How to deal with pests on red and blackcurrants? How and what can be processed currants duringfruiting?

Вт, 05 июл 2016 Автор: Елена Рыжкова

Bushes with red or blue-black berries are so familiar
the eye that most gardeners practically don’t pay to them
attention. But in vain, because currants, both red and black,
susceptible to diseases and pest invasion no less
other garden plants. Moreover, if you do not overclock in time
beetles, caterpillars and other harmful brethren, then over time they
can spread to other green inhabitants of the garden.


Pests of red and black currants: how to recognize

The most frequent guest on the currant – spider mite. His strings
envelop leaves, stalks and berries. Tick ​​starts its
activities in early spring, during the blooming of the kidneys. To consider
laid eggs of an insect hibernating in fallen leaves or
the top layer of soil can be on the underside of the leaves.
The vital activity of spider mites significantly reduces the yield
currants and winter hardiness of any variety, the leaves turn brown and
roll up, then dry up and fall off.

The owners, who manage to keep the garden and garden in absolute
spider mite does not take root: the first generation of this
insect breeds on weeds, especially in heat
(July August). But summer residents (especially those who are on the site
comes only on weekends) often there’s just no time for
total weed control. How to be in this case? Naturally,
fight to the bitter end!

How to handle the currants from these pests?

If the infection is small, then it is quite possible to do with folk
means without resorting to shop chemistry.

The fight against spider mites includes several

• collection and burning of fallen and infected foliage;

• regular digging and loosening the soil under the bushes;

• when buds bloom, and after flowering currant bush
sprayed with the following composition: 10 l. water diluted 20 g 50%

• a good folk method – spraying currant strong
decoction of onion or garlic peel.

Large currant plantations will have to be processed
special compositions, as folk remedies can not
handle this volume. Most often it is spraying
specialized acaricides of systemic action.

What can be processed currants from

• “Antio”;

• “Acartan”;

• “Zolon”;

• “Tedion”, and other acaricides.

Chemicals should be applied strictly according to the instructions
otherwise the plant will burn. Moreover, acaricides are better.
alternate, as insects can get used to one composition and
develop immunity to it. Severe infection requires
periodic spraying.

What you need to know about the most dangerous pests of red and black
currants – kidney mites

Novice gardeners rejoice when they see bloated spring
buds on the currants, and come to despair when they are not
bloom and just fall apart, exposing the ruined rudiments
leaves. This is the work of the kidney tick.

To notice it is unrealistic: the size of an adult individual is only 0.3 mm, and
it penetrates the kidneys at the stage of their formation. Female tick
winters in the kidneys, and lays eggs during the period of their swelling. If on
bushes discovered kidney unnatural size (activity of the mite
can inflate them to the size of a pea), deformation and change
the color of the upper leaves means it’s time to do the processing
currants from pests.

1. Horticulture is popular with gardeners.
зараженных кустов кипятком
. Oddly enough, but this method
strengthens the plant, increasing its immunity to powdery mildew. Water
cool a little, tie shoots together and water the bush.
The disadvantage of the method in the timing: kidney mite is activated
already at + 5ºС; so a hot shower is carried out with a plus
temperature, but before blooming buds.

2. Вручную удалять зараженные почки долго и
ineffective, but if the plants are few – you can use this
method. The procedure is carried out in autumn or winter, when there are no leaves and
diseased kidneys are very different from healthy ones. This method has
its drawback: if at least one habitat of kidneys is missed
ticks, then the work goes down the drain: the pest will spread throughout
bush. In order not to guess how to process currants already during
fruiting, you need to do everything in a timely manner.

3. The best chemicals for destruction
kidney mites are considered lime-sulfur solution (ISO) and
colloidal sulfur:

• colloidal gray currant is processed before flowering and
after him. The solution is prepared from 10 g of sulfur and 1 liter of water. Probably,
this year’s harvest, you will not wait, because sulfur will destroy it together
with mite, but better so than treating currants from pests
less effective drug and lose the harvest and for the future

• an ISO solution is done in the same way, and is treated in the same way.
bushes. The first spraying is done with a 2% composition, the second with a 1% concentration;
and the treatment is carried out on the bush and on the ground around it.

Drugs with sulfur are good because they produce currant
immunity to fungal diseases; they should be applied strictly
according to the instruction.

4. If the tick still remains, then the gardener will only have
drastic measures:

• Autumn pruning of the bush: all shoots are removed under the root. Is not
will harm the plant, rather the opposite – currants rejuvenate, and
will grow further. Lack – until the next fruiting can
pass a few years;

• a bush strongly affected by mites and viruses is destroyed

It must be remembered that the kidney mite can be transferred to other
plants even on garden tools, so after pruning or
transplants, it is desirable to scald them with boiling water.

Aphids: what you need to know about the treatment of currants from pests

Blackcurrant aphid is “good” because it is easy to notice.
The activity of light green insects leads to twisting and
wrinkling apical leaves; the plant ceases to bear fruit.
At one time, the aphids will not be destroyed, so the processing is

1. The easiest, affordable and painless method – washing
affected parts with strong soap solution or wood solution

2. In a bucket of water (12 l) add 3 tbsp. l urea and several
crystals of potassium permanganate, to obtain a solution of bright pink

3. Spraying a solution of boric acid with the addition of any
Soap will destroy not only aphids, but also ants.

4. During the swelling of the kidney currants sprayed “Netrofen”
for the elimination of frost-affected ovipositories.

5. During the summer, the bush is treated with insecticides (“Malathion”,
�”Vofatoks”, “Aktellik”, etc.).

It is recommended to prevent the appearance of aphids by any
suitable insecticide.

Glassware and fire: how to defeat them?

От огневки избавиться просто. Sign of her
appearances are berries on the web that are dying out and
fall off.

The butterfly itself has no influence on the development of the bush,
as the pest is its caterpillar. The larva winters in the soil at the roots,
therefore, the simplest way to destroy it is any covering material.
or mulching. After flowering, the bushes are sprayed with any

Со стеклянницей так просто расстаться
не получитс
я. Not one summer resident puzzled over the question:
what to treat currants from these pests.

This butterfly lays eggs on the bark, and the caterpillars hatch,
penetrate the shoots and gnaw them from the inside. On a surface
the butterfly can be seen only once: in early spring, during
the next egg laying. Health currant does not add: because
nutrient deficiency bush may die.
To get rid of the insect is very difficult, because the caterpillars
are inside:

• when pruned, the shoots affected by the glass are cut to the root
and burn;

• as they grow, they inspect the shrub and cut the branches to healthy

• sprayed with “Aktar” or other strong insecticide, with
adding soap.

Timely feeding, loosening and mulching make a bush
stronger; pests do not live long on such plants.

What to process currants during fruiting, if missed
spring procedure

In the period of the ovary of the berries with any chemicals to carry out processing
DO NOT. The maximum that you can do – trim the damaged
diseases or pests shoots. Processing is carried out twice: before and
after flowering.

The article lists not all currant pests.
bush, but they are not as common and do not cause such harm.
Leaf gallitsa, shieldovka, blackcurrant berry sawfly
destroyed by the collection of damaged fruits and leaves, and processing

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