How to cut cat’s claws: effective tips forowners. How easy and painless to cut the claws of a cat.

Вт, 24 апр 2018 Автор: Татьяна Качук

Cats have a natural need for turning
claws and they can perform many outdoor activities
the air that help sharpen their claws to

On the other hand, most pets are lazy,
prefer to sleep most of the day, bask in the sun. They
do not aspire to activities at all. And their claws can be very
sharp and long, hurt and scratch you even during
normal jump from your knees. How to cut the claws of a cat to
avoid trouble?


How to cut the cat’s claws: tools

You can use several different nail clippers.
tools: ordinary human nail scissors, as well as
tools with scissor or guillotine form designed
only for claws in cats and dogs. Whatever tool you are
selected, make sure it is sharp enough. Dumb edge can
crush the claw rather than cut it. This will lead to fragmentation
jagged edges and will be very painful for the pet. Also
check the manufacturer’s warranty for the blade. Some of them are not
have warranties, while others offer replacements over time or at
case where the blade loses its sharpness.

How to cut the claws of a cat: choose the right time

Try to choose a time when the cat will be calm and
easy, possibly sleepy and affectionate. Perfect time after
tasty and satisfying meal. No way to start
clipping claws if the cat is agitated, evil or playful. Nothing
good will not come of it. You, like anyone else, will be able to
pick the perfect time for this procedure. Around too should
be calm and quiet – no screaming and running children, others
animals, loud talk and crowds. Nothing should
distract or annoy your pet.

How to cut the claws of a cat: prepare

An important tool that you need to have on hand during
claw trimming – hemostatic powder and cornstarch,
and some groomers even recommend using soap in case
the occurrence of bleeding. To avoid the occurrence of infections.
Take care to have cotton, bandage and peroxide nearby.
hydrogen. Also вам может понадобиться большое полотенце или
a small sheet, so that it is more convenient to hold the pet in case
if he is nervous and angry. The room must be
be excellent lighting. You have to see what you are doing.

How to cut the claws of a cat: start pruning

– Carefully take one of the cat’s paws, push it down,
to show claws. If the cat immediately strives to leave and starts
nervous, maybe you should first practice and train
her. Be patient. Do not forcefully and rigidly hold the paw
pet Within a few days – a week, massage each of
paws, pressing on them in turn, until the cat becomes
perceive this process adequately. Encourage her for calm
yummy. Also можете попробовать обрезать когти на одной лапе
today, on the other – tomorrow and so on. It is important to avoid stress.
Also сделайте так, чтобы кошка адекватно относилась к ножницам. Behind
a week before pruning put them in a place where she often rests or
is playing. Pet should get used to this subject.

– The purpose of nail trimming is to remove the sharp edge. So when claws
appear from the pads, and your cat is calm, start trimming
sharp edge of the claw. This should be done carefully, cutting only a small
part of the claw, because after trimming you will see a pink area in
which are the blood vessels and nerves. If you hurt them –
the cat will feel a sharp pain, bleeding will appear. If you happen to
still hit this area, any bleeding can quickly
stop with powder or hydrogen peroxide, which is always
at hand. But in this case, the cat can continue to violently negative
respond to scissors and the entire process of claw trimming. So that
be careful.

– It is best to use special clippers for cats. They не
will allow to capture the extra part of the claw and help to avoid injuries.

– If your cat continues to resist, do not raise your voice
and do not punish her. Never try to trim the claws when
your cat or you are excited. Pets all feel. And do not rush
– you can make a mistake.

– It is recommended to cut the claws every two weeks. But it all depends
from the speed of their growth and the level of grinding by the pet.

– If you are not able or afraid to cut your pet’s claws,
Feel free to contact your veterinarian or specialist.

How else can you take care of your cat’s claws?

Buy kogtetochku! Cats love to sharpen claws about various
surfaces in many different positions. This simple activity
provides many physical and psychological benefits for
our pets:

– Keep their claws healthy.

– Stretch and train their muscles.

– relieve stress.

Absolutely any cat will have the liking of a scraper. Required
just choose exactly the type that your pet will like.
There are several types of scratching posts. Particularly popular
enjoy those that mimic nature. After all, in the wild, cats
scratch various surfaces: trunks, roots and branches of trees.
Pay attention to:

– High vertical claws, covered with material,
imitating a tree trunk. Rough surfaces such as dense
bark and wood can be imitated with sisal.

– Flat and angular structures made of corrugated
a cardboard that smells like wood and is great for
sharpening claws. Corrugated cardboard imitates softer bark and
the roots.

For some particularly demanding cats may need
immediately several types of kogtetochek. If you want to keep your
beautiful and expensive furniture, wooden cabinets, chairs and lovely
carpets safe and sound, make sure that
Your cat’s possession was a scraper. But do not forget to follow
behind her claws!

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