How to clean the ears of a kitten without serious consequencesI use cotton buds? The rules for cleaning the kitten’s earshome conditions

Вт, 31 окт 2017 BUTвтор: Ирина Бородина

Ears help the cat perceive sounds and hold
equilibrium. It is thanks to the “locators” cat always
land on four feet. But often in the ears of animals accumulates
sulfur that does not allow to perceive normally

What else can clog your pet’s ears and what’s wrong with that


Why clean the ears of a kitten?

Any member of the Feline family is always thorough
washes. But, unfortunately, he paws only the top
parts of the ears. Meanwhile, dust and dirt can accumulate inside
pieces of old skin, dying hairs. With a large number of them
The sebaceous glands begin to work, and they release sulfur. She is
becomes a barrier to dirt in the inner part of the ear.

When turning the ears inside out, the cat does not experience much
discomfort than facilitates the cleaning process. Therefore, you can clean
уши котенку в home conditions без особых проблем.

If the owner notices the following

• dark spots or deposits,

• dirty trickles,

• brown tubercles,

• combing,

you should find out the causes of ear problems.
Perhaps this is a disease and the kitten needs to be shown to the vet.
for example, with a large accumulation of sulfur ear plugs are formed. They
press on the eardrum, irritate the mucous membrane
ear shell that ends with hearing and coordination disorders.
Uncertain gait, nausea, vomiting may be signs of sulfur
traffic jams.

Дополнительная информация: Больше всего грязи
rocks accumulate in the ears, which have little or no wool at all (
sphinxes, peterbolds, elves). When on the inner surface of the ear
there are hairs, they help to protect the inside from dust. BUT
when they are not there, it becomes a problem.

How to prepare a kitten for cleaning the ears in the home?

Teach to clean the ears of a kitten from an early age. Than
the sooner he becomes comfortable with the procedure, the calmer will be to her
treat as it causes a bit of discomfort.

The frequency of cleaning depends primarily on the breed of the animal.
Age and temperament also plays a role. Ears kitty need
check once every 2 weeks and clean once a month. To this
procedure, it is desirable to prepare a little, because the kitten will
scratch and try to escape:

1. To trim the furry pet’s claws or wear anti-scratch.

2. It is better to keep the cat together, holding his head with a towel. Important
it does not scare the animal, otherwise nothing will be done.

3. Prepare everything you need in advance: cotton pads and cotton pads
sticks, gel for cleansing cat ears or saline. If nothing
it is not, then you can use vegetable oil or water.

К сведению: Нельзя чистить уши котенку в домашних
conditions homemade chopsticks, when the matches are wound with cotton.
They can scratch the ear or “lose” cotton wool inside the ear.
Suitable for children cotton buds, which have a limiter.

Процедура чистки ушей у котенка в home conditions

Before cleaning, play with the kitten so that he is calm, and
after it, treat something delicious. Sudden movements when
the head of the animal is badly fixed, can injure
�”Locators”. They чувствительны и обращаться с ними нужно осторожно.
To check the contents of the ear is better to use
small flashlight.

The procedure to be carried out carefully and slowly,
suggests the following actions:

• fixing the kitten’s head with a towel so that it is
immobile, wrap his ear to the utmost, making it easier to clean,

• first clean the internal contents with a cotton swab,
moistened with boiled water or saline,

• apply gel to a cotton swab and gently, in a few
methods to remove dirt or sulfur (the gel is not squeezed inside),

• it is necessary to carry out cleaning on depth about 1 cm., Changing wadded
sticks as they become contaminated.

It is difficult to pierce the eardrum because of its anatomical
provisions. In order not to push the dirt inside, all movements
directed outwards. Cleaning your ears, you help your pet not
lose hearing and reduce the risk of disease.

The sequence of actions cleaning the cat “locators” can
look at the video:

К сведению: Для чистки ушей у котенка в домашних
conditions do not use alcohol liquids, hydrogen peroxide, soap,
which cause dry skin. When irritated on the inside
surfaces form ulcers, itching and active development are possible

What diseases does cat ears suffer from?

When the cat “locators” are polluted, then quite often
otitis disease or ear tick infection. In addition to pollution,
causes of bacterial inflammation (otitis) are various infections,
injuries, allergic reactions, parasites. When otitis exacerbates,
the kitten behaves aggressively and is nervous because of pain in the ears.
A neglected disease manifests as hearing loss, meningitis and
even the death of a pet.

If when inspecting a cat’s ear, traces of dirt are visible in half with
gray – This is the first sign of an ear mite, which is most often
�”Torments” young cats. Signs of the presence of the parasite
visible to the naked eye:

• the animal combs the ear and shakes the head,

• scratching to bloody scratches,

• the presence of purulent secretions, dark spots and crusts.

Itching and irritation due to the fact that the tick feeds on particles
ear epithelium (skin). After examination, the veterinarian prescribes
treatment. Antifungal and
antibacterial. Before using them
необходимо почистить уши котенку в home conditions, чтобы
the impact of the funds was as effective as possible. Acts well
washing the ears with antiseptics, for example, chlorhexidine. During
months you can completely get rid of the ear mite and go through a second
examination by a veterinarian.

Additional Information: Before processing the auricle you need
see her condition. Perhaps she is clean with a little
количеством sulfur. Sterile purity is not at all
required Therefore, the “locators” need to be cleaned as they are

Ear cleaning is important to your pet. And if she
held regularly, there will be no problems. Kitty go
the grown-up cat calmly reacts to the procedure when it becomes
familiar. BUT здоровое состояние кошачьих хорошо прослеживается по
condition of eyes, hair and ears.

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