the wrong approach. Let’s start off with,
что мышцы press, как и любые другие мышцы в нашем организме,
should receive moderate loads. If you make a big
the number of repetitions, then you only hurt your abs more. TO
тому же, выполнение большинства упражнений для press не стоит
be treated like a good cardiocomplex that will make you
сжечь большое количество calories. You will need to do about
10,000 twists to even the amount of calories burned with
hour of running. Therefore, if you want to know how to swing
press to remove the belly – here’s your first hint: never
need to be too fanatical to do the exercises!

2. Try to burn fat only in the abdomen. TO каким только
decisions do not come and girls and boys before the beach
of the season. Ежедневные тренировки press, обертывание, массаж stomachа и
etc. All this is intended to deliberately get rid of
fat only in the required area. TO сожалению, каждая такая попытка
originally doomed to failure. The organism in this regard is quite wise,
and he tries to maintain the “natural” look of the body. If fat
it is deposited – then evenly throughout the body, if burned – then
just all over the body. Therefore it is necessary to say about it – you do not
You can get rid of fat only on the stomach. For,
so that shaking the press sooner or later you could see instead of fat
coveted “cubes”, it is necessary to combine exercises with diet and
cardio loads.

3. Another common mistake among beginners.
is that they practice irregularly. Perform complex
Exercise is needed not once a couple of weeks, but every other day. Only in
In this case, the muscles will receive a full load and
necessary stimulus to their growth. Simultaneously with how they will grow
ваши мышцы press, ваша талия будет становиться более стройной и
taut. But initially you may not even see your muscles –
for this you will need to get rid of fat.

Some tips on how to properly press a press to remove

So, we’ve talked about errors, now we should go to the tips.
There are certain nuances that can either suspend your
progress, or vice versa speed it up. Ate you purposefully
decide to take care of yourself and your figure, then you should be ready
strictly abide by the rules.

1. Training should be carried out only on a hard and level.
surface. Neither a sofa nor a soft bed for this purpose
will fit. The maximum that you can use is thin,
rubberized mat. They are in any gym, and for
homework you can buy them in the store. Why need
do exactly that? Soft surface at run time
exercises will spring up under you, which will greatly affect
the effectiveness of the exercise. You do not want to waste
waste your time and energy? It is also not necessary to engage in naked
sex, because on it you risk hurting your back.

2. Training is best done in the morning. First of all,
in the morning your body is exhausted by an 8-hour lack of food. At that time
It tends to maximize fat burning. Therefore, it is in the morning
all cardio loadings and other trainings for weight loss are conducted.
Secondly, on an empty stomach is much easier to do the exercises.
If during any twisting or lifting of the hull in your
stomachе будет какая-либо пища, вы будете чувствовать сильный
discomfort that will affect your overall mood for training. TO
the same, getting up 15-20 minutes earlier and giving this time
training, you get a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

3. Exercises should be performed at a slow pace. Muscle should
Feel good load. Those who shakes the press in fast
mode – it’s hackers. This method allows you to perform exercises
due to inertia, not muscle work. But your goal is not
to do exercises for a tick, but to
benefited. Otherwise you would not read this article.

4. In addition to the time you allot for training, you also
should adopt another very useful trick. Him
should be kept in mind and carried out constantly – from the morning until
how you go to bed. Only by this method can you
существенно уменьшить объем stomachа на несколько сантиметров уже
a couple of weeks. What is this incredible technique?
Все довольно просто — вы должны постоянно держать stomach втянутым и
tense. That many people walk with large, bulging
stomachами не всегда проблем только лишь жира. In most cases
это происходит оттого, что брюшные мышцы press теряют свой тонус,
and stretch under the pressure of the stomach. If you constantly will
ходить напрягая stomach, то уже в скором времени вы сможете добиться
the return of tone to the muscles, and a significant decrease in volume

5. During the exercise, you will feel a burning sensation.
области stomachа. The pain of this feeling sometimes becomes unbearable,
because of what people are doing themselves a favor in the form of a reduced amount
approaches, or repetitions. Make you endure the pain and do
we cannot do it by force, but this is the way to do it. If you give
muscles rest, you lose a significant amount of efficiency
workout. Muscle should нагружаться вплоть до того момента, как вы
physically can not perform a repeat. But it is worth repeating
it’s not about hundreds and thousands of repetitions. Believe – right
completed exercise, even in the amount of 20-25 repetitions will force
you experience a huge range of sensations.

Упражнения, с помощью которых вы сможете убрать stomach и
pump up the press

There is a huge variety of different exercises for the muscles.
press. We tried to highlight for you the most effective and
useful, collected in one complex.

To begin with, I would like to say about two undisputed leaders. These
упражнения немного отличаются от стандартных приемов для press
its relative ease of implementation. With them it can easily
handle even a novice.

Упражнение №1 — вакуум. This exercise was
developed by one of America’s bodybuilders, who honored
the title of “Miss Olympia” for the relief of his physique. And his
the press played a huge role in this. This exercise allows you to achieve
тонуса поперечных брюшных мышц, и добиться плоского stomachа в самое
a short time.

Exercise is as follows. Initial position –
standing, hands on hips. After that, take a deep breath, completely
filling your lungs with air. Then, slowly and under control
выдохните, при этом максимально втягивая stomach. Stay in such
positions. After that, take a slow breath, pulling in even more.
stomach вовнутрь, чтобы было чувство, что он практически касается
spine. Then return to the starting position. One such
Repeat must be from 20 to 30 seconds. This exercise can also
perform and sitting, and lying, and on all fours, but the variation of standing
the most effective.

Упражнение №2 — планка. Also very good
упражнение для того, чтобы добиться плоского stomachа. Accept
положение лежа на stomachе. Then, stand in such a position that
your body rests on elbows and toes. The body should be
straight line, without any deflections. While doing this
exercise retract stomach и напрягайте мышцы брюшного press. Already
in a few seconds you can feel the tension of everything
of your body.

Упражнение №3 — скручивания классические.
Accept положение лежа, ноги согнуты в коленях, руки за головой. Of
этой позиции поднимите корпус вверх, как бы скручивая мышцы press.
The main thing to do is to make your body twist, not
rose like a straight line.

Упражнение №4 — велосипед. Sit on the floor, hands
put his head, legs stretched forward and hang above the floor. Then,
lift the right leg bent at the knee to the body at the same time
touching her elbow with her left hand. Then change your arm and leg.

Упражнение №5 — подъемы ног. Prone position
legs and arms are on the floor. Lift up to strictly vertical
positions first one leg, then the second. Also alternately
put them on the floor and repeat the exercise.

Упражнение №6 — вытягивание ног. Position
lying, arms lie under the belt, legs stretched up and bent in
lap. Pull the legs forward and upward, then return to the original

Упражнение №7 — боковые скручивания. Position
lying down, legs bent at the knees, hands on the floor stretched forward.
Twist the lateral muscles of the body to touch with your left hand.
left toe and vice versa.

In this article, we briefly told you how to download
пресс, чтобы убрать stomach. But reading is reading, and getting rid of fat
in practice is not so easy! Therefore, do not waste your time,
and now try to practice your new ones

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